US Constitution Study Guide

Name: __________________
Date: ________
Period: ______
U.S. Constitution Study Guide
Directions: Use your textbook, (pages 228-250), The Constitution of the United States, to answer
the following questions. All questions should be answered and should be used as a study guide
for the Constitution unit test.
Preamble (pg.228)
What’s the purpose of the Constitution is as stated in the Preamble?
Article One – Legislative Branch
Section 1. A Two-House Legislature (pg. 228)
1. Where are legislative powers granted?
Section 2. House of Representatives (pg. 229)
2. How often are members of the House of Representatives elected?
3. How many members are there in the House of Representatives?
4. How is the number of members each state has in the House of Representatives determined?
5. What are the qualifications for a member of the House of Representatives?
Section 3. Senate (pg. 229-230)
6. What are the qualifications for a member of the Senate?
7. What is the term for a U.S. Senator?
8. How many senators are there from each state?
9. Who is the president of the Senate?
Section 7. Law-Making Process (pg. 231)
10. Describe the steps in a bill becoming a law.
11. How is money raised by the government?
Section 8. Powers of Congress (pg. 232)
12. List any two powers of Congress?
Section 9. Powers Denied to Congress (pg. 233)
13. How did Congress handle the Slave Trade?
14. What does it mean when the Constitution says that Congress “cannot suspend the writ of
habeus corpus”?
15. Did the original Constitution outlaw slavery?
Article Two – Executive Branch
Section 1. President and Vice President (pg. 234)
16. What are the qualifications for the office of President of the United States?
17. What is the term of office for the President?
18. What are the duties of the President?
Section 2. Powers of the President (pg. 235)
19. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces?
20. How can a President be impeached?
Article Three – Judicial Branch
Section 2. Jurisdiction (pg.236-237)
21. What does Jurisdiction mean?
22. Trail of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by __________.
23. Who appoints Supreme Court Judges?
Amendments (pgs. 240-250)
Directions: For the following number amendments below, give a brief overview of what they are.
1st Amendment:
2nd Amendment:
3rd Amendment:
4th Amendment:
5th Amendment:
6th Amendment:
7th Amendment:
8th Amendment:
9th Amendment:
10th Amendment:
13th Amendment:
15th Amendment:
18th Amendment:
19th Amendment:
21st Amendment:
26th Amendment: