First day welcome-attach

Welcome to a new session! To access you classroom please go to Click on each of the links in the classroom to familiarize yourself with their
purpose. You will also want to read the announcements outlining classroom
I am looking forward to working with you in the coming weeks. Don’t hesitate to
contact me with any questions that you may have. The easiest way to contact me is
via email, but I am also available via the phone, and during office hours for live oneon-one chats!
Your Student Advisor is ready and able to assist you at all times. To contact the
Student Affairs department, please dial 1-877-221-5800 and choose option 5.
Best wishes for a successful session. See you soon!
Best Regards,
David Taylor
Frequently Asked Questions
Where should I start on the first day of class? How do I access my email?
Once you are in the classroom, look to the left hand column. You will see the
following links: Syllabus, Assignment list, Student Roster, About This
Course, Course Materials, Live Chat Session, Small Groups, Grade Book,
Discussion Board, Submit Assignments. You will also want to read the
opening announcements from your instructor. Once you have read these,
print off a copy of the Syllabus and the Assignment List for yourself. Your
student email account is located in the upper right hand corner of the Virtual
Campus. Click on "mail" for your email box to pop up.
What is the difference between an Individual Assignment, a Discussion
Board, and a Group Assignment?
An individual assignment is one that asks you to do the work on your
own and turn it in under Submit Assignments. A discussion board
assignment is one that asks you to do the work on your own and post it
onto the Discussion Board (see below for instructions). In this class,
group assignment is one that asks you to work with the other members
of your small group and post it to Submit Assignments.
How do I turn in my Assignments and Discussion Boards?
To turn in your assignments, first save your assignment to your
computer as a file that can be attached (i.e., Word). Next, click on
Submit Assignments. Then click 'Add File' and a window will pop up.
Click ‘Browse” and find your saved file on your computer. Once you
have found it, a double left click make it ready to be uploaded. Next,
choose the assignment type (for example, Individual Project 1) and
then click "Upload New File."
To post your answer in the Discussion Board, click on Discussion Board
and then choose the Unit you would like to post to. Next you can
choose to "Show All Messages" and see what other students have
posted. When you are ready to submit your own answer, click "Reply to
Thread" and then "Post Message."
What is my "Small Group?"
In this class, you will assigned to a small group in Week 4. Your small
group consists of other students who will be reviewing your Unit 3
project. To find out who your other group members are, click on Small
Groups at the start of Week 4.
How do I access Live Chat? What if I miss a Live Chat session?
If you miss a Live Chat, click on “Live Chat Session” under Interactive
Learning on the menu on left side of the classroom. On the next page,
look for “Archived Recordings.” Click on the orange link of the
recording you wish to view and listen to.
I've been asked to submit my assignments in APA format. What is that?
APA format is the standard documentation style required by instructors
at AIU-Online. In this class we will focus a great deal on learning how
to use APA style. Here are some links to help get you started: