J U L Y 20, 2014 – T H E 16 S U N D A Y IN O R D IN A R Y T IM E J U L Y 27, 2014 T H E 17 S U N D A Y IN O R D IN A R Y T IM E TH TH THE READINGS FOR THE 17 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ARE: KGS. 3:5, 7-12 ROM. 8: 28-30 MT. 13: 44-52 THE READINGS FOR THE 18 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ARE: IS. 55: 1-3 ROM. 8: 35, 37-39 MT. 14: 13-21 TH TH Please Pray for Sunday, July 20, 2014 10:00 Yolanda Brooks Noon Kristin Natvig Noon (LC) Hermelinda Madrid Portal 5:30 Mary Dafarra Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:30 Henry Wilson Thursday, July 24, 2014 5:30 John J. Bowen Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:30 Charles Kidik Friday, July 25, 2014 5:30 Anne Regolino Monday, July 21, 2014 5:30 Elizabeth Libby ___________________________ Sunday, July 27, 2014 8:00 Mary H. Keating 10:00 David Scott Noon Alfonso Amica Noon (LC) Rosalie Martinez 5:30 Victor Perugini Monday, July 28, 2014 5:30 Nick Munger Friday, August 1, 2014 5:30 Eugenie Friedman Tuesday, July 29, 2014 5:30 Benjamin Dressler Sunday, August 3, 2014 10:00 Andrew Smith Noon James & Eileen Hughes Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:30 William Beatty THE BULLETIN WILL BE PRINTED EVERY TWO WEEKS FOR JULY AND AUGUST. THE NEXT BULLETIN WILL BE AUGUST 3 . RD PROGRESS REPORT – 2014 CATHOLIC APPEAL We are pleased to share that St. Ignatius Parish has raised $75,381.75.00 toward our 2014 Catholic Appeal goal of $76,321.00. Because of your generosity, we are at 98% of our goal as of June 25, 2014. Your support is deeply appreciated by Cardinal Sean and by all who benefit from the fifty ministries made possible by the Appeal. We have nearly reached our goal. If you have yet to make a pledge, we ask you to prayerfully consider how you can help. BOOK DISCUSSION We have a suggestion to add to your summer reading list: The Tenth of December by George Saunders. This book will be discussed in the parish offices on September 21st at 11:15. Reviewers note that Saunders’ stories take on life's big questions and explore the fault lines of our own morality, delving into the questions of what makes us good and what makes us human. The stories focus on what is redeemable in human beings and fulfill Chekhov’s dictum to “prepare us for tenderness.” Happy reading, happy summer. 1. THIS W EEK’S CALLENDAR Sunday, July 20 W ednesday, July 23 TH Sunday, J uly 27 W ednedsay, July 30 RD TH TH Contemporary M usic Ensemble – Upper Church Little Rock Bible Group – Friary Room ________________________ 5:00 pm 7:15 pm Contemporary Music Ensemble - U p per Church Little Rock Bible Group – Friary Room 5:00 pm 7:15 pm MARK YOUR CALENDAR A Parish Farewell is planned for Fr. Ken Loftus, S.J., on Sunday, September 14th at the Noon Mass. A reception will follow. FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION FOR 2014-2015 Registration for Faith Formation for the 2014-15 academic year began on June 8 th. Our pre-school program begins at age 3, and we offer a variety of options for kids and adolescents through high school. Registration will continue throughout the summer. Forms are available online from our website, by emailing Susan Stuart at langinst@bc.edu, or by contacting the Faith Formation Office at 617.552.6105. Additional information can be accessed through the website or by contacting the Faith Formation office. We are grateful for everyone who registers early, as it helps us to best plan for the year ahead. PARKING AT ST. IGNATIUS The Boston College construction project at More Hall has begun. Parking is no longer available on St. Thomas More Road or in the parking lot behind More Hall. You can check the website for the map which indicates the available parking at St. Ignatius for Mass and other events for the duration of this construction project. Michelle Abadia, our Cantor presented a concert here at St. Ignatius on February 9 . Herencia TH Musical Heritage, a collections of folk songs, ballads and danzas from Puerto Rico, Spain and LatinAmerica, featuring Michelle, is now available for sampling and purchase at ITunes, CdBaby, Amazon, googlePlay, XBox Music, OmniPhone and Mute Music. Thank you in advance for purchasing