St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31535 St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Raymond Levreault Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Church Secretary: Susan Southwick MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS July 2–July 8 There will be no daily Masses this week, pending scheduling of Father Mansell. Father Nicholas (Nick) Mansell will celebrate all Masses at St. Paul & Missions this weekend. God and Community. Saturday: Confessions-5:00pm Misa-6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday: Parish Office ¤ Oficina Parroquial Office phone: 912-384-3560, fax 912-385-8515 Rectory: 912-384-8212 Church email: Parish Website: Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5pm at St. Paulor by appointment Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage with Mass or Liturgy of the Word are asked to enter a process of preparation at least nine months in advance of their intended wedding date. The bride or groom or the parents of the bride or groom should be registered members of the Church. Knights of Columbus Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm. 8:15am English Mass at Holy Family Invitatiόn al Grupo de Oraciόn Todos los viernes de 6-9pm. 9:30am English Mass at St. Paul 11:30am English Mass at St. William 1:00pm Spanish Mass at St. William *For the People of St. Paul and Missions “Bread” Ministry Each Saturday, 12noon-1pm - whatever food we get, we give away. If you or someone you know is in need, invite them. Bulletin Announcements All submissions must be in by 11am on Wednesday to be included in the weekend bulletin. We, We, the the members members of of St. St. Paul, Paul, St. St. William, William, and Holy Family, a Christian community in the and Holy Family, a Christian community Catholic Tradition, commit ourselves to become in the Catholic Tradition, commit ourselves more Christ-like through the service to to become more Christ-like through theGod and Community. service to God and Community. Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión Nosotros, los miembros de San Pablo y sus misiones, una comunidad Cristiana en la Tradición Católica, nos comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo al servicio de Dios y de la comunidad. STEWARDSHIP FROM FATHER RAY “Thank you!” These two words cannot sum up my gratitude to all those who, over the past three years, have given of their time, talent, and treasure, not only to me, but most importantly, to each of the churches where I’ve ministered. I wish I could thank you each by name, but as you know, I’d be afraid to forget someone. Know that I know who you are and what you’ve done. In the past three years, as far as I’m concerned, all three churches have grown tremendously, not only in numbers, not only financially, but most excellently spiritually. For this I am truly grateful to almighty God that He has blessed me in my first pastorate here at St. Paul, Holy Family, and St. William. Continue to pray for me, as I will for you. --Fr. Ray FATHER RAY’S NEW ADDRESS Rev. Raymond Levreault St. Augustine Catholic Church 211 N. Pinetree Blvd. Thomasville, GA 31792-3973 REMINDERS: St. Paul’s coffee & donuts sponsors for July-Benson, Harrison, & Hudson families Peter’s Pence Special Collection this weekend, for the works of the Holy Father At St. Paul, please do not park in the drop-off circle. Use it for what it is meant to be—drop-off and pick-up—not to park. St. Paul’s Sunday Choir will practice Sunday mornings, 8:309:15am. All are welcome! “…your abundance at the present time should supply their needs…” (2 Corinthians 8:14) Economic crisis can teach us many valuable stewardship lessons. We are quickly realizing that as individuals and as a society we really did not need everything that we wanted. We are also learning to count our blessings and to see that we have been abundantly blessed by God. And, hopefully, we are becoming more willing to share our gifts with those who truly are in need. ST. PAUL’S NEW ELIJAH CUP SCHEDULE The new schedule for the Elijah Cup at St. Paul currently is being compiled. If you would like to add your name to this ministry to pray for vocations to the priesthood, please call the church office (384-3560) or Joanne Lott (3892468). Everyone is encouraged to participate. RACHEL’S VINEYARD POST-ABORTION RETREAT A Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat is a beautiful opportunity for anyone who is struggling with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion to find healing. Come and experience the mercy and compassion of God through this healing ministry. For additional information contact Stephanie May at 912-2014059 /, Sr. Pat Thompson at / 404-431-6484 or visit the website All calls and inquiries are strictly confidential. Our next retreat is September 7-9, 2012. We offer