Science Curriculum Framework 6th Grade 2006-2007 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Mission Statement and Belief Statement 2 Acknowledgement 3 Introduction 4 Student Participation in TEKS-Based Inquiry and the BISD Science Fair 5 Scope & Sequence 6 Curriculum Frameworks First Six Weeks 7-9 Second Six Weeks 10-12 Third Six Weeks 13-14 Fourth Six Weeks 15-16 Fifth Six Weeks 17-18 Sixth Six Weeks 19-20 Appendix Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Subchapter A. Elementary Subchapter B. Middle School Subchapter C. High School Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Objectives Fifth Grade, Eighth Grade, Tenth Grade, and Eleventh Grade Science TEKS Toolkit Excerpts Materials and Safety Equipment List Checklist for Science Field Investigations Science Facility Safety Checklist Laboratory Safety Survey Assessment Methods and Web-Based Resources Recommended/Exemplar Labs National Science Education Standards Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 1 Brownsville Independent School District Mission Statement The mission of the Brownsville Independent School District, an international community respected for its rich cultural heritage is to produce responsible, well-rounded graduates Who - have the ability to pursue a post-secondary education and/or career -possess a capability for independent learning and thinking with a competitive edge in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual world By - identifying and maximizing physical, financial, and human resources and -Unifying community and school commitment to excellence in education and equal educational opportunity. Brownsville Independent School District Belief Statement Excellence is our common goal. Parental responsibility is an integral factor in student success. Belief in self is fundamental to success. Everyone deserves respect as a human being. Perseverance and hard work are essential for success. Change creates opportunities for growth. Truthfulness is important for effective communication. Public schools are an extension of the community. Sensitivity is essential for understanding the needs of others. Great achievements follow high expectations. Cooperation is necessary to get things done. Active listening is essential for effective communication. Successful students are active participants in the learning process. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 2 Acknowledgement The Brownsville Independent School District gratefully acknowledges the contributions given by the Science teachers who participated in the development of this secondary Science curriculum framework. Science teachers from the following campuses assisted in the development of the framework: Besteiro Middle School Cummings Middle School Faulk Middle School Garcia Middle School Lucio Middle School Oliveira Middle School Perkins Middle School Stell Middle School Stillman Middle School Vela Middle School Secondary Science Curriculum Specialists Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 3 Introduction Texas Legislation requires that all Texas school districts develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive educational program aimed at student mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills as defined in Chapter 112. The purpose of this Secondary Science Curriculum Framework is to match learning experiences to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and provide a sequence of objectives and lab activities that are also aligned, including the 40% lab requirement for all High School Science courses. Brownsville ISD also requires the 40% lab minimum curriculum requirement for all Middle School Science courses. In addition, this document includes sample activities and required “RECOMMENDED/EXEMPLAR” labs to be taught in each course. These labs are not intended to be the only labs taught in each course, but are provided to ensure consistency in high-quality instruction throughout the district. They should further serve to avoid overemphasis in one area while neglecting another, and thus, focus on student needs. Pre-AP accommodations are indicated throughout the document, either as additional TEKS added to the course to meet the needs of the PreAP course sequence, or emphasized TEKS that need to be taught with added depth to the Pre-AP student in order to prepare them for the AP or Dual Enrollment course. Adaptations for other special populations will be made as needed, but the basic curriculum is the same for all students. The textbook provided by the state is a resource for teaching the course, not the curriculum. Although the textbook “covers” all TEKS for the course, it does not necessarily provide instructional support for teaching the TEKS to the level of depth necessary to fulfill the TEKS intention. Therefore, it is highly recommended that teachers use a variety of additional resources from multiple sources in order to meet the TEKS requirements. Some of these resources may include, but are not limited to the required Recommended/Exemplar Labs, FOSS kits (which should be taught in their entirety as a unit), TEXTEAMS activities, Calculator Based Labs, Snapshot Activities and Vistas provided through the Charles A. Dana Center Science Toolkit. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 4 This curriculum framework is primarily a working document that prescribes what is to be taught in a given subject or area of study. It gives both structure and direction to the educational program. As a formal document, it is an official statement of the curriculum and a teacher’s guide to instruction. Student Participation in TEKS-Based Inquiry and the BISD Science Fair Research, inquiry and invention are essential skills successful students must develop as they grow academically. Students must be able to discuss and evaluate social, technological and scientific issues evident today and trends influencing the future. A challenge for educators is to exploit the natural curiosity all students possess. Allowing time, opportunity and support during school hours for student-based inquiry permits learners to expose their misconceptions and pursue the “why” questions they have. Students should plan investigations and conduct research that can help them test their ideas, interpret differing points of view and justify consequent discoveries. Students are much more likely to internalize and remember concepts learned if they are actively involved with them, rather than passively observing them take place. TEKS-based investigations enable students to effectively learn and use content-area concepts and skills. Through these types of direct investigations students are able to “maximize their ability to make sense of the world and to learn more about it.” (Science for All Americans) Therefore, it is a BISD requirement that all students participate in a research-based inquiry project at the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Participation at other grades or courses is highly recommended since successful research projects take two to four years. When students are engaged in research-based inquiry, they are involved in using a rich variety of primary and secondary source materials and the Science Process Skills as required by law in the Science TEKS. A successful classroom science investigation may be developed into a research-based inquiry project and entered in the Science Fair. Students who choose to enter the fair will be able to create investigations from among fifteen different categories. The Science Fair will be held annually in the fall, allowing teachers and students to prepare for one science competition per year following the rules of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, . All students will have the opportunity to complete an original investigation. Individual campuses, teachers and students will be able to choose which projects to enter in the Science and Engineering Fair. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 5 6th Grade Scope and Sequence 2006-2007 Six Weeks TAKS TEKS Ch. Concepts Obj.1: Nature of Science* 6.1-6.4 Intro. To Science Safety; measurements (length, mass, volume & density); proper use of scientific tools & equipment; scientific & process skills Obj.5: Earth 6.14 B; 6.5B 16 Identify relationships between groundwater & surface water in a watershed; explain & illustrate the interactions between the matter & energy in the water cycle & in the decay of biomass such as in a compost bin st 1 2nd Obj.3: Structures & Properties of Matter 6.7A,B; 6.8A,B Obj.5: Space 6.13A, B 6.5B 1-2 3rd Demonstrate new substances can be made when two or more substances are chemically combined & compare the properties of the new substances to the original substances; classify substances by their physical & chemical properties; define matter & energy; explain & illustrate the interaction between matter & energy in the water cycle & in the decay of biomass such as in a compost bin 6.6B; 6.9A 6.10B, C 6.11AC Water from Trees: Sci. Explorer pg. 403 Soil Testing: Sci. Explorer pp. 416-417 Groundwater Contamination: Trouble in Fruitvale: SEPUP Labs Ice Cream Lab: %20lab.htm S’mores Lab: See Appendix Oobleck Lab: Vernier MS Science with Calculators: Experiments 13-15 16 3, 9 Demonstrate that changes in motion can be measured & graphically represented; identify energy transformations occurring during the production of energy for human use such as electrical energy to heat energy or heat energy to electrical energy Ballon Racer Lab (Rocket Car): See Appendix Forces & Motion: on Take a Walk Lab: See Appendix Keeping Comfortable: Sci. Explorer pg. 312 4, 5 Determine that all organisms are composed of cells that carry on functions to sustain life; identify how structure compliments function at different levels of organization including organs, organ systems, organisms & populations Identify some changes in traits that can occur over several generations through natural occurrence & selective breeding; identify cells as structures containing genetic material; interpret the role off genes in inheritance DNA Chain Letter: See Appendix Cell Membranes and Permeability Lab: Sci. Explorer Lab Manual pg. 23 Skittles Lab: See Appendix Finger Printing Lab: 6th Obj.2: Living Systems & Environment FOSS Variables Kit: ???? Science Lesson Plans: Pickle Lab: Gummy Bear Lab: See Appendix 5th Obj.2: Living Systems & Environment Identify characteristics of objects in our solar system including the sun, planets, meteorites, comets, asteroids, & moons; describe types of equipment & transportation needed for space travel 4th Obj.4: Force & Motion Recommended Labs/Websites 4, 5 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 Speeding Around the Sun: Sci. Explorer pp. 560-561 Be a Rocket Scientist Lab: Sci. Explorer: pg. 568 Solar Systems Adventure Lab Solar Heating: Sci. Explorer Lab Manual pg. 45 Microscope Lab: Sci. Explorer Lab Manual pp. 17-22 Egg-speriment with a Cell: Sci. Explorer pg. 157 A Magnified View of Life: Sci. Explorer pp. 148-149 Jell-O Cell Plant Cell Investigation (Onion and Celery cells) 6 6th Grade Scope and Sequence 2006-2007 Time Frame: 1st Six Weeks (page 1 of 3) Unit Concepts: Earth Science: TAKS Objective: Notes: Obj.1: Nature of Science Researched based inquiry project required for sixth grade. Concept and Process TEKS Required Recommended Lab (Pickle Dissection Lab) and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.14 B; 6.8 B; 6.1 – 6.4 (6.14) Science concepts. The student knows the structures and functions of Earth systems. The student is expected to: (B) identify relationships between groundwater and surface water in a watershed (6.8) The student