the cd, and for spreading the word. THE FEAST OF ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA THURSDAY, JULY 31 ST THERE WILL BE SPECIAL LITURGIES AT NOON IN THE UPPER CHURCH AND AT 5:30 PM IN THE LANNON CHAPEL ON THIS FEAST DAY. 2. OUTREACH MINISTRIES COR UNUM MEAL CENTER: We have one more Saturday night meal serving at Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence, scheduled for August 16th. Families are welcome to serve, but children must be at least ten years of age. If you’d like more information about signing up, please contact Sr. Diane – 617-552-6107. PINE STREET INN SHATTUCK SHELTER FOURTH TUESDAY SUPPER SERVING: You can be part of this opportunity in several ways: we’ll need lots of desserts (especially since many of the regular bakers will be on vacation) and we’ll need servers, too. The date is July 22nd. Servers (must be 18 years of age) leave here at about 4:30PM and are back by 7PM. Desserts should be at the Parish Office by 4PM that day. IT’S NOT TOO SOON TO START SHOPPING! We’ll again be conducting a back-to-school items drive to benefit several local groups and a cash donation opportunity to help out the parents at St. Anne’s School in Kingston, Jamaica. The weekend drive will be August 23rd/24th. The next bulletin will list the wished-for items. Please plan to bring in your donations on the designated weekend only. HUNGER DOESN’T TAKE A VACATION. You’ve heard that here before and it certainly is still the case. Your local food pantry would be very grateful for donations you could make during the summer months. Contact your local municipality offices to get information about locations and hours. LITTLE ROCK BIBLE GROUP “The Remnant Group” began their weekly meetings on Wednesday, July 9 in the Friary Room, 7:15 pm th – 8:30 pm. A video on the up-coming Sunday readings is shown and is followed with a group discussion of questions and answers pertaining to the readings. It’s a great way to prepare for the Sunday readings! Newcomers are welcome. Refreshments will be served. If you have any questions, please call John Dafarra at 781-899-9540. 3. REFLEXIÓN DE JULIO LA ORACIÓN DIARIA, DISPONE ADECUADAMENTE NUESTRO CORAZÓN, PARA ENTENDER LO QUE DIOS NOS QUIERE DECIR Y CUMPLIR SU SANTA VOLUNTAD. Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Hemos iniciado en este Domingo Decimoquinto del Tiempo Ordinario, con la parte del Evangelio de Mateo, llamado “Libro de las parábolas”. Y así, con la del Sembrador, que reflexionamos hoy, se nos presentarán, en domingos sucesivos, las de la cizaña, el tesoro escondido, la perla y la red. Y todas estas cinco parábolas se refieren al Reino de Dios. Y a la disposición de cada uno de nosotros para recibir su existencia y presencia. Y es que Palabra y Reino son los dos grandes contenidos de lo que llamaríamos nuestra fe práctica. Es decir, todo aquello que nos impulsa a vivir profundamente las verdades que nos trajo Cristo el Señor. Dios es un buen sembrador. De esa manera tan sencilla nos habló Jesús sobre nuestro Padre del cielo. También nos dijo que era un buen Padre. Utilizó imágenes tomadas de la vida para meter a Dios en las entrañas del mundo. Y era el más idóneo para hacerlo, porque lo había vivido en sus propias carnes con la Encarnación. Él fue introducido en el mundo como la semilla que cae en la tierra y cala hasta lo más profundo para dar buen fruto. Dios echa la semilla. Siempre. Todos los días. Las semillas son muy variadas. Unas dan fruto con más facilidad que otras. Pero Dios no para de actuar. Y nos sorprende, gratamente, porque va sembrando por donde nosotros no nos imaginamos. Y de repente crece algo. Y a lo mejor nos asusta porque no sabemos cómo ni por qué ha salido eso. Porque estamos acostumbrados a otro tipo de “frutos”. Entonces llega San Pablo y nos dice: “nosotros poseemos las primicias del Espíritu”. Y el Espíritu sopla donde quiere y cuando quiere. Y en nosotros está acoger esas inspiraciones y esos frutos nuevos. El Espíritu es así de libre. La semilla cae en la tierra. Pero hay “pájaros”, “piedras”, “zarzas” o el “maligno” que van a fastidiar la cosecha. Sin embargo, Dios es más fuerte que todas esas cosas y hace posible que la semilla