TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write a sentence

TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write
a sentence explaining its significance.
Chapter 2 section 1
1. King George III
2. Sugar Act
3. Stamp Act
4. Samuel Adams
5. Boston Massacre
6. Boston Tea Party
7. John Locke
8. Common Sense
9. Thomas Jefferson
10. Declaration of Independence
Chap. 2.2
Chap. 2.3
1. republic
2. Articles of Confederation
3. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
4. Shays’s Rebellion
5. James Madison
6. federalism
7. checks and balances
8. ratification
9. Federalists
10. Antifederalists
11. Bill of Rights
2.4 pp. 74-79
1. Loyalists
TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write
a sentence explaining its significance.
2. Patriots
1. Judiciary Act of 1789
3. Saratoga
2. Alexander Hamilton
4. Valley Forge
3. cabinet
5. inflation
4. two-party system
6. Marquis de Lafayette
5. Democratic-Republican
7. Charles Cornwallis
6. protective tariff
8. Yorktown
7. XYZ Affair
9. Treaty of Paris
8. Alien and Sedition Acts
10. egalitarianism
9. nullification
Due on Friday September 4th, 2015
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
2.5 Bill of Rights pp. 82-109
CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS: Answer each question as you read the text.
A. Why is there controversy over freedom of speech today?
B. Why do you think the right against unreasonable searches and seizures is highly important to most people?
C. What do you think could happen if a person could be tried twice for the same offense?
D. How do the Miranda rights protect you?
E. How do you define the right to privacy?
F. Why is the Twelfth Amendment important?
G. Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision that separate educational facilities are unequal? Explain
your position.
H. Why do you think so many people do not exercise the right to vote?
I. Do you think Congress should have the power to impose an income tax on the people of the nation? Explain your
J. Why is the direct election of senators by the people of each state important?
K. How does the right of women to vote affect politics today?
L. Why may the framers have specified a longer lame duck period?
M. Why is it necessary to pass another amendment to revoke or remove an existing amendment?
N. Do you think the District of Columbia should be made a separate state?
O. What impact do you think the Twenty-fourth Amendment has had on elections?
P. Do you think 18-year-olds should have the right to vote? Why or why not?
Q. Do you think members of Congress should be able to vote themselves a pay increase? Explain your answer
2.5 - The Living Constitution - pp. 82-109
CRITICAL THINKING QUESTIONS: Answer each question as you read the text.
A. Do you think Congress is still the branch of the federal government that is most directly responsible to the people?
Why or why not?
B. Do you think electing members of the House of Representatives every two years is a good idea? Why or why not?
C. Do you think it is important today for the Senate to have more stability than the House of Representatives? If so,
D. Do you think a president should be put on trial for a crime while he or she is still in office? Explain.
E. Why do you think the chair of the Rules Committee is in a powerful position?
F. Do you think it should be easier for Congress to override a president’s veto? Why or why not?
G. Why do you think the elastic clause is still important today?
H. Why are American citizens today so intent on having protections against government violations of their rights?
I. Why is it important to have an executive who is the chief administrator?
J. Why is it important to know the order of succession if a president dies in office?
K. Why is it important that the commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States be a civilian (the president)
rather than a military general?
L. How does the president use the State of the Union address today?
M. Why do you think the framers of the Constitution created such an elaborate and seemingly difficult procedure for
removing a sitting president?
N. Why is judicial review, although not mentioned in the Constitution, an important activity of the Supreme Court?
O. Do you think it is fair that a nonresident must pay higher tuition fees at a state college than a resident of the state
must pay? Explain.
P. Suppose a section of Texas should decide to become a new state today. Could it do this? Why or why not?
Q. What would happen if the national law were not supreme?
R. Do you think all 50 states would ratify the Constitution today? Why or why not?