knows that complex interactions occur between matter and energy. The student is expected to: (B) explain and illustrate the interactions between matter and energy in the water cycle and in the decay of biomass such as in a compost bin; and Activity: The student will identify relationships between groundwater and surface water in a watershed such as: Create a model of a watershed and identify limitations. Use a model of a watershed in order to analyze and interpret information and construct reasonable explanations. Activity: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the interactions between matter and energy in the water cycle and in the decay of biomass: Implement and collect data on a composting system. Practice using a scientific method while using safe laboratory procedures. Make wise choices in recycling materials Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Chapter 12 Middle School Science & Engineering Fair Guidelines and Information booklet Snapshot Activities 6.5b, 6.14 b ncetoolkit/instruction/snapshots/6 .php Water Cycle Game Science Explore Safety Manual Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 7 Time Frame: 1st Six Weeks (page 2 of 3) Concept and Process TEKS (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.14 B; 6.8 B; 6.1 – 6.4 Science Processes: 6.1 – 6.4 (40% Course Requirement minimum) Ongoing / Integrated with concepts throughout unit. Required Recommended Lab: Pickle Dissection Lab and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes Recommended Lab: Pickle Dissection Lab Science Project: (optional at 6th grade) Choose a limited subject, ask a question; identify or originate/define a problem to study. Review published materials related to problem or question. Evaluate possible solutions and make hypothesis. Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) mggd.html earnweb/ice.html ooking/pickles/index.html (pickle lab) (covers all objectives) ts.html angman/index.html (covers science vocabulary) maniabearlab.pdf (gummy bear lab) ISEF Science Fair: hers/index.asp STUDENT PRODUCTS may include (but are not limited to):~ Journals/Notebooks/Reports ~ Projects ~Labs ~Presentations. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 8 Alignment and Correlations Charts Time Frame: 1st Six Weeks (page 3of 3) TEKS/TAKS Correlations* 5th Grade TAKS Prior Subsequent 6th Gr. Correlation Knowledge Knowledge TEKS TEKS TEKS 6.14 b Objective 4 6.13 a, b Objective 4 5.5 a, b 7.13 a b 6.5 a Objective 2 5.5 a, b 7.5 a 6.8 b 7.8 , b Processes: Objective 1 5.1 a, b 7.1 a, b 6.1 a, b 5.2 a, b, c, d, e 7.2 a, b, c, d, e 6.2 a, b, c, d, 5.3 a, b, c, d, e 7.3 a, b e 5.4 a, b 7.3 c, d, e 6.3 a, b, c, d, 7.4 a, b e 6.4 a, b *Refer to Appendix for complete TEKS and TAKS objectives. Eighth TAKS Correlation Objective 5 Objective 5 Objective 2 Objective2 Objective 1 Pre-AP Course Curricular Requirements** Required Pre-AP Course TEKS Additions 8.13 b, c Resources: 8th Grade Textbook Snapshot Activities: **Also see Appendix for Pre-AP/AP Alignment Chart Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 9 Time Frame: 2nd Six Weeks (page 1 of 3) Unit Concepts: Structures and Properties of Matter TAKS Objectives: Obj.3: Structures and Properties of Matter Concept and Process TEKS 6.7 A,B; 6.8 A,B Required Recommended Lab: Ice-Cream Lab and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes (6.7) Science concepts. The student knows that substances have physical and chemical properties. The student is expected to: Activity: The student will demonstrate that new substances are chemically combined and compare the properties of the new substances to the original substances: (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) (A) demonstrate that new substances can be made when two or more substances are chemically combined and compare the properties of the new substances to the original substances; and Plan and implement investigations about chemical changes while using safe laboratory practices and making wise choices in the use of resources. Analyze, interpret and communicate valid conclusions about the outcomes of chemical combinations. (B) classify substances by their physical and chemical properties. Predict outcomes of chemical combinations. Notes: Researched based inquiry project required for sixth grade. Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) Prentice Hall Science Explorer Grade 6: Chapters 1, 2 Snapshot Activities 6.7 a, b, 6.8 a, 6.6b iencetoolkit/instruction/snapsho ts/6.php Vista, “Systems: Something New! Is It Different?” iencetoolkit/downloads/vistas/6 systems.pdf Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 10 Time Frame: 2nd Six Weeks (page 2 of 3) Concept and Process TEKS Required Recommended Lab: Ice-Cream Lab and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.7 A,B; 6.8 A,B (6.8) The student knows that complex interactions occur between matter and energy. The student is expected to: Activity: The student will classify substances by their physical and chemical properties: kwalsh/Lithosphere/ice%20cre am%20lab.htm Research and communicate information on families of elements. activity/6thgrade/oobleck/over view.html Collect data by observing and measuring using scientific tools while using safe laboratory practices and making wise choices in the use of resources. Chart physical and chemical properties according to similarities. (A) define matter and energy. (B) Explain and illustrate the interactions between matter and energy in the water cycle and in the decay of biomass such as in a compost bin Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) Activity: The student will demonstrate an understanding that complex interactions occur between matter and energy: Construct reasonable explanations from direct and indirect evidence Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 