Human Anatomy - Trent University

1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8
Tel: (705) 748-1011, ext. 7424, FAX: (705) 748-1139; Email:
Human Anatomy
BIOL-1050H – online version
Fall 2012
Instructor: Dr. Cynthia Kapke
Office: DNA D213
Phone: (705) 748-1011 X6346
Email (preferred):
Teaching Assistants: TBA
The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the general anatomy of the human body.
Anatomy serves as a basis upon which to study many other aspects of human biology. You
will be learning the names and locations of many body parts and systems. This knowledge
base can be built upon in many other subjects. For example, the companion course, Human
Physiology, will expand upon the names and locations of various body parts by providing a
context in terms of function. Knowledge of the normal anatomy is also the basis of medicine
and surgery as well as other disciplines such as forensics that look to understand what sorts
of things may have gone wrong to produce disease and death.
Course Format:
BIOL 1050H (online version) will run from September 12 to Dec 5, 2012. The course is
entirely web-based, with the exception of an in-class final exam, to be held during the final
exam period which will be held during the regular exam period (date, time, and location to be
announced). Further details about the exam will be announced later in the course. If you will
be unable to write the final exam in either Peterborough or Oshawa, please contact the
course instructor by Oct 10 so that we can ensure that it will be possible to put
alternative arrangements in place.
Course pre-requisites: 4U Biology and Chemistry are required; 4U Kinesiology
recommended. Excludes Biol 105
Course materials:
1. Course textbook: textbook Human Anatomy & Physiology, 9/E: E. N. Marieb, K.
Hoehn, ISBN-10: 0321743261 or ISBN-13: 978021743268.
2. Access to Mastering A and P computer site from Pearson, included with textbook
Recommended: an anatomical atlas such as
3. Atlas: A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed , K. M. Van
De Graaff, D.A. Morton, J. L. Crawley, ISBN-13: 9780895828750
You can purchase the textbook as a bound textbook, 3 hole punched loose book, or as an ebook. Both the bound text and 3-hole punch text will come with an access card that will give
you acess to mastering A and P and the book textbook on the Pearson website. You should
know that purchasing access to the website and e-book alone will save you $1 over the cost
of the 3-hole punch version of the text. Although you will be given the option of just
purchasing access to Mastering A and P, you should not expect to pass this class without
the textbook. Also, you can buy the textbook from but it will not come with the
access card allowing you into the mastering A and P program. Therefore, your best option is
to buy the book from the Trent bookstore and use the enclosed access card to register on the
Pearson website. If the textbook is not available in the bookstore, you should proceed directly
to the Pearson website and sign up for the free trial of the site with e-book. This will get you
started so you don’t miss any of the activities while you wait for the textbook to arrive in the
Assessment Breakdown: In addition to the regular reading assignments from the textbook,
there are one or more activities due each week. Marks for these activities appear in the
following table:
Follow each module
Workbook assignments (Best 10 of 12 will be counted for
Six total (Best 5 of 6 will be
Written assignments
counted for grade)
Covers material from study guide,
workbooks, written materials, and
textbook for each module.
10 of 12 will be counted for grade
Practical quiz
Cumulative, structural id, online
Final Exam
Cumulative, written in person
9 AM following
9 AM following
Available: 5PM
Thursday through 9AM
following Tuesday
During final exam
period (TBA)
University Exam
Contacting your instructor:
E-mail responses will normally be provided within 24 hours during the work-week. Please
include your course number (1050H) in the subject of your e-mail and use your Trent e-mail
account to ensure that you message is not spam-filtered accidentally. You are encouraged to
use class discussion boards for your general questions.
Online Course Structure:
This course will be presented in modules. Each module will begin with a study guide which
will outline learning objectives and highlight some important concepts, including key terms.
Your study guide will also direct you to the various extra learning aids available on our work
websites called Mastering A and P. This site will provide you with access to the textbook,
workbooks, and supporting programs. Written assignments will be submitted on the university
blackboard learning system as will quizzes.
After working through the materials in the module you will then complete a series of questions
in your module online workbook. The workbook will alert you to errors you have made and
give you the opportunity to correct your work as many times as you wish before you submit it.
Out of 11 module workbooks only 10 will be counted toward your grade. However, as this
course has a cumulative final exam I strongly recommend you to work through all the
workbooks. Also, please note, there will be no make-up opportunities for workbooks, so by
submitting weekly you will not have to worry if an emergency comes up and you are unable to
complete the workbook or submit it on time.
In addition to the workbooks you will be asked to write a short written response to a few
questions each week. Unlike the workbooks the answers to these questions should be
submitted on the blackboard learning system. These questions will encompass larger
concepts in the course and will hopefully help you synthesis material. There will be a total of 6
written assignments the best 5 of which will be counted toward your grade. You will be able to
work on your assignment up until the time it is due, but you will not be provided with feedback
as you are with the workbooks. Workbooks and written assignments will be made
available by 5 PM Friday, the week preceding the module and will by due by 9 AM the
Tuesday following the Module.
There will also be weekly online quizzes throughout the course. Each quiz will consist of up to
12 multiple choice questions and will be limited to 15 minutes. Quizzes will be available
from 5 PM on Thursday through 9AM the following Tuesday and will cover only
material presented since the preceding quiz. Similarly to the workbooks, there will be no
make-up quizzes but only 10 of the 12 quizzes will be counted toward your grade.
At the end of the course you will also be required to take an in-class final exam during the
regularly scheduled exam period. You must perform the final exam notification on My
Learning System at least 30 days in advance of the final if you would like to take the exam in
Oshawa instead of Peterborough or if you are 200 km or more away from either the Oshawa
or Peterborough campus.
You will also be required to take a cumulative online quiz with identifications from the entire
semester. This quiz will be online, will consist of about 30 multiple choice questions, and will
take about 40 minutes. The date will be announced after the final exam schedule is released
as the quiz will be in the final exam period.
Human anatomy is an extensive subject and we will be working very quickly through a large
amount of material. You can consider the module study guides to be a starting point for your
study of anatomy. You are required to read the textbook and do the associated activities. I
encourage you to keep up and to complete all the material in the class before the final exam.
Although your lowest two workbook grades, two quiz grades, and written assignment grade
will be dropped, you should make every effort to complete all the work in the class in order to
be prepared for the final exam.
Each week, new material, chapter assignments and activities will become available. Your
course syllabus will outline what material will be covered and when it will be available. Use
your course syllabus and the online material to guide you through the required readings in the
Technology and student responsibilities:
Ó This is an online course. It is the responsibility of, you, the student to ensure that you
have the appropriate technology to access the course.
Ó It is your responsibility to ensure you are able to submit assignments online in the
appropriate format (usually, .doc or .pdf)
Ó It is your responsibility to ensure all of your assignments and quizzes have been submitted
properly. Submission areas permit you to verify your documents once they have been
Ó This course uses Flash® video to provide instruction. It is your responsibility to ensure you
are able to view Flash® video on whatever device you use to access the course.
Ó Material submitted incorrectly, or in an unreadable format, will receive the standard penalty
for lateness until submitted correctly.
Ó It is your responsibility to regularly check the blackboard learning site for the class. Each
week, additional course material plus instruction on assignments and tests will be added.
Course announcements can also be accessed through this page, plus discussion boards.
Ó The final exam will consist primarily of multiple choice questions plus or minus written
response questions, and must be written in person, either at Trent University, Trent at
Oshawa or under the supervision of an invigilator approved by the University.
Policy on Quizzes, Exams and Assignments:
Final Exams: Students should not make any commitments (e.g. vacation, job-related
activities, or other travel plans) during the final examination period. Students are required to
be available for all examinations during the periods for which they are scheduled (as
published in the course syllabus or university time table).
Assignment and Assessment Instructions: Assignments and Assessments have
specific instructions regarding acceptable online submission formats (e.g. .doc, .pdf).
Failure to follow the instructions outlined in each assignment or assessment will result in a
grade of 0 for each incident.