heartfelt sympathy to Gary Holland and family on the death of his mother, Shirley Holland, whose funeral Mass was this past Friday at St. Paul Church. May our Lord grant Shirley eternal rest. SPECIAL COLLECTION TODAY: PETER’S PENCE STEWARDSHIP REPORT INFORME ADMINISTRATIVO Offertory: St. Paul Saturday & Sunday/Sábado y Domingo: Total: $2,698 Building Fund/Fondo De Construcción:$31 Offertory: Holy Family Sunday: Total: $195 Offertory: St. William Sunday: Total: $ “God will never be outdone in generosity.” “Dios nunca se deja ganar en generosidad.” Pray for us that we may be healed Orad Por Nuestros Enfermos Medford Caudill, Dawne Hicks, Trish Irving, Hunter & Willow Johnston, Alfred Lott, Sr., Charlotte Maley, Nick Williams, Tony Williams Please phone the church office (384-3560) to have names added to this month’s prayer list. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR LOVED ONES IN THE U.S. ARMED FORCES ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS st 1 Lt. Christopher Benson (North Carolina), Sgt. Adam Carson (Japan), Blake Downs, S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (England), Vincente Guerrero, SPC Adam Lee (Khoft,Afghanistan), Nathan Lee, Kristopher Lentz, SSG Jeb S. McKinnon (Montana), PFC Trent McKinnon (Virginia), E-3 Allen Phillips (Guam), Martin Rios, Sgt. Britt Stankowitz (Afganistan), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick Vilches, Leo Rodriguez (South Korea). CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074. ¡Adios! Padre Ray PRAYER FOR PRIESTS O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields. But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted. O Jesus, keep them close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen. --from The Catholic Devotional ORACIÓN POR LOS SACERDOTES Guárdelos, oh Señor, yo te lo ruego: Guárdelos: tuyos son: tus ministros, cual mirra, incienso, espliego, queman sus vidas en tu Templo, al fuego de amor y adoración. Guárdelos, oh Señor, en su aislamiento; Tu su consuelo es cuando parezca que se lleva el viento todo su sacrificio en un momento, que todo inútil fue. Guárdelos, Dios: no tienen en su mano más que a Ti en propiedad: lo que no es Dios lo consideran vano, mas, aun así, su corazón humano ve su fragilidad. Pues que cuando el Oriente se decora de azul y carmesí, su vida te dedican con la aurora, haz, Dios, que a toda hora su vida brille así: tan pura como la Hostia redentora que elevan hacia Ti. --José L. Carreño, S.D.B. DEL PADRE RAY "¡Gracias!" Estas dos palabras no se puede resumir mi gratitud a todos aquellos que, en los últimos tres años, han dado su tiempo, talento y tesoro, no sólo a mí, pero lo más importante, para cada una de las iglesias en las que he ministrado. Me gustaría darle las gracias a cada uno por su nombre, pero como ustedes saben, me daría miedo de olvidar a alguien. Sé quién eres y lo que has hecho. En los últimos tres años, en la medida que a mí respecta, las tres iglesias han crecido enormemente, no sólo en número, no sólo económicamente, sino espiritualmente más excelente. Por esto estoy muy agradecido a Dios Todopoderoso que me ha bendecido en mi primera asignatura como Parroco aquí en San Pablo, la Sagrada Familia, y San William. Continúen orando por mí, como yo lo hare por ustedes. – Padre Ray Paz a ustedes. Como el Padre me envió a mí, así yo los envió a ustedes. (San Juan 20:21) DIRECCIÓN DEL PADRE RAY Rev. Raymond Levreault St. Augustine Catholic Church 211 N. Pinetree Blvd. Thomasville, GA 31792-3973 CORRESPONSABILIDAD "... Su abundancia en el momento actual debe satisfacer sus necesidades ..." (2 Corintios 8:14) La crisis económica nos puede enseñar muchas lecciones valiosas de corresponsabilidad. Nos estamos dando cuenta que como individuos y como sociedad que realmente no necesitamos todo lo que queríamos. También estamos aprendiendo a contar nuestras bendiciones y ver que hemos sido abundantemente bendecidos por Dios. Y estamos cada vez más dispuestos a compartir nuestros dones con los que realmente están necesitados. ÓBOLO DE SAN PEDRO: COLECTA ESPECIAL Vamos a tener una colecta especial el próximo fin de semana de Junio 30/Julio 1, para las obras caritativas de todo el mundo con el Sucesor de Pedro, el Papa Benedicto XVI. ESTACIONAMIENTO EN ST. PABLO A modo de recordatorio en St. Paul, por favor no se estacione en el círculo de entrega. Se usa para lo que pretende ser-dejar y recoger, y no para estacionar. Retiro El Viñedo de Raquel Cada año nuevo trae consigo la promesa de esperanza y cambio. Ministerio Viñedo de Raquel está aquí para ayudar con asesoramiento profesional, apoyo emocional, y post-aborto. El próximo retiro está previsto para Septiembre 7 a 9, 2012 cerca de Columbus. Para más información póngase en contacto con Stephanie May al teléfono (912) 201-4059 o Todas nuestras citas reciben ayuda confidencial.