11 Alignment and Correlations Charts Time Frame: 2nd Six Weeks (page 3 of 3) TEKS/TAKS Correlations* 5th Grade Prior Subsequent 6th Gr. TAKS Knowledge Knowledge TEKS Correlation TEKS TEKS 6.7 a Objective 3 5.7 b 6.7 b Objective 3 5.7 a 6.8 a Objective 3 5.7 a 6.8 b Objective 3 Proceses: Objective 1 5.1 a, b 7.1 a, b 6.1 a, b 5.2 a, b, c, d, e 7.2 a, b, c, d, e 6.2 a, b, c, d, 5.3 a, b, c, d, e 7.3 a, b e 5.4 a, b 7.3 c, d, e 6.3 a, b, c, d, 7.4 a, b e 6.4 a, b *Refer to Appendix for complete TEKS and TAKS objectives. Eighth TAKS Correlation Objective 3 Objective 3 Objective 3 Objective 1 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 12 Time Frame: 3rd Six Weeks (page 1 of 2) Unit Concepts: Space TAKS Objectives: Obj.5: Space Concept and Process TEKS Required Recommended Lab: Be a Rocket Scientist Lab and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.13 A,B; 6.5 B 6.1 – 6.4 (6.13) Science concepts. The student knows components of our solar system. The student is expected to: Activity: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the components of our solar system: (A) identify characteristics of objects in our solar system including the Sun, planets, meteorites, comets, asteroids, and moons; and (B) describe types of equipment and transportation needed for space travel. (6.5) The student knows that systems may combine with other systems to form a larger system (B) Describe how the properties of a system are different from the properties of its parts Create a model of our solar system and identify the limitations of the model. Notes: Researched based inquiry project required for sixth grade. Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) FOSS: “Planetary Science” Snapshot Activities 6.13 A,B; 6.5 A encetoolkit/instruction/snapshots /6.php Evaluate the impact of space research on society. x.html?skipIntro=1 Research astronauts and astronomers that have made important contributions to our understanding of the solar system. Describe the relationship between human body systems in space. Illustrate analogies between the human body system and the solar system sh/sts-121_front/index.html n_act/advent/solar.html n/ s/teachers/teachers_corner.html Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 13 Alignment and Correlations Charts Time Frame: 3rd Six Weeks (page 2 of 2) TEKS/TAKS Correlations* 5th 6th Gr. TEKS 6.13 a 6.13 b 6.5 b Grade TAKS Correlation Objective 4 Objective 4 Objective 2 Prior Knowledge TEKS 5.12 c 5.12 d 5.5 b Subsequent Knowledge TEKS 7.5 b Proceses: Objective 1 5.1 a, b 7.1 a, b 6.1 a, b 5.2 a, b, c, d, e 7.2 a, b, c, d, e 6.2 a, b, c, d, 5.3 a, b, c, d, e 7.3 a, b e 5.4 a, b 7.3 c, d, e 6.3 a, b, c, d, 7.4 a, b e 6.4 a, b *Refer to Appendix for complete TEKS and TAKS objectives. Eighth TAKS Correlation Objective 5 Objective 5 Objective 2 Objective 1 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 14 Time Frame: 4th Six Weeks (page 1 of 2) Unit Concepts: Force and Motion TAKS Objective: Obj.4: Force and Motion Concept and Process TEKS (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.6 B; 6.9 A; 6.1 – 6.4 (6.9) The student knows that obtaining, transforming, and distributing energy affects the environment. The student is expected to: (A) identify energy transformations occurring during the production of energy for human use such as electrical energy to heat energy or heat energy to electrical energy; (6.6) Science concepts. The student knows that there is a relationship between force and motion. The student is expected to: (B) demonstrate that changes in motion can be measured and graphically represented Required Recommended Labs: Rocket Racer Lab Keeping Comfortable and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes Activity: The student will illustrate the effects of obtaining, transforming, and distributing energy on the environment: Evaluate promotional campaigns of hybrid cars or solar powered devices. Notes: Researched based inquiry project required for sixth grade. Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) http://www.middleschoolscienc (Rocket Racer) Keeping Comfortable/Science Explorer pg. 312 http://www.middleschoolscienc onplans/programs/forcesandmot ion/ ts.html y/ /web%20site/lesson%20plans/w eb%20pages/wind%20page/win d%20energy.html Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 15 Alignment and Correlations Charts Time Frame: 4th Six Weeks (page 2 of 2) TEKS/TAKS Correlations* 5th Grade TAKS Prior Subsequent 6th Gr. Correlation Knowledge Knowledge TEKS TEKS TEKS 6.6 b Objective 3 5.12 d 7.6 b 6.9 a Objective 4 5.8 a 7.8 b Processes: Objective 1 5.1 a, b 7.1 a, b 6.1 a, b 5.2 a, b, c, d, e 7.2 a, b, c, d, e 6.2 a, b, c, d, 5.3 a, b, c, d, e 7.3 a, b e 5.4 a, b 7.3 c, d, e 6.3 a, b, c, d, 7.4 a, b e 6.4 a, b *Refer to Appendix for complete TEKS and TAKS objectives. Eighth TAKS Correlation Objective 4 Objectives 4 Objective 1 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 16 Time Frame: 5th Six Weeks (page 1 of 2) Unit Concepts: Life Science Environmental Science: Bacteria Plants Animals Ecosystems TAKS Objective: Obj.2: Living Systems & Environment Concept and Process TEKS (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.10 B,C; 6.1 – 6.4 Required Recommended Lab, Egg-speriment With a Cell Lab and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes (6.10) Science concepts. The Activity: The student will demonstrate student knows the relationship an understanding of the cell theory: between structure and function in living systems. The student Use micro-slide viewers or microscopes to view plant and is expected to: animal cells to create a chart that (B) determine that all compares and contrasts the organisms are composed organelles. of cells that carry on Analyze and interpret data collected functions to sustain life; from observing egg yolk in high salt and content to construct reasonable (C) identify how structure explanations and communicate valid complements function at conclusions. different levels of organization including organs, organ systems, organisms, and populations. Notes: Researched based inquiry project required for sixth grade. Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) ts.html http://www.biologylessons.sdsu. edu/index.html Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 17 Alignment and Correlations Charts Time Frame: 5th Six Weeks (page 2 of 2) TEKS/TAKS Correlations* 5th Grade TAKS Prior Subsequent 6th Gr. Correlation Knowledge Knowledge TEKS TEKS TEKS 6.10 b, c 7.9 a Proceses: Objective 1 5.1 a, b 7.1 a, b 6.1 a, b 5.2 a, b, c, d, e 7.2 a, b, c, d, e 6.2 a, b, c, d, 5.3 a, b, c, d, e 7.3 a, b, c, d, e e 5.4 a, b 7.4 a, b 6.3 a, b, c, d, e 6.4 a, b *Refer to Appendix for complete TEKS and TAKS objectives. Eighth TAKS Correlation Objective 2 Objective 1 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 18 Time Frame: 6th Six Weeks (page 1 of 2) Unit Concepts: Life Science: Cells Cell Processes TAKS Objective: Obj.2: Living Systems & Environment Concept and Process TEKS Required Recommended Lab, Organism Dissection and Suggested Instructional Activities Integrating Concepts & Processes Activity: The student will predict that the genetic material of organisms will change the traits of species through generations: (reinforced TEKS in parentheses) 6.11 A-C; 6.1 – 6.4 (6.11) Science concepts. The student knows that traits of species can change through generations and that the instructions for traits are contained in the genetic material of the organisms. The student is expected to: (A) identify some changes in traits that can occur over several generations through natural occurrence and selective breeding; Create a model of a cell identifying where genetic material is found. Activity: Suggested Recommended Lab: Modeling Mendel’s Pea Experiment Notes: Researched based inquiry project required for sixth grade. Suggested Resources (Use of additional & various resources from multiple sources is necessary to meet the TEKS) onplans/programs/whodidit/ ti_lesson.asp?lid=2716 http://www.nationalgeographic. org/ Adapted from an Access This activity allows students to Excellence Activities Exchange discover for themselves what Mendel Lab uncovered in his famous pea experiments. (B) identify cells as structures containing genetic material; and (C) interpret the role of genes in inheritance. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 19 Alignment and Correlations Charts Time Frame: 6th Six Weeks (page 2 of 2) TEKS/TAKS Correlations* 5th Grade TAKS Prior Subsequent 6th Gr. Correlation Knowledge Knowledge TEKS TEKS TEKS 6.11 a, b, c Objective 2 5.9 a, b, c 7.10 a, b, c Proceses: Objective 1 5.1 a, b 7.1 a, b 6.1 a, b 5.2 a, b, c, d, e 7.2 a, b, c, d, e 6.2 a, b, c, d, 5.3 a, b, c, d, e 7.3 a, b e 5.4 a, b 7.3 c, d, e 6.3 a, b, c, d, 7.4 a, b e 6.4 a, b *Refer to Appendix for complete TEKS and TAKS objectives. Eighth TAKS Correlation Objective 2 Objective 1 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 20 APPENDIX Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Fifth Grade Science (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science Subchapter A Elementary) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science Subchapter B Middle School Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science Subchapter C High School Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Objectives Fifth Grade pdf Eighth Grade Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Science TEKS Toolkit Excerpts Materials and Safety Equipment List Checklist for Science Field Investigations Science Facility Safety Checklist Laboratory Safety Survey Assessment Methods Web-Based Resources National Science Education Standards Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 21 Sixth Grade Recommended Labs Six Weeks 1st TEKS Recommended Lab 6.1-6.4 / 6.8 b Pickle Dissection Lab/ A World in a Bottle Lab Source es/index.html Science Explorer pg 272 phere/ice%20cream%20lab.htm 2nd 6.7 a,b; 6.8 a,b Ice-Cream Lab 3rd 6.13 a,b; 6.5 b Be A Rocket Scientists Lab Science Explorer pg 568 4th 6.6 b; 6.9 a Balloon Racer Lab / Keeping Comfortable nracers.htm Science Explorer pg 312 5th 6.10 b, c Egg-speriment With a Cell Lab Science Explorer pg 157 6th 6.11 a,b,c Organism Dissection Science Explorer pg 226 or 240 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 22 Gummy Bear Lab Name ____________________________ Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to a gummy bear when you put it in water over night? Part A: Choose one gummy bear from the container on your table. Use the equipment available to measure your gummy bear and record the data in the chart for Day 1. Measurements: The length of your gummy bear should be measured from the top of its head to the bottom of its feet to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Measure the width at the widest point across the back of the bear to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Measure the thickness from the front to the back at the thickest point to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Calculate the volume by multiplying the length, width, and thickness. Round to the nearest hundredth. Measure the mass using a triple-beam balance or other scale to the nearest tenth of a gram. Calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume. Round answer to the nearest hundredth. Part B: Put the bear in a cup labeled with your name and class period. Add 50 ml of water to the cup and allow it to sit overnight. On Day 2, remove the gummy bear from the cup of water and use a towel to dry it off to prevent it from dripping all over the place. Repeat the measurements from Part A and record your data in the correct portion of the chart. Determine the amount of change for each measurement and record in the chart. Experiment Data: Day Bear Color Length Width Thickness Volume Mass Density 1 2 Amount of Change Questions: 1 Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? 