AP Physics 1 Syllabus School Year 2014-2015 Instructor: Catherine Pascual Email Address: catherine.pascual@abcusd.us Classroom/Office: Room 308 Website: mrspascual.weebly.com C la ssro om R u le s: Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Positive Be Productive Be Polite Course Description AP Physics I is a course which is equivalent to a first-semester college course in algebrabased physics. This course covers Newtonian mechanics (including rotational dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy and power; and mechanical waves and sound. This course will also introduce electric circuits. This course will include lecture and laboratory exercises. Laboratory activities will be comparable to the lab that is being done in college-level Physics I. The student will learn how to prepare and write laboratory reports. This course aims to prepare students to be able to explain and analyze real life situations that deals with Physics and also be able to solve problems in the field of science. During lecture, students will be involved in problem solving using formulas and will be expected to understand how formulas are related to each other. Materials Required 2-line Scientific Calculator or graphing calculator (1 line scientific calculators are NOT a good option for this course) Binder with lined and graph paper or spiral notebook with loose graph paper Composition book (graph paper preferred, if not have loose graph paper to glue in) Ruler, pencils, black or blue pen (no other color), highlighter Attendance Students are expected to be on time and attend all lectures and laboratory period. Students who miss a lecture must contact the teacher or other students for notes. Homework will be posted on my class website. For missed assignments, the work is due the SAME day the student returns. For missed tests or quizzes, they must be taken the SAME day of return. No exceptions allowed unless approved by the Registrar. Again, it is the responsibility of the student to make-up all missed work in a timely manner. The teacher will not remind the student for any missed or late assignments/tests/quizzes. Classroom Behavior The following are expected from the student: • • • • Cellphones are not to be used in class, we have a class set of iPads, if students need to look something up or something of that sort, they are to ask to use an iPad and NOT take out their phones. Cheating and plagiarism of any form is not allowed. Whether you gave your work to someone or you took someone’s work, it is considered cheating. You must not leave the classroom without permission. The teacher is expecting the best behavior from each student. Grading Scales Students will be evaluated through the following categories: Quizzes – 15% Lab reports – 15% Tests – 30% Classwork and Participation– 5% Projects – 10% Final Exam – 20% Assignments/Homework – 5% Grades will be based on the following grading scale (plusses and minus at my discretion): 89.50% - 100% 79.50% - 89.49% 69.50% - 79.49% 59.50% - 69.49% Below 59.50% A B C D F Test and Quiz note: No electronic device (cellphones, ipods, ipads) other than a pre-approved calculator may be used in the classroom during a test/quiz. Any student using an electronic device other than an approved calculator will receive a zero for the test/quiz and the electronic device will be confiscated and will be brought to the office. Course Requirements Quizzes: Quizzes will be given 3-6 times a month. Some of the quizzes will be announced and some will be pop quizzes. In case of absence, the student has to make-up the quiz the day they come back to class. The reason for absence should be valid for a make-up to be taken. Assignments: Homework will be given on a weekly basis, it is the student’s responsibility to pace themselves and come in for help if needed. NO LATE HOMEWORK will be accepted unless the student is absent with a valid excuse. Classwork: Classwork will consist of discussions to find the best way to solve a problem, experimental design, analysis of data, and reflections. You will do a lot of group work where you will be expected to take different roles, collaborate, provide feedback, and work towards reaching the objectives of the day. For absent students, the problems and objectives of the day will be posted online. Contact other students in your group for more details. Assignments/Classwork Note: Legibility and neatness of your assignments and classwork will be graded. Answers must be boxed, formulas must be written, unit of measurement must be present, and the solution for the problem must be well written out. Take note of the following expectations for classwork and assignments: • • • • • • • Any charts, diagrams and graphs are to be drawn neatly Write the key “original” physics equation Write all solutions and include units Answers must have unit of measurements Final answer must be BOXED IF you don’t follow this, points will be deducted Example below: Projects: A project will be given every semester. The project will be related to one of the topics discussed that semester. The teacher will choose and tell the students what their project would be. Instructions and deadline will be announced early in the semester. Laboratory Reports: As much as possible, a lab will be done every week. This lab session will help students apply theory into practical and real life situations. Each student needs a laboratory notebook (composition book to be kept in class) where they have to report their lab activity. For the lab report students should follow the checklist that will be provided during the first lab. This checklist should be glued to the beginning of the notebook. Unit Tests: A test will be given after every unit has been discussed. Students will be given a lecture session to review. The test format will be similar to the AP Physics test. Both theory and calculations will come up in the tests. Calculators will be allowed and the AP Physics 1 formula sheet will be provided. Final Test: A final test will be given at the end of every semester. The test will be comprehensive, covering all topics discussed that semester. The test format will be similar to that of the AP Physics test. The AP Physics test MUST be taken. The schedule for the test will be announced at the beginning of the second semester. Grade Distribution and Policy Grades are calculated in a mixed method (combination of weight and points). The grades will be updated weekly and will be uploaded on Aeries(ABI) every week so that students and parents may continually monitor academic progress. Extra Credit: No extra credit will be given on demand or on an individual basis. However, I will be giving extra credit questions on some Unit tests. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SIGNED AND THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE RETURNED TO THE TEACHER BEFORE ANY POINTS WILL BE RECORDED FOR THIS STUDENT’S GRADE I have read, am familiar with, and accept the class requirements, classroom policies, and expectations included in the syllabus for Mrs. Pascual’s AP Physics 1 class. ________________________ Student’s Full Name __________________________ Student’s Signature ________________ Date Parent/Guardian Consent: I acknowledge that I have read through the attached course syllabus and understand the requirements, policies and expectations of my child. I will support and encourage my child. ________________________ Parent/Guardian Name __________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________ Date