Communication and International Marketing

Communication and international marketing
What makes a good communicator?
The three most important factors of being a good communicator in my opinion are fluency in the
language (because if a person does not speak fluently you can’t quite understand him and that’s
not something a good communicator does), being a good listener (for a good conversation it takes
two people, you can’t just talk, you should listen to the other people opinions) and a good sense
of humor I would say (I choosed this because the good sense of humor can sometimes hide your
uncertainty and mistakes in the conversation ).
Internal Communication
Communication problems
High tech
1. Senior managers
hide behind their
2. Staff use voice
mail to screen calls
3. Employees sitting
next to each other
will send e-mail
rather than speak
4. People stop
5. Extending
questions of
Words to describe good and bad communicators
M.manager: Hello? Is this the number of an overseas agent?
O. agent: Yes, I was expecting this call.
M. manager: Sorry for interrupting you, but I want to discuss with you the plans for advertising
the company’s new range, but we have to be quick because my phone’s battery is low.
O. agent: Oh, what a coincidence, mine too. So, let’s proceed to work. I have some various ideas
for promoting the sales.
M. manager: Could you be more specific please?
O. agent: Yes, of course. You see, I was thinking of spending a more money on cinema, local
radio and television advertising. Also I think we should invite some well known local sportsmen
and women to promote the new products in large department stores, exhibit the products at the
local airport, rail and bus stations and on local transport vehicles. We should also send mail order
publicity to selected house and apartment owners and advertise online, but I’m afraid that I don’t
have experience in this area. And I also expect you to contribute €80.000 of the cost of the
advertising and I could contribute €20.000. What are your ideas?
M. manager: I must say we have similar ideas. I want you to take out special advertisements for
the new products in magazines and newspapers, and do some limited cinema advertising. Also I
want you to put additional posters in local stores advertise the products on buses, trams and key
outside locations and as for the online advertising I will contact a local marketing consultant,
David Habershom. And last I will contribute €60.000 towards the cost and I expect you to
contribute €40.000.Do you agree?
O. agent: Let me just summarise. You want me to take out special advertisements for the new
products in magazines and newspapers, some limited cinema advertising, put additional posters in
local stores advertise the products on buses, trams and key outside locations right?
M. manager: Correct.
O. agent: As for the money I think it is a fair proposition.
M. manager: We make a deal then?
O. agent: Deal!
Dealing with Communication Breakdown
possible solutions
1. Spending all day
checking and sorting
1. Open a separate e-mail
for the colleagues’
2. Unnecessarily getting
rid of the staff lounge
after the takeover
2. Reopening the staff
3. Middle managers
are really confused
about who they should
report to
3. Informing the staff
about reorganization
4. Department heads
3. Informing the
complain because they
can’t get a quick answer
when they want to spend
department heads about
who should they ask for
In the near
Case Study, writing an e-mail, HCPS
To… Gloria Richter
From… Gunther Schmidt
Subject: Solutions for the communication problems
Date: 13.09.2012
Dear Gloria,
I was reading the mail you send me and I’m happy to tell you that I solved the problems you mentioned.
1. For the first problem I decided that we should open a separate e-mail for the colleagues and a
separate one for the costumers of the company. I think this is a good idea because the staff will be able
to sort the importance of the e-mails more easily than they used to.
2. As for the second problem, I think that the best thing we should do is to reopen the staff lounge and
whit that help the staff meet each other and exchange ideas.
I hope that these solutions will help.
Best wishes, Gunther.
To… Ursula Krieger
From… Chris Wright
Subject: Solutions for the communication problems
Dear Ursula,
I noticed these problems myself and I’m glad you noticed them too and ask me for help. Here’s what I
think and I hope you will agree with me. I have one solution for the both problems because somehow
they are related. I think we should inform about the reorganization the middle managers about who
they should report to and do the exactly same thing to the staff of the several department heads about
that quick answer they are asking for.
Talk to the managers and stuff about this decision and inform me for further issues.
Best wishes, Chris
Discussing global brands
A) Food – McDonald’s
Drink – Coca-cola
Electrical equipment – Samsung
Clothing – Louis Vuiton
Construction - CNH Global N.V.
B) 1. If company is expanding beyond its domestic market it is making the product a global
brand, gains more profit and costumers
2. The companies that go international may face many problems such as non-acceptance on
the market, high costs and other things.
3. They should previously do a good research of the market to see if the costumers need their
product and what they expect from the product as well.
Coffee culture
1. In my country Nescafe and the traditional Turkish coffee are most popular.
2. My favorite hot drink is Nescafe.
3. Brazil, Columbia, Paskalin, Nescafe, Rio associate with the meaning of the word coffee.
B) 1. People in Chile would rather drink tea than coffee.
2. People in Chile would rather drink instant coffee.
3. In Brazil coffee is usually free after dinner in restaurants.
4. In US people drink 345 cups of coffee a year.
5. In Argentina people drink 4kg of whole or ground coffee beans per year.
1. Marketing
2. Market
3. Product
4. Advertising
5. Brand
6. Sales
7. Price
campaign / budget / leader / strategy
research / survey/ check / sector
market/ range/ features/ manager
campaign/ exchange/ agency/ slogan
awareness/ loyalty/ image/ contract
figures/ conditions/ forecast/ targets
promotion/ rise/ product/ range
1. Really impressive sales figures
2. New public relations department
3. Highly ambitious market research programme
4. Expanding overseas operations
5. Rapidly improving balance sheet
6. Extremely volatile exchange rate
7. Highly confidential marketing report
I agree with:
Explain the purpose of the meeting clearly
Ask each person to speak in turn, starting with the most senior
Announce the time limit for the meeting
Don’t interrupt when people are offering suggestions
Make sure everyone keeps to the point
I disagree with:
Avoid criticizing or judging ideas during the session
Encourage ideas, however unusual they may be
Don’t spend time on the details
Formal e-mail: Creating a global brand from a sports drink (Zumo)
To… , director of Zumospa
From… , marketing manager of Zumospa
Subject: Key ideas of the brainstorming session
Dear Jasmina,
I want to inform you about the key ideas which came out of the brainstorming session I
attended. In the session we discussed about the name of our product, Zumo and we came to
conclusion that we don’t need another name because our product is known by this one very
well. My personal opinion is that Zumo is a appropriate name for an energy drink.
The second idea we discussed id introducing new Zumo varieties for different market segments
such as Diet Zumo and Zumo+ and I think that is a great idea if we want to increase our market I
n Europe by making more varieties of our product.
Third on our list was the idea of increasing the price of our product from 1€ to 1.50€ because if
we want to increase our profit we need to find a medium range of the price for the global
And last but not least we choosed to apply to be official sponsor at next Olympic Games because
that is the perfect way to advertise our product to the global market.
Well these are the ideas we came up to, so I’ll wait for your approval.
Best wishes, Frosina