Introduction to food microbiology, microbial groups of interest in foods

The Basics of Microbiology Types of microorganisms Ortega, 2002 •  Bacteria •  Molds •  Yeasts – Molds and yeasts are fungi •  Protozoans •  Viruses Bacterial anatomy 1
Types of flagella Gram posiBve and Gram negaBve bacteria Gram positive
Gram negative
Bacteria are translucent, difficult to visualize Crystal Violet Lugol’s Iodine Hans Christian Joachim
Gram, 1852-1938
Ethanol + acetone Carl Weigart
Safranine Gram + Cell Wall Cytosol Cytoplasmic membrane PepBdoglycan Gram — Cytosol Cytoplasmic membrane PepBdoglycan Lipopolysaccharides and protein 2
Bacteria reproduce by binary fission Time to 1 cell mulBplying to 106 Salmonella 1a. (20 min) Vibrio parahaemoly0cus 1a. (7 min) 2a. (20 min) 2a. (7 min) 3a. (20 min) 3a. (7 min) 7.6 h 2.3 h Sporeforming bacteria Bacterials spores •  Spores are more resistant than vegetaBve cells –  Heat, drying, irradiaBon, freezing etc. •  Cooked foods are expected to contain bacterial spores including those of pathogenic bacteria –  Clostridium perfringens –  Clostridium botulinum –  Bacillus cereus 3
FSTC 606
Microbiology of Foods
Alejandro Castillo
Associate Professor
• Study of microscopic organisms
• Microscopic = Smaller than the
minimum size detected by the
naked eye
Evolution of microbiology
Francesco Redi
Development of
generation debates
generation disapproval
Applied Microbiology
Food Microbiology
Evolution of Food Microbiology
• Food
• Food
• Food
• Food
History of food preservation
• 1782 - 1840
– Development and use of canning
process for preservation of food
• 1813
– Use of SO2 as a meat preservative
• 1841 - 1878
– Development and use of freezing for
storing foods for long periods of time
– Food sterilization, development of
condensed and dried milk
History of food preservation (cont.)
• 1890 – 1900
– Development and use of milk pasteurization
• 1907 – 1930
– Use of chemicals for food preservation
– Use of modified and controlled
atmospheres for preservation of fruits and
• 1929 - Present
– High energy radiation for food processing
History of food spoilage
• 1659 - 1780
– Studies on milk souring
– Association between lactic acid and milk souring
• 1866
– Development of pasteurization
• 1839 – 1878
– Studies on sugar slimes
• 1887 – 1902
– Studies that demonstrated bacterial growth at low
– Use of the term psychrophile
• 1888 – 1917
– Studies on thermophilic bacteriology
• 1933 – 1964
– Studies on Byssochlamis fulva
History of foodborne disease
• 1820 – 1896
– The etiological role of Salmonella, Staphylococcus and
Clostridium botulinum in food poisoning was proved
• 1904 – 1951
– New foodborne pathogens were described
• Bacillus cereus, Clotridium perfringens (welchii), Campylobacter
(Vibrio), Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia enterocolitica
• 1955 – 1975
– Toxins from foodborne pathogenic bacteria were isolated
and characterized
– Different virulence mechanisms were described
• 1975 – 1993
– Emerging foodborne pathogens gained importance
• Campylobacter jejuni/coli, Aeromonas spp., Listeria
monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Vibrio vulnificus
• 1995 – present
– Studies on pathogen control
History of food legislation
• 1890 – 1895
– Meat inspection act
(approval and
• 1906
– U.S. Federal Food and Drug
• 1910
– Milk pasteurization required
• 1939 - 1954
– Food, Drug and Cosmetic
Act (approval and
• 1957
• 1963
– Irradiation approved for
bacon treatment
– Approval withdrawn in
• 1967
– U.S. Wholesome Meat Act
• 1973
– Several microbiological
standards adopted
• 1995 – 2001
– HACCP regulations for
meat and poultry, fishery
products and juice products
– U.S. Compulsory Poultry
and Poultry Products law
Microorganisms of interest in
Food Microbiology
• Spoilers
• Pathogens
• Starters and probiotics
• Indicators
Spoilage organisms
• Microorganisms causing food deterioration
– Psychrothophs among the most important
• Control by applying methods for food
– Refrigeration, reduced water activity (aw),
acidification etc.
• Examples
– Pseudomonas producing off odors in
refrigerated raw meats
– Leuconostoc producing slime in juices
– Lactococcus producing acid in raw milk
• Salmonella
• Clostridium perfringens
• Escherichia coli O157:H7
• Campylobacter
• Staphylococcus aureus
• Listeria monocytogenes
• Vibrio cholerae, V. vulnificus
• Yersinia enterocolitica
• Cyclospora
Starter organisms
• Used for production of fermented foods
• Examples
– Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus bulgaricus
• Yogurt
– Propionibacterium shermanii
• Swiss cheese
• Their function is to produce distinctive
aroma or texture
• Organisms that colonize the body and have
beneficial effects for the host
• Examples
– Bifidobacteria
– Lactobacillus casei
– Lactobacillus acidophilus
• Associated with
– Prevention of colon cancer
– Detachment of cholesterol plaque from arteries
Indicator organisms
• Microbial groups whose number or presence is
used as an indicative of Microbial food quality or
• Examples
– Aerobic plate count
• Total levels of bacteria present in a specific food product
– Coliform bacteria
• Indicate adherence to good manufacturing practice during
food processing
– Escherichia coli
• Indicates exposure to fecal contamination