GHSGT Social Studies Review Questions #4

GHSGT Social Studies Review Questions #4- World History
1. How did Hitler’s annexation of Sudetenland contribute to the start of World War
A it gave Hitler a better industrial base to make armaments
B it made Hitler believe democracies were too weak to stop him
C it showed Hitler he would have to fight for any more territorial gains
D its strategic location gave Hitler a military advantage over England and France
(correct answer B)
2. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad a major turning point in World War II?
A was the last major battle of World War II
B stopped the German advance into Russia
C led to the U.S. involvement in World War II
D Russia’s defeat led to the Russian Revolution
(correct answer B)
3. Why was the U.S. victory at Guadalcanal an important part of defeating the
Japanese in the Pacific theater?
A prevented the Japanese from attacking Australia
B convinced the British that Japan could be defeated
C was the last major battle of World War II against the Japanese
D enabled U.S. forces to begin an attack on the Japanese home islands
(correct answer A)
4. What was one reason Hitler marked the Jewish population for destruction?
A He blamed them for the economic problems in Germany.
B He believed the they had tried to keep him from political office.
C He blamed them for the German defeat in Russia during World War II.
D He believed that they were spying on Germany for the allied forces.
(correct answer A)
5. How did Nazi philosophy justify the Holocaust and the taking of property from nonGermans?
A As the master race Germans were superior.
B The property taken had originally belonged to Germans.
C Those who had taken from Germany needed to be punished.
D The Jews, Gypsies, and disabled persons were hurting the German war effort.
(correct answer A)
6. How did the decisions made at the Yalta Conference impact Europe?
A Eastern Europe came under the domination of the Soviet Union.
B Germany was unified and brought into the community of nations.
C Plans were made for the rebuilding of Europe after World War II.
D Germany and Italy were to be under the control of the League of Nations.
(correct answer A)
7. What was the primary purpose of the Potsdam Conference?
A to develop the strategy for the defeat of Japan
B to correct problems with the League of Nations
C to finalize the plans for post-World War II Germany
D to plan for the rebuilding of Europe after World War II
(correct answer C)
8. Why did the United States decide to fund rebuilding Europe under the Marshall
A to stop the spread of communism
B to keep Nazi ideology from spreading
C to develop markets for the new industries in the U.S.
D to encourage the development of new industries in Europe
(correct answer A)
9. How was the post-World War II plan for Japan different from that for Europe?
A Japan had to use its own money to rebuild its industry.
B Japan’s rebuilding was under the control of the U.S. Army.
C Japan continued to maintain a large combat army and navy.
D Japan’s government leaders were not punished for World War II.
(correct answer B)
10. What was the ultimate consequence of the religious issue in Indian independence?
A continuous civil war since independence
B independence was delayed for many years
C two countries were formed, India and Pakistan
D the British granted independence to only part of India
(correct answer C)