Diff Chem Quiz

Diff Chem Quiz
1. List and briefly describe the three fundamental concepts that forms the basis of
the modern atomic theory.
2. List and describe the three rules of how electrons fill an atom from quantum
mechanics (the modern view of the atom.)
3. What is the difference between orbits and orbitals?
4. Draw the general shape of an 's' and 'p' and a 'd' orbital.
5. Write the complete electron configuration for
a) Be
d) Ga
b) Cl
e) Br
c) Ti
6. A)Write the complete electron configuration for arsenic.
B)Using a noble gas core, write the electron configuration for arsenic.
C) Write the valence electrons for arsenic.
7. Diagram the orbital diagram for the following elements:
A) carbon
B) boron
C) nitrogen
8. Which of the following represents a stable electron configuration?
A) 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
C) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d5
B) 1s22s22p63s23p6
D) 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
9. Identify the element by the last subshell notation.
A) 3p3 B) 4d1 C) 5p3 D) 4p5 E) 7s1
Atoms are neutrally charged having the same number of protons as electrons.
Ions are charged. A fluroide ion F1- with its -1 charge has one more electron than
it has protons.
10. How would you explain the charge of a Na1+ ion having a +1 charge.
11) Write the complete subshell notation for each of the following:
A) F1B) Ne
C) Na1+
12. Using noble gas cores write the electron configuration for the following:
A) Li _________B) Be __________ C) B_________ D) C___________
E) N__________F) O__________ G) F__________H) Ne__________
13. Write the valence electron configuration for the following:
A) F_________B) Cl__________C) Br___________D) I ______________
14. Write electron configurations for elements from their atomic numbers.
A) 15
B) 51
C) 9
D) 17
15. How many paired electrons are there in an atom of
A) nitrogen
B) sodium
C) boron