Bill of Rights Collage Project Instructions

Bill of Rights Collage Project
 You may use this URL to help you remember what rights
and freedoms are listed in each amendment.
Materials Needed:
 Newspaper
 Magazines
 Construction paper
 Bill of Rights
 Glue
 Scissors
What is your Job?
1. You are going to create a collage illustrating the rights and
freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights.
2. Your job is to cut out as many pictures as possible from
newspapers or magazines of people demonstrating the Bill
of Rights. You may also cut out words or sayings that talk
about the amendments.
3. You must have at least one picture, document, saying, or
words for each amendment.
4. Before gluing your pictures, you must put the title “The Bill
of Rights” somewhere on your construction paper.
5. You will glue all of your pictures on your construction paper
to make a collage. The more pictures the better.
6. On the back of your collage write your first and last name.