Syllabus for Intervention Math
Prepared by Donna Lange
Course Description
The Math Intervention Program is designed to address skill gaps students may have.
Assignments are determined by test scores (MAP, PASS) or teacher recommendations or both. The programs address the needs and operating level of each student and assign skills to be mastered accordingly. The Number Worlds Program builds achievement by testing and then training in the component skills that are critical for students to attain success with the regular math curriculum. The programs are designed as interventions that complement the classroom instruction, core curriculum, and the state standards.
Instructional Philosophy
Students use the computer, as well as, classroom instruction and follow their individually prescribed program. This is opportunity for students to acquire skills they have missed in previous years. The goal is to take students who are achieving below basic and move them to basic. By working on individual skills, they are able to complete the program, make adequate progess and be moved out of the program by the end of the quarter in which they finished. This is very motivating for students— knowing they are not assigned to the program for the entire year.
Course Standards
All the Math State Standards are addressed in these programs. .
The Tutorials for Number Worlds include the following areas:
Number Sense
Major Projects
Benchmark Tests (Aug/Dec/Apr)
Daily Math-3-5 computation questions and one word problem-
Daily work using the computer to master identified skills. 10 to 15 minutes of time on task, is optimal for maximum success in the program.
Individual instruction with the teacher when the situation warrants.
Progress Monitoring (every three weeks)
The Benchmark (8 minutes) is administered August, December, and April.
MAP TEST (Sep/Dec/Mar)
Informal assessments will also be used, such as Probes and/or teacher made assessments.
Progress Monitoring Test every three weeks as needed.
Grading Components
Although students can move through the program at their own pace, pace does factor into their grade. Students are expected to work diligently every day and achieve with 85% accuracy. A comparison of average class progress and student actual progress will also be a factor in determining grades.
Class Participation
Office Hours/Tutoring
Since this is an intervention program, extensive tutorials are assigned when warranted.
Tuesdays 7:00 -8:00 AM is the time allocated in the event additional assistance is needed.
Journals- (10minutes)
Students will write 3-5 sentences about the topic. Include examples if needed.
NoteAny student not completing the journal during class time will finish the assignment for homework.
Daily Math-
Students will be given three problems daily at the beginning of the period. They will write the problem and show work for each problem. A quiz will be given on Fridays to assess whether students are keeping up with DOM. Five questions will be selected from problems given during the week. (Partial credit will be given if steps are correct, but answer is wrong.)Students may use their notes during the quiz.
Students will be given grades for participation, answering questions correctly, completion of projects on time, and encouraging correct responses from their peers.
Students will be given quizzes as needed. (Pop quizzes may happen to assess the child’s learning of material presented during class.) Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Generally, students will write in their agendas in advance if a test or quiz is going to happen. Parents should check this daily.
Students will be given homework Monday through Thursday. It will be checked for accuracy daily.
Students are also required nightly to visit the following web site and practice the animation activities for at least ten minutes.
Find your book (Course 1-6 th grade, Course 2-7 th Grade, Course 3-Algebra, Pre-Algebra should select the
Pre-Algebra book) Student may explore any book as long as they work ten minutes on the animations.
Click on Animations
Select the Chapter
Do the activity
Record in homework log and have parent initial.
Students may repeat the same lesson or do another one
Students should bring a working calculator to class daily. Calculators are to assist students in solving multi-step problems. Students must ALWAYS show their work. The teacher will advise students when calculators may be used. At no time will the calculator be used for the five daily math problems or the journal.
Students must have a pass to enter room if tardy.
Students will be dismissed from class by the teacher.
Students will follow all procedures for fire, tornado, earthquake, and bomb threat for ABMS.
Students will leave area clean upon leaving room.
Students have five days to make up work missed.
Students will respect each other’s responses.
Students will respond by taking turns and raising hands.
Students will encourage creative thinking.
Students will follow the guidelines of ABMS.
Students are not allowed bathroom passes. They are to use breaks between classes.
Only in case of emergencies or at the teacher's discretion will a child be let out of class.
Students will bring textbook, pencils, notebook, paper and calculator to class each day.
Students will work cooperatively when in groups.
Students will encourage teamwork.
Students will provide equal collaboration.
Students will follow CMS handbook policies.
How do I get to my child’s Sharp School page?
1. Go to
2. Once on Cario’s page, click on “Directory”
3. Click on “Faculty and staff”
4. Click on “Child’s Pod”
5. Click on “Teacher Name”
Once you click teacher page, you can find the calendar, and other pages full of helpful information.
You can set up the “email alert” by clicking on the blue/green button on the calendar page. This means you will get an email when Sharp School is updated.
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Student Signature
Parent Signature