Physical Science - Bloomfield Public Schools

Integrated Science
Ms Poplin
Room 132
(860) 286-2630 x 636
Course Description:
This freshman year course is designed to introduce and cultivate a
basic understanding of science. The central themes discussed in this
yearlong course include chemistry and matter, energy & electricity, earth
systems and global interdependence. A strong emphasis will be placed on
the fundamental science skills of observation, accurate measurement,
recording and analyzing of data, the development of a conclusion and how
science and technology