Name: Hour: Date: The Media Learning Guide Define: Mass

Name: ______________
Hour: ______________
Date: ______________
The Media
Learning Guide
1. Mass Communication
2. Mass Media
3. Print Media
4. Broadcast Media
5. Attentive Policy Elites
6. Two-Step Flow of Communication
7. Blog
8. Private Ownership of Media
9. Newsworthiness
10. Censor
11. Market-Driven Journalism
12. Infotainment
13. State Sponsored Media
14. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
15. Telecommunications Act of 1996
16. Media Conglomerates
17. Independent Media
18. Fairness Doctrine
19. Equal Opportunities Rule
20. Reasonable Access Rule
21. Reporting the News
22. Interpreting the News
23. Influencing Citizens
24. Setting the Agenda
25. Socializing
26. Gatekeepers
27. Horse Race Journalism
28. Media Event
29. Television Hypothesis
30. Political Agenda
31. Going Public
32. Watchdog Journalism
33. Off the Record
34. On Background
35. What role does the media play in our disseminating government information and
how is this relationship impacted by the decline of print media?
36. How have news magazines and the news radio changed the message and purpose
the media?
37. How as the Internet challenged traditional forms of media, and how does this distort
the profession of journalism and the principle of gatekeeping?
38. What is the primary purpose of private ownership of media and how can this impact
the type of new stories presented in the media?
39. What role does the FCC play in the news and how does it ensure the broadcast
media does not greatly influence a presidential election?
40. How did the Telecommunications Act of 1996 impact media ownership in the US
and how could this make it difficult for independent media to exist?
41. How does the media purposes of Presenting the News and Setting the Political
Agenda conflict with each other?
42. How does the Television Hypothesis explain the political ignorance in the modern
age, and how will this further impact socializing the citizenry as we embrace the internet
is a media outlet?
43. Is there a liberal bias in the news media today, and why would you say so?