dé fruto. A pesar de todas las dificultades que encontramos en la vida. Nosotros también tenemos que poner de nuestra parte, está claro. Y abrirnos a los ritmos de Dios, a sus tiempos, a sus “lluvias”. Dice el refrán que “nunca llueve a gusto de todos”. Y a veces no “llueve” cuando nosotros queremos. Porque Dios no se deja manipular, ni atrapar. Es tan libre, y tan próximo, y tan cercano… como el verdadero amor. LA SEMILLA DA FRUTO. La gracia de Dios ha “empapado” la tierra. Dice Isaías: “Como bajan la lluvia y la nieve desde el cielo, y no vuelven allá, sino después de empapar la tierra, de fecundarla y hacerla germinar, para que dé semilla al sembrador y pan al que come, así será mi palabra…”. La palabra de Dios no solo es eficaz y eficiente, sino fecunda. Hace lo que dice. Y lo hace porque es capaz de meterse hasta las entrañas mismas de la tierra, hasta las entrañas más profundas de nuestro corazón. Ahí es donde Dios actúa, si le dejamos entrar tan adentro. Porque muchas veces nuestra relación con Dios es superficial, que no nos moleste mucho, que no nos trastoque nuestros planes. Pero la acción de Dios va hasta dentro, hasta el fondo, empapa, cala, fecunda y hace germinar en nosotros las semillas y los frutos que Él quiere. Solo hay que dejar actuar a Dios en nuestra vida, a través de la ORACIÓN DIARIA, que nos permite SENTIR Y GUSTAR su palabra y su mensaje, para nutrirnos y fortalecernos espiritualmente. “La semilla cayó en tierra buena y dio fruto”. Así lo hemos dicho en el salmo responsorial. “Tú cuidas de la tierra, la riegas y la enriqueces sin medida”. Así es el amor de Dios, sin medida. Nos da lo que necesitamos en cada momento. “Tus carriles rezuman abundancia”. Cuando venimos a la Eucaristía, esa Palabra se convierte en alimento de vida, en Pan para el camino, para la fe, para el amor, para la entrega, para el servicio a los más pobres. No la desaprovechemos. No dejemos que vuelva al cielo, sin empapar y transformar nuestra vida. 4. SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA 28 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE – CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 PHONE 617-552-6100 E-MAIL IGNATIUS@BC.EDU FAX: 617-552-6101 WEB: HTTP://BC.EDU/ST-IGNATIUS THE PARISH STAFF REV. ROBERT F. VER EECKE, SJ, PASTOR REV. JOHN ALLAN LOFTUS, SJ, ASSOCIATE CAP TEAM MEMBER MICHAEL BURGO, DIR. OF MUSIC MINISTRY TIMOTHY ZIMMERMAN, ASSOCIATE DIR. OF MUSIC / ORGANIST SR. DIANE VALLERIO, MFIC, DIR. OF OUTREACH AMY CHAPMAN, FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR SUSAN STUART, ASSOC. DIR. FAITH FORMATION FRVEREEC@BC.EDU JA.LOFTUS@BC.EDU 617-552-6100 617-552-6100 BURGO@BC.EDU ZIMMERTA@BC.EDU 617-552-6108 617-552-6114 VALLERIO@BC.EDU CHAPMAAB@BC.EDU LANGINST@BC.EDU 617-552-6107 617-552-6103 617-552-6105 RICHARD MOYNIHAN, BUSINESS MANAGER ELIZABETH MCLAUGHLIN, ADM. ASSISTANT WALTER FOTHERGILL, FACILITIES MANAGER MOYNIHAR@BC.EDU 617-552-6117 IGNATIUS@BC.EDU 617-552-6102 WALTER.FOTHERGILL @BC.EDU 617-552-6119 KATHY MAHER CAP TEAM MEMBER (CHAIR) MARC GERVAIS CAP TEAM MEMBER MARY SANTAPAULA CAP TEAM MEMBER KATHERINE.MAHER@BC.EDU MIG@GERVAISDAVENPORT.COM MSANTAPAULA@RCN.COM THE CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST SUNDAY WEEKDAY SATURDAY UPPER CHURCH 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON, 5:30 PM LOWER CHURCH 10:00 AM, FAMILY LITURGY 12:00 MISA EN ESPAÑOL EN LA CAPILLA LANNON 5:30 PM – LOWER CHURCH LOWER CHURCH 9:00 AM, UPPER CHURCH 4:00 PM (Vigil) THE SACRAMENTS BAPTISM Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement. FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation begins in Grade 1 and includes classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in 2nd grade. CONFIRMATION Our Confirmation program begins in the 9th grade. Students are confirmed in the Spring of the 10th grade. Young adults who have been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the Parish Office for an alternative program. MATRIMONY Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior to beginning Marriage arrangements. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:15 – 3:45 PM Upper Church or by arrangement ANOINTING OF THE SICK by arrangement. 5.