USN ME31 Third Semester B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Semester End Examination, SEE, December 2013/Janu Department of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Measurement & Metrology Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Instructions to students: Answer FIVE FULL Questions. Question No. 1, 6, 7 are COMPULSORY. Answer ANY ONE from Question No2 and3. Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 4 and 5. 1 a) b) c) 2 a) b) c) What is metrology? State and explain the objectives of metrology Name & explain briefly the different type of fit as per BIS and shoe them by neat schematic diagrams What is the essential purpose of a limit system? Explain. 6 Explain limit gauging. What are GO & NO GO gauges? How the Taylor’s principal is used in designing them What are the allowances to be considered in the manufacture of gauges explain. 4 8 8 6 8 3 4 a) What is comparator? Give the detailed classification of 6 comparators. b) Describe with a neat sketch the construction & working of LVDT Explain with a neat sketch optical bevel protractor ) Explain with a diagram, the method to measure minor diameter of both external & internal screw threads What is best wire size? Derive an expression for the same. 8 Explain the following with respect to an instrument I. Sensitivity ii. Accuracy & Precision iii. Hysteresis iv. Loading effect Sketch & explain the working of a tool maker’s microscope. 8 b) Describe the three stages of measurement with a suitable example. 6 c) Explain with a sketch three coil type variable mutual inductance transducer. 8 a) Explain amplification of backlash & amplification of elastic deformation. 6 b) Explain with a neat sketch stylus type type oscillograph. 6 c) Explain in detail the working principal of hydraulic dynamometer. Which is used for torque measurement? 8 a) With a sketch explain the working & application of Mecleod gauge. 6 b) Explain i. Seebeck effect ii.Peltier effect iii.Thomson 6 c) a) b) c) 5 6 7 a) 6 6 6 6 effect c) What is pyrometer? Explain the working principal of optical pyrometer. 8