2 Which change is greater - volume or mass? Explain. 3 Was there a change in density? Why? 4 How do your results compare to those of your classmates? T. Trimpe 2002 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 23 Teacher Notes: This lab worksheet was created based on a gummy bear lab I found on the internet; however, the website with the original lab is no longer available. I use the lab during my Metric Mania unit when we are studying volume and mass. I did find another gummy bear lab that explores diffusion with gummy bears and describes the lab in terms of polymers. Go to to view this lab and get ideas for extension lessons. Materials - Each student will need: 1 gummy bear (may want extra for the students to eat after they have completed the lab) 1 small cup of water (4 oz.) Measuring tools - metric ruler and scale Calculator (optional) 1 worksheet NOTE: I have had good luck with Brachs brand of gummy bears, but be sure to test your gummy bears before trying the lab with your students. Some gummy bears do not absorb water well as others. If you find some that don’t work for the lab, save them for treats after the lab! Extra time? Challenge your students to create an experiment with gummy bears. My students have asked if they will “grow” larger if left for another day. Others wondered if the temperature of the water had an effect on the rate of absorption. Some students wanted to experiment with colored water and other liquids to see what would happen to the gummy bears. Buy some extra and experiment! T. Trimpe 2002 Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 24 Physical and Chemical Changes Lab / S’Mores Problem: Hypothesis: Materials: 1. Bunsen Burner 2. Skewers 3. Graham Crackers 4. Hershey Bars 5. Marshmallows 6. Goggles 7. Paper Plates / Napkins Procedure: Results: Conclusion: Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 25 Bunsen Burner Safety Procedure 1. Prepare all materials. 2. Put on goggles 3. Tie hair back, roll up sleeves. 4. Check gas valves. Close if open. 5. Connect hose securely to the main valve. 6. Close Bunsen Burner window. 7. Open Bunsen Burner gas supply valve, turn knob three times. 8. Open main gas valve. 9. Wait three seconds. 10. Light the burner. 11. Open window to focus the flame. 12. Use the Bunsen Burner. 13. Close gas supply valve on the burner, shut off the main gas valve. 14. Disconnect the hose. 15. Remove goggles. 16. Clean the lab area and return all equipment to its designated location. Propane Tank Burner Procedure 1. Prepare all materials. 2. Put on goggles 3. Tie hair back, roll up sleeves. 4. Open gas supply valve ¼ turn. 5. Light the burner. 6. Use the burner. 7. Close the gas supply valve on the burner. 8. Remove goggles. 9. Clean the lab area and return all equipment to its designated location. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 26 Balloon Powered Race Cars Objectives: to create a balloon powered race car for maximum speed and distance to incorporate Newton's Laws of Motion to learn how to use the formula Speed= Distance / Time Materials: 9 inch balloon is standard pen barrel or straw various materials to construct the racers Grading Rubric (PDF) Rules: The car must be powered by no more than 2 balloons. You can build the car out of anything. It must have at least three wheels. Wheels are defined as anything that is round and goes around. The wheels can not be wheels from a toy car. They must be made out of something that was not originally meant to be used as wheels. The car may not leave the ground. The car must be capable of traveling at least 5 meters. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You will bring in materials from home and assemble your car in class. On race day we will set up a track in our classroom. You will race in pairs against other classmates. Cars that follow all of the rules will be eligible for awards. Winning cars will be displayed in the lobby as well as on our web page! These awards will be given in three categories. Best Looking Car Fastest Car (in first 5 meters) Farthest Distance Traveled Good Luck! This activity was inspired by Mr. Bings Physical Science Class. This is his page: Helpful Links: html Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 27 Take a Walk! by E.S. Belasic Teacher Notes Objectives: to calculate the speed of our normal walk in meters/second to graph our acceleration to practice using the metric system. to do statistical data analysis. Procedure: 1. Measure out 15 meters. 2. At the 0, 5, 10, & 15 m, mark with masking tape. 3. One student will be at the 0m start mark, one at 5m, one at 10m, and finally one at 15m. 4. The student at the start line will hold their arm up in the air, the other 3 will be at their places with stopwatches waiting for the signal. 