Chemistry 11 Solutions. Honework2 Tf Sect.+ .t, (l) A solution is madeby dissolving 25.88 g urea (CIIaN2O),a nonelectrolyte,tn275 gwat$. Calculatethe vaporprcssuresof this solution at 25"C and 45t. The vapor pressureof water is 23.8 totr at 25"C and71.9 torr at 45"C. , a(Hr4 n(Curttr\, L{.tl/eo.r,t> o.'l\D, 6( ( (roc , ?' J+ Y-- tt.,*-t , L\:1",, ,( D.i]1)(&,t),7;..1 lo17 - _:- E.a+0}1\D Q qf. , P. (o.nrJ(rr.l)= Lt.1lo,, (2) A solution is madeby mixing 50.0 g of acetone(CH3COCH:)and 50.0 g of methanol (CEOI{). What is the vaporpressureof this solution at 25qC?What is the compositionof the vapor expressedas a mole fraction? At 259Cthe vaporpr,essures. of aqetoneand methanolare . 271 and 143 totr, respectively. The actualvapor pressureof the solution is 161 torr. Explain any discrepa4cies. n(r,!,*J = ty = 7. o.gLL,n,1 n(a.rrow) 3z.D I {i.oa b.frq- kr,,,o*,'6 . 1 c 2 Prorr*, /rur*,,= .i 6 t ( .J .-- b.{tL.l.u = tal | 14"t . G / 1/ /'c{fll' - [.sL,*.r ka\Dtl= l-Ta,or\= b.L'/4 = 03{L + l.fL a v?'' ro,u , | nt 'rcrrr*ry= o.,tf? 4",, -__-> t L<t5,- <,,.o'tz'l '.[ igg bun, ?r,o=) (-) dr,tulu;n ir :_: (3) Which of the following will havethe lowest total vapor pre'ssureat 25"C? a. waler b. an aqueousglucosesolution with a mole fraction of glucose= 0.01 c. an aqueoussodium chloride solution with a mole fraction of NaCl = 0.01 d. a solution of metlnnol in water with mole ftaction of methanol= 0.2. The vapor pressureof methanolat 25'C is 143 torr. tr{ Alaclort( )issoc'tl., 1. cr4, ,^otL i., s,1^{,;. tAA. (4) A solution contains3.75 g of a nonvolatile pure hydrocarbonin 95 g acetone.The boiling points of pure Bcetoneand the solution are 55.95 and 56.50t, respeptively. .Themolal boilingpoint constantof acetoneis 1.71'C kg/mol. What is the molar massof the hydrocarbon? kf6' o.rd"< LTi, kt u+l solulz o A -'Z KI | , fta Saluaat J ,r'tr- 5ol,4r : kt ttr<st go\ul:- l1sof,..*{4T " Ma(l 5olrl l4q i(-l- \ sob,^4 = (t-tr)lr.rr) = 113f/ (o.orr)*1 (5) Calculatethe freezing point and boiling point of an antifreezesolution that is 40-07oby mass of ethyleneglycol (HOCHzCItrzOI{)in water. Ethylene glycol is a nonelectrolyte. looS tolJ,*. 4 ,lo.oj 5l*l t Lu"oJH,, n(3lyr"t) ' ' t o ' o / t r . t ' 6 . 1 4 { , - l n(5Q-t) " Nt "(t t4 (rnru): Lt.o at , -1,0,o L ......-.--.---.- Mr (0.r,fu,.+u), (.,if 7, lodr". ..-...> :Y1- 6.oL"b : to.?,t-,- (6) Anthraqufuonecontainsonly carboq hydrogen,and oxygen and hasan empirical formula of C*I4O. The freepingpoint of gq4plor is lowetsd by ?2.3"Cwhelr 1.32g dissolvedin 11.4g camphor. Deterndnethe molecula formula of mthraquinone. Kr(camphor)= 4O.0"C kg/mol. Alna' k4. o,ou -...- AT4. &5 - ( t o. o )(t:z ) : UY Jf^"1 /zze)1o."ttr) :> -l'''u'o'( 6^f ,.,i.