Reg. No. TED (10)-3037 (REVISION-J010) THIRD SEMESTER DIPLOMA EXAMINATION iN ENGINEERING/ TECHNOLOGY-OCTOBER, 20 1 3 FLI,IID MECHANICS AND PNEUMAflCS (Common for ME and TD) lTime :3 hours (Maximum marks : 100) Marks PART-A I 2 marks. Answer a// questions in one or two sentences' Each question carries Distinguish between density and specific weight. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define buoYancY' Name hYdraulic coefficients' Define specific sPeed of a PumP' What are actuators (5x2:10) ? PAR-I'-B Ii Answer any .five questions. Each question carries 6 marks' l. 2. 3. State and explain Pascal's law. with neat sketch' Explain the working principle of a dead weight pressure gauge flowing per Arrive at an expression for the rate of flow or discharge of a fluid second through a section of a pipe or channel' 5. Explain hydraulic gradient and total energy line' of a neat sketch' Explain the working principle of a gear wheel pump with the help 6. Describe briefly the 4. criteria for selection of an air compressor for a particular use. Compare any five merits and de-merits of a hydraulic 7. system. system and a Pneumatic (5x6=30) PART-C (Answer one question from each unit. Uxrr III (a) (b) - Each question carries l5 marks') I liquid and mention Explain the properties viscosity and kinematic viscosity of a their units in S'1. system. for finding out the Explain total pressure and centre of pressure and the methods total pressure and centre of pressure' 9 On 13121 Ir.r.o. Marks IV (a) Differentiate between absolute, ga.uge, atmospheric and vacuum pressures. (b) A simple U-tube manorneter containing mercury is connected to a pipe in which a fluid of specific gravity 0.8 and having vacuum pressure is flowing. The other end of the manometer is open to atmosphere. Find the vacuum pressure in the pipe, if the difference of mercury levels in the tw'o limbs is 40 cm and the height of the fluid in the left limb from the centre of the pipe is 15cm below. UNrr - 6 9 II V (a) Give the classifications of orifices. (b) Find the discharge over a triangular notch of angle 60o when the head over the notch is 0.3m. Assume Co : 0.6. 6 9 On VI (a) State ald explain chezy's formula to find out the loss of a pipe (b) friction in 6 Find the diameter of a pipe of length 2000 m when the rate of flow of water through the pipe is 200 litreslsec and the head lost due to friction is 4m. Take the value of C : 50 in Chezy's f.ormula. UNrr VII (a) (b) to head due line. - 9 trII Briefly describe a Vane pump with the help of a simple sketch. 6 With the help of a neat sketch, describe the working of a hydraulic accumulator. 9 On VIII (a) (b) Name any five pressure control devices for controlling precisely pressure in a hydraulic system. the level of Draw a neat circuit diagram of an automatic cylinder reciprocating system. UNrr D( (a) (b) (c) - 5 IV Name the essential equipments to be considered in the generation and preparation of air for industrial purpose. What is an actuator ? 10 Name the classifications Differentiate between poppet valve and slide of a pneumatic actuator. valve. 6 6 3 On ' X (a) (b) Briefly explain an air-over oil circuit with a neat circuit diagram. Describe a reciprocating piston type air compressor with the help simple sketch. 6 of a neat and 9