Constitution Game

Constitution Game
Divide the class into two teams. Call out each question. If a team misses the other team gets 1 bonus point for getting
the right answer. Each correct answer is scored as two points.
1. Where can you see the Constitution today?
a) Constitution Center b) National Archives Building c) library of Congress
2. When is the only time that you can see the entire Constitution on display?
a) 4th of July b) January 6th c) Sept.17
3. How many words are in the original Constitution?
a) 4,400 b) 5,500 c)7,500
4. How many times do you find the word "democracy" in the Constitution?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 4
5. Which state is misspelled?
a) South Carolina b) Pennsylvania c) Massachusetts
6. Which of the following did the Articles of Confederation have?
a) System of Courts b) A National President c) A Congress d) all of them
7. Which state did not send delegates?
a) Rhode Island b) Delaware c) Georgia
8. What big problem arose?
a) north against south b) north against south and west c) big states against little states
9. The Grand Compromise provided
a) 1 Senator for each state b) House representatives to be determined by population c) Both
10. Name the three branches of government set up by the Constitution?
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
11. What was the first state to ratify the Constitution?
a) Pennsylvania b) Delaware c) Virginia
12. How old must a person be to become a member of the United States House of Representatives?
a) 21 b) 25 c) 30 d) 35
13. How old must a person be to become a United States Senator?
a) 25 b) 30 c) 35
14. What are the requirements for becoming President of the United States?
a) born in US States b) 35 years old c) lived in United States for 14 years d) all of them
15. How long does the president have to act on a bill approved by Congress before it automatically becomes a law?
a) 1 week
b )10 days c) 2 weeks
16. Who must request extradition from one state to the state in which the crime was committed?
a) governor b) police chief c) FBI
17. The Fifth Amendment says a person cannot testify against himself/herself, but what else does it say?
a) must be indicted b) can't be tried twice for the same crime c) must have due process of law d) all of them
28. What two amendments cancel each other out?
a) 18th and 21th b) 19th and 20th
c) 25 and 28
19. Which amendment gave women the Vote?
a) 19th b) 20th c) 21st
20. Which amendment limits the number of terms a president may serve?
a) 21st b) 22nd c) 23rd
21. Which amendment established the income tax?
A (15th b) 16th
23. Which amendment says the House of Representatives chooses the President in case of a tie in the Electoral
a) 11th b)12th c)13th
24. Which amendment gave blacks the vote?
a)15th b)16th c) 19th
25. Which amendment transfers the powers of the President to the Vice President when the President is incapacitated?
a) 20th b) 23rd b) 25th
26. Name the movie where Michael Douglas played the fictional President.
a) Air Force One b) Dave c) The American President
27. Name a TV series that was based on what goes on in the White House. Martin Sheen played the President
The West Wing