intext-Hello email

Welcome to a new session and English 105! To access you classroom please go to
If you are interested in where to start, click on each of the links in the classroom to
familiarize yourself with their purpose. You will also want to read the announcements
outlining classroom expectations.
I am looking forward to working with you in the coming weeks. Don’t hesitate to
contact me with any questions that you may have. The easiest way to contact me is
via email, but I am also available via the phone, and during office hours for live oneon-one chats!
Best wishes for a successful session. See you soon!
Best Regards,
David Taylor
Please see attached for answers to these frequently asked questions:
Frequently Asked Questions
 Where should I start on the first day of class? How do I access my email?
What is the difference between an Individual Assignment, a Discussion
Board, and a Group Assignment?
How do I turn in my Assignments and Discussion Boards?
What is my "Small Group?"
How do I access Live Chat? What if I miss a Live Chat session?
I've been asked to submit my assignments in APA format. What is that?