Density and Matter HW 2/12

Matter ?s
Name ______________________
Explain why each one answer is correct. (Can always explain why the others are
1. The amount of Matter in an object is called its'
a. Volume
b. Mass
c. Shape
d. Size
2. Particles in a solid…
a. Move around quickly
b. Do not move
c. Slide past each other
d. Vibrate in place
3. The air in this room has:
a. Mass
b. Volume
c. Energy
d. All of these
4. You are given a substance that doesn’t change its volume when moved from one
container to the next, but it doesn’t hold its shape. What phases of matter is this
new substance?
a. Gas
b. Liquid
c. Solid
d. Water
5. As the solid molecules of a Popsicle are heated the molecules will…
a. Stay the same size and increase in movement
b. Increase in size and have the same movement
c. Increase in size and decrease in movement
d. Decrease in size and increase in movement
6. The circle on the left shows a magnified view of a very small portion of liquid water
in a closed container.
Circle the letter that shows what would the magnified view show after the
water evaporates?
7. Molecules that make up orange juice can go through what phase change(s)?
2. What is the density of a ring pop candy that when placed in a graduated cylinder makes the water
level rise from 50.0mL to 55.2mL and has a mass of 1.4g.
3. Use the water displacement method to determine the density of object C (silly putty).
initial water level in graduated cylinder = 25ml
final water level after placing silly putty into graduated cylinder = 29ml
mass of silly putty=8g