Valid Submissions: Always check that your assignment was submitted correctly by
returning to the assignment area and re-opening your submission. Assignments in incorrect
formats, or assignments that are left un-submitted in the assignments area past the date
due, will not be accepted.
Deferral of Final Examinations: Extension of due dates for completion of final
examinations may be granted to students on the basis of illness, accident or other extreme
and unanticipated legitimate circumstances beyond the student’s control, with supporting
Supporting Documentation: Supporting documentation will be required and must be
submitted before deferrals are approved. For illness or accident, supporting documentation
will take the form of:
The Trent University Medical Certificate from Health Services
A certificate or letter from the attending physician clearly indicating the start and
end dates of the illness and the student’s inability to write an examination, complete
an assignment, or participate in group activities or,
For other circumstances, students should consult the instructor about acceptable
forms of documentation.
Independent work: Unless you are specifically directed to work collaboratively with
your classmates, all of the work that you hand in for assessment should be your own.
Plagiarism is taken very seriously at Trent University. All work submitted for this class
must be your own. See The Academic Integrity policy for more details. Consider yourself
Assignments and quizzes are to be submitted by the time and date they are due, which will be
stated in the instructions for each assignment. There will be no make-up assignments or
quizzes. If more than 2 workbook assignments, 1 written assignment, or 2 quizzes are missed
with documentation of special circumstances, any remaining grade allocation will be added to
the final exam. If more than the allotted 2 workbook assignments, 1 written assignment, or 2
quizzes are missed without documentation of special circumstances, the grade for missed
work beyond the allotted amount will be a grade of zero.
Special Circumstances
If there are cases of exceptional circumstances surrounding a student’s inability to complete
allocated course work, these should be brought to the attention of the instructor, with the
appropriate supporting documents, as soon as possible. Extensions arranged after an
assignment is due will normally not be granted. Each situation with regard to extensions or
potential penalties will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
University Policies
Academic Integrity:
Breaches of Academic Integrity, which include plagiarism and cheating, are extremely serious
academic offences and carry penalties varying from a 0 grade on an assignment to expulsion
from the University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and
cheating are set out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility
to educate yourself – unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly
encouraged to visit Trent’s Academic Integrity website to learn more:
Access to Instruction:
Trent University aims to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a disability
or health consideration and feels that they may need accommodation to succeed in this
course, that student should contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible. On the
Peterborough campus, they are located in Blackburn Hall, Suite 132,
( On the Oshawa campus, they are located in Room 111
(phone: 905-435-5100). Complete text can be found under Access to Instruction in the
Academic Calendar.
Please see the Trent University academic calendar for University Diary dates,
Academic Information and Regulations, and University and departmental
degree requirements.
Course Outline
Week of
Sept 10
Sept 17
Sept 24
Oct 1
Oct 8
1. Anatomy Overview, Cell
Chapters 1 and 3
2. Tissues and Integumentary System
Chapters 4 and 5
3. Bone and Skeleton
Chapters 6 (173 –
182) and 7
4.Joints and Muscle tissue
Chapter 8 and 9
(276 – 285)
5. Muscles
Oct 15
6. Nervous Tissue and Central nervous system
Oct 22
Reading week
Oct 29
Nov 5
Nov 12
Nov 19
Dec 3
7. Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous System,
Chapter 10
Chapters11 (386 –
395) and 12 (428 –
452; 458 – 475)
(Chapter 13 (part 1
and 2) and 14 (524 –
8. Special Senses overview, Endocrine system Chapter 15 ( 544overview, and Introduction to circulatory system 553, 565 – 575), 17
and 18
9. Heart and Blood vessels
Chapters 18 and 19
(part 1 and 3)
10. Lymphatic and Respiratory systems
Chapter 20 and 22
(801 – 821)
11. Digestive system
Chapters 23 (part 1
and 2)
12. Urinary and Reproductive System
Chapters 25 (954 –
963; 979 - 982) and
27 ( 1018 – 1026;
1035 – 1043)