%* re M& ffi".-*& rc k w M w @ w Background The best-sellingsports drink, Zwmo, is produced by Zumospa, a food and drinks company based in Valencia, Spain. In the last financialyear, Zumo contributed €30 million to Zumospa's annual salesrevenue, accounting for 20% of the company's total turnover. It is, in fact, Zumospa's cash cow, generating more revenue than any other of its products. At present, Zwrno is sold only in Europe. However, the sports drink market is the most rapidly growing segment of the world beverage market. Zumospa is now looking outside Spain for markets and would like to make Zumo a global brand. z International marketingI 11 \ / 2.5Listen to this excerpt from a radio programme, BusinessToday. Ricardo Gonzales,Zumospa's president, d.iscusses Zumospa's pfans to globalise. Make notes on the company results, future plans and competitive advantage. Marketing r Launched in the mid-l9B0s. positioned as an energ'yproduct for fitness-conscious people, especiallysportsmen and women, between the ages of20 and,4b. o Distributed mainly through grocery stores, convenience stores and supermarkets.Also through sports clubs. Additionally, salesare generated through contracts with professional leagues,such as football, golf and tennis associations. Press,TV and radio advertising is backed up by endorsement contracts with famous European footballers and tennis stars. Zwmo is offered in four flavours and its price is in the medium range. Developing a global brand Zumospa needs to reposition it for the global market. Initial research suggeststhat Zumo is perceived as a Spanish drink, and its close identification with Spain may not be suitable when developing a global brand. Zumospa would like to launch a global campaign focussing first on South America, Mexico, the Southern statesof the US and Japan, where they have regional offices. A decision has been taken to use a standardised advertising theme in these markets, although the copy of the advertisementsand language of the TV and radio commercials will b; adapted to local needs. Before setting up focus groups in these areas Youaremembers of the Marketing Department of Zumospa. Workin groupsandbrainstorm points the listedin theroughnotes.Onepersonin thegroup shouldtakenotes.Thenmeetasonegroupind setectsomeof the bestsuggestions for furtherstudv. Writing As Marketing Manager for Zumospa, write an e-mail to the directors of the company informing them of the key ideas which came out of the brainstorming sessionyou attended. You should indicate which ideas you favour and why. Q Wriltgfi.tepagetZ9