Nazi Expansion & World War II Crossword Puzzle

Nazi Expansion & World War II
Directions: Use the following definitions as clues to fill in the crossword puzzle.
4. Japan attacked this U.S. naval base in 1941
6. first city on which the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb
8. British prime minister responsible for giving in to Hitler’s demands in the period preceding World War II
9. leader of the “Free French” resistance movement
14. acronym for the British air force
16. German word for “union with Austria”
18. second city on which the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb
20. 1938 meeting that resulted in Britain and France ceding the Sudetenland to Hitler
21. Allied policy of giving in to Hitler to keep the peace
22. World War II alliance consisting of Germany, Italy, Japan, et al.
23. one of the two theaters of World War II; the war in this theater ended first
24. World War II battle, May 1940, in which the British miraculously were able to withdraw their troops from the beach that gave this battle its name
26. one of the two theaters of World War II; the war in this theater ended last
29. region of Germany that the Treaty of Versailles turned into a demilitarized zone
30. World War II alliance consisting of Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, et al.
1. name for the French government that accepted defeat to Hitler in 1940 and became a puppet of the Nazi regime
2. term for Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews
3. German war tactic that translates to mean “lightning war”
5. country that won the Battle of Britain
7. term for the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944
10. mobile firing squads that followed the victorious German army through Eastern Europe and parts of Russia, executing Jews wherever they were found
11. the most infamous of the Nazi concentration camps; actually a death camp
12. the first country that Hitler invaded in the lead up to World War II
13. American strategy against the Japanese
15. region of Czechoslovakia that Hitler annexed because it contained a German-speaking minority
17. eastern European ethnic group that Hitler regarded as an inferior race
19. country with which Hitler signed an agreement in 1939, promising to remain neutral in the event that either went to war and to divide eastern Europe
between them
25. infamous German-Soviet battle; Germany advanced on this city, which managed to hold out against Hitler’s army
27. fascist leader of Spain
28. heroic prime minister of Britain during World War II
31. the German air force