Quality Review and Assurance Committee Terms of Reference/Functions The Quality Review and Assurance Committee exist to: Establish, implement and monitor the Amity London Business School Quality Manual. Organise appropriate training and development across Amity Global Business School to maintain appropriate academic quality standards. Review the resource implications of QAA regulations and to refer such reviews to the Senior Management Group. Oversee the development of new programmes. to receive the School Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Academic Report and to monitor the implementation of the Report Action Plan. Membership The Quality Review and Assurance Committee (QRAC) current comprises: Academic Director Head of Academic administration Programme Leads: UG and PG Head of Assessments Administrator (as record keeper) Attendance: Academic registrar (clerk) Modus Operandi Quorum: 50% of total members. Agenda, minutes, papers published on the School intranet. Frequency of meetings: The Quality Review and Assurance Committee is meeting once every Semester.