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Research & Quality Assurance Job Description

Job Description for Research and Quality Assurance
Quality assurance Duties
1. Oversees the internal monitoring, evaluation and review of all courses in the
2. Oversees quality assurance operations in the University.
3. Reports to the Academic dean and president on the activities including
identification of issues which require a management response.
4. Receives the outcomes of external reviews of quality and standards, and
monitors action plans to address any matters raised.
5. Coordinates total quality management system and oversees the implementation
of the different Heads of Academic Unit activities.
6. Report the audit outcomes to the president and vice president of academic
affairs and the management at large.
7. Accountable for assuring the quality of all processes of the University
8. Initiates and supports program and institutional self-assessment, peer review,
external review.
9. Provide assistance for assessment conducted by academic departments as part
of Academic program Review.
10. Establish and maintain a set of procedures which allow the university to respond
in a systemic and transparent manner to the external requirements of External
Audit Agencies, such as Somaliland Higher education commission.
11. Ensuring compliance with the university quality framework to meet required
12. Work with Department Heads/Deans to provide professional advice and
guidance on quality assurance and enhancement matters
13. Responsible for any other activities related to institutional quality assurance.
Job Description for Research and Quality Assurance
Research Duties
1. Producing every semester at list one research based on community problems.
2. Monitoring and guiding Student research projects in each department and setting
Guide lines of the research Book
3. Making plans of student research deadlines and setting date to start and date to
4. Initiating and Conducting Research
5. Research findings should be disseminated through publications of books and
periodicals, presentation of occasional papers and participation and conduct of
seminars, and workshops.
6. Head of the research should work in hand for the purpose of offering quality
education, training and advancement of knowledge in various disciplines that are
relevant to the development needs of the country.
7. Head of the Research at is expected to contribute to capacity building and
continued growth of the University, the development of arts, science and
8. The initiation and approval of research priorities shall be the responsibility of the
head of the research
9. Implementing and nominating Research committee.
Name: Mr Saed Mohamed Ismael
Signature ………………………………
Date …………………………………
President: Abdiqani Ibrahim Hassan
Date _____________