\ F*al.' to4Jl,^ot (7) How would you pre.pare1.0 L of an aqueoussolution of sodiumchloride having an.osmotic pressureof 15 atm *.2TC2 14'c--TT 3 t{ -,---- Rr (r.,ru)(zr) : O.LL ^11, n (il"u) = D-* = o.\t ,,^."1 ; tt.tS Mc1 1Dirtol* tt.j u<<ti,,, /.t,L ilro (8) Placethe following solutiors in order by the size ofthe freezing-pointdepression. a. 1.0 m glucosein water (glucoseis a molecular solid) b. 1.0 m NaCl in water c. 1.0 m HOCI in water (HOCI is a weak acid) d. 1.0 MgCl2 in water q < < <T b < a (9) Formic acid (HCOzH) is a weakmonoprotic acid. A 0.10 M formic acid solution is 4.27o ionized. Assumingthat the molari.ty and molality of thq solution arethe same,calcqlatethe point of 0,10 M formic acid freezing point and the boiling *'""1'**':rvrrur''*-de.' HcorHe f H+7 T;*_r,/oo - 'b : 't.L (HuruJo.D.ruD H++ @*t' fitrJ=fr"f] = o.oxttLtt : ol>l{7 ln.qerJ:,oot{L (t"+^t solltJ : 6.oD.1L + o.o.tlL1d.offt; 6.r6LlLM ATf = lt.tu)(o.o<t-;: o.L6bc (10) A solid consistsof a mixture of NaNO3and Mg(NO:)2. When 6.50 g of the solid is dissolvedin 50.0 g water, the freezing point is lowered by 5.4trC. What is the composition,by mass,of the soljd? Ai t#, *. ({ - r.tLo<f *. r-'10,u.*1^6.oso(,: 6J 6l,1g-ul5,1.1.. ,:n 4oroh, hlu<^4 'Tok(,,, -t tol,tlz: ^ : L(X*,,tN"rvor) + t(J ^. I tt1fuor),) : 6./4{^^,1 Tll a^*ss,l'\.z L\ , (rr" J/^,,)ft) r(/$x/"*,) (r) ( t ' Jttth.t 5"tJl*, jt,unll'-\ntur\ ,'i,o U : D . 6l l J ---\ 2,11t<1(uor),Q ",rl Y.tJ r o Na t\)t J -,,1 tu\1(u)_ (11) Is soapa more effective cleaneris freshwateror in qeawater?Explain. !o,7 $,*-, tolloqlparh'l"s lln"l ["c't' 0..'\uf' !urI,"t'.1ru. ,a.[J.t L,u^ r-!ul fi*;,|..r clnrryt tb o^. to(6',.y' 1"rl,d- d>rilpp.1"^olL*. In ..--\''#l s.1,+ol..1JL,;^H u',ll cqotr lL) dh,t p,,l,.L ]o t,a5olol.. '74'o' o{ to[JrLlLr""\ ttilu*t) lh, o,i e{ftel,n<,.rss. i s,llt-o4 (12) The phasediagramof water discussedin the previousunit describesthe phasechanges when only water is present. Considerhow the diagramwould changeif air were also presentat 1 atm and dissolvedin the water. a. Would the new fiple point temperaturebe higher, lower or the sameas the triple point for pure water? Explain. J,n,,ll," Prrr{t"L*^1,P",prA lL Tf {ay. v"-t/ 6, louo. b. Would ice sublime at a fery degreesbelow the fteezing point underthis pressure?Explain. oo"ll' v I Iet bt,-+otj,^rL [tJr- lL, n^ l.,tr, yr,l. c. Would the liquid havethe samevapor pressureat 100"Cas that for pure water? /lo Luour^lL fry L:oau 6c LrnJ t+ 1" IL" "l,s,,Lrl dr. (13) It hasbeenmentionedthat the valuesfor molality and molarity arenearly the samefor dilute aqueoussolutions. Is this true for nonaqueoussolventsaswell? Explain. 1/ ao^Ll l" tnu. k all to*",|t uLo,.- Jznti\ tl t f cloSc- |t (.6 Slnt t v c (al