5. As soon as the student is ready, he/she will lower their arm and start walking. The other 3 will start their stopwatches at the same exact time. 6. Time will be recorded at the 5, 10, and 15m mark. 7. Rotate through until each one has had a turn. Data: Table 1: Walking Data (half page) Student Time for 5 m Time for 10 m Time for 15 m (seconds) (seconds) (seconds) speed=total distance/ time (meters/second) 1 2 3 4 Figure 1: Line Graph of Time vs. Distance for your group (whole page, 4 lines w/ key) Figure 2: Stem and Leaf of Average Speed m/s for Whole Class (half page) Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 28 Table 2: Summary Data Table of Average Speed m/s for whole class (half page) n max min range sum avg median Whole Class Analysis/Results: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Look at your graph. Was your line a straight line? Explain why or why not. What was your Average Speed ? How long would it take you to travel 20 m? How about 100m? Look at your class data for average speed. What was the average speed? How do you compare to the class average? Explain. Conclusion: 2-3 sentences on what you learned Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 29 DNA Chain Letter Contributing Teacher: Scott McQuerry Materials Needed: A chain letter for the students (Figure 1) and a team/class roster (Figure 2). This roster will contain all students, listed vertically, one row after another, with arrows pointing towards each subsequent row of names. Each individual on the roster will contain two arrows pointing towards two different students. Paper and writing implement. Objectives: 1. Identify and analyze different mutations within a strand of DNA. 2. Describe the path of inheritance for a mutation. 3. Analyze the repair mechanisms a cell undertakes to correct a mutation. Time Allowance: At least 6 weeks Description: This activity engages the students in an authentic model for DNA replication, inheritance, mutation, and repair -- cells Comments: Time allowance is at least 6 weeks to incorporate a class of 100 students. A shorter time is possible if the instructor has a smaller class or if the roster is modified in any way. The actual time for each individual student to participate within the activity is minimal, ranging from 1-5 minutes. Classroom Component Steps to Implement this Lesson: This activity must be initiated several weeks prior to the beginning of a unit on DNA. The construction of the chain letter and a team roster is all that is required. Samples for both the letter and the roster are provided. It is possible to amplify the students' curiosities throughout this activity by adding an element of mystery at its beginning. By not informing them of the purpose of the chain letter, many students will be eager to participate. Assessment: A Student completes their copies and delivers the original letter to the instructor within a 24 hour period. B Student completes their copies and delivers the original letter to the instructor within a 24-48 hour period. C Student completes their copies and delivers the original letter to the instructor within a 48-72 hour period. D Student completes their copies and delivers the original letter to the instructor after a 72 hour period. F Student does not complete this activity, delivering no copies at all. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 30 Activities and Procedures: In the first few days of school, I begin a chain letter with the students on my team. The letter's message instructs the reader to make two handwritten copies and to pass them along to two different individuals listed on a team roster that I provide. Each of the two new letters is to be signed by the new author before their delivery. The original letter is then passed back to the instructor. This final step is crucial, as it provides evidence for the progression of the message and participation of the students throughout the roster. The instructions within the letter's message, informs the students that they are to replicate the copy they receive, character by character. Even if a word is misspelled within the text, the student is to copy the error within their reproductions. This procedure allows for the chain letter to be used as a model for DNA replication and the inheritance of mutations. When a student misspells a word, the subsequent students will perpetuate the error by copying it into their reproductions. Since each individual delivers two copies of the letter to different students, the error will spread exponentially throughout the rows of students. The error within the message of the text is analogous to a mutation within the DNA code. After each student participates with this activity, and the documents are spread out for them to observe, the students can map the path of errors that have been created and the mutation's inheritance throughout successive "generations" of letters. Three different types of DNA mutations can be observed in this activity. Some mistakes are simple misspelled words (substitution mutations), or involve the addition of previously unwritten words (insertion mutations), or perhaps entail the removal of a word (deletion mutations.) Although the students may initially desire to "see who made the most mistakes," it remains an authentic tool for students to become engaged with an analogous model for DNA inheritance. At times, students overlook the instructions and correct the errors in the text. This, too, can be used as an educational model. This time, it models the actions of DNA repair. Just as mutations are being created, the cell's repair enzymes are constantly working to fix any mutations that are discovered. Inadvertently, the students who have made these corrections have become a part of the chain letter model. This activity has elicited the same amount of interest among the student body for the past two years of its use. Accommodations: Size - Reduce the number of copies each individual is responsible for. Time - Increase the amount of time for students to copy and deliver their letter. Level of Support - Assign peer buddies to help students in their work. Input - Demonstrate the purpose behind the activity. Difficulty - Have students be the first in the roster to copy the letter; thus avoiding the spelling/grammatical errors that will exist after distribution through the roster. Output - Have another individual write for the student, while he/she dictates the letter. Participation - Students can send copy blindly to future students by having the instructor deliver the copies to other students. Alternate Goals - Accept letters without the ATGC's. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 31 Substitute Curriculum - Instead of distributing the letters, some students may be learning alternate skills in the computer lab. Figure 1: Sample format for chain letter (Insert Date) Dear ________, If you are reading this letter, you have been successfully incorporated into our DNA project. Remember, it is very important to copy down everything on this letter exactly as you see it. You will handwrite two identical copies of this letter and send it to your designated contact individuals located on the student roster in class. Make certain to sign your name to each of these copies before you send them. If you do not have any such individuals, you are to handwrite two copies of this letter and deliver it, in person, to your teacher. Make certain this letter gets delivered to your teacher. ATCGGCTAAAGGCTTCAAGCGGGGGCTATATATAGCGCCCCGCGCTATCTAT CGATCAGATAGCTACGCTACGAGCTACGACTAGCATCGACGATACTAGCTAC TTCAAGCGGGGGCTATATATAGCGTTCAAGCGGGGGCTATATATAGCGCTAC Sincerely, Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 32 DNA Inheritance Lab Activity: From One Generation to Another OBJECTIVES: Simulate the transmission of genetic information from grandparents to parents to children. Collect and interpret data on the diversity of patterns possible from such transmission. Relate the physical attributes of humans to the genetic information received from previous generations. MATERIALS: 24 Skittles ® (6 red, 6 green, 6 yellow, 6 orange) 6 Styrofoam cups 1 felt-tip marker (black) 4 crayons (in colors to match Skittles® DIRECTIONS: 1. Label the 6 Styrofoam cups with the black felt-tip marker as follows: Grandfather 1, Grandmother 1, Grandfather 2, Grandmother 2, Mother, and Father. Place the cups on the table in an arrangement like that shown on page 3. 2. Place 6 red Skittles® in the Grandfather 1 cup and 6 green Skittles® in the Grandmother 1 cup. Place 6 yellow Skittles® in the Grandfather 2 cup and 6 orange Skittles® in the Grandmother 2 cup. (The Skittles® stand for the genes of each of the grandparents, those “somethings” which determine the characteristics that the grandparents will pass on to their children). 3. Without looking, select three Skittles® (genes) from the Grandfather 1 cup and three from the Grandmother 1 cup. These genes represent the daughter of the first grandparents, the daughter who will grow up to become a mother herself. Place them in the cup marked Mother. The mother now has six genes, just as did each of her parents. 4. Without looking, select three Skittles® (genes) from the Grandfather 2 cup and three from the Grandmother 2 cup. Place them in the cup marked Father. The father now has six genes, just as did each of his parents. Color the diagram to show the genes for the Mother and the Father. 5. Assume that the Mother and Father have four children (Sarah, Brian, Cathy, and Hugh) as shown in the diagram. To find Sarah’s genes, draw (without looking) three genes each from the Mother and Father cups. Color the blanks in the space for Sarah to match the colors for the genes you chose. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 33 6. Return all genes to the cups. (Return red and green genes to the cup labeled Mother and yellow and orange genes to the cup labeled Father). Now select Brian’s genes. Close your eyes when you select the genes. Color the diagram to show the genes for Brian. 7. Repeat step #6 for each of the remaining tow children, Cathy and Hugh. Color in the blanks for these two children on the diagram. 8. Summarize your data in the following table. In each box, write the number of genes each child received from each grandparent. (The total should always be six). Sarah Brian Cathy Hugh Grandfather 1 (red) Grandmother 1 (green) Grandfather 2 (yellow) Grandmother 2 (orange) Total 6 6 6 6 QUESTIONS: 1. Were any of the four children exactly alike? If your answer was yes, what do you think would have happened if you had been working with many hundreds of genes, instead of only six? 2. Why was it necessary to take three genes from the Mother cup and three from the Father cup to make the total of six genes in each child? 3. Why was it necessary to return the genes to the cups of the Mother and the Father each time? 4. Suppose the Skittles® actually were genes that controlled some very obvious characteristic. Which of the children you created would look mot alike? Why? Which of the children you created would most resemble a parent or grandparent? Why? GOING FURTHER: Repeat the process described in steps 5, 6, and 7 of the directions 20 times. Record the colors of the Skittles® selected each time on a tally list. Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 34 DNA Inheritance Lab Grandfather 1 Grandmother 1 Grandfather 2 Grandmother 2 Father Mother Sarah Brian Cathy Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 Hugh 35 National Science Education Content Standards For Grades 5-8 Content Standard A: Science As Inquiry Abilities to do scientific inquiry Understandings about scientific inquiry B: Physical Science Properties and changes of properties in matter Motions and forces Transfer of energy C: Life Science Structure and function in living systems Reproduction and heredity Regulation and Behavior Populations and ecosystems Diversity and adaptations of organisms D: Earth and Space Science Structure of the earth system Earth’s history Earth in the solar system E: Science and Technology Abilities of technological design Understandings about science and technology F: Science in Personal Personal health Populations, resources, and and Social Perspectives environments Natural hazards Risks and benefits Science and technology in society G: History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor Nature of science History of science Science Curriculum Framework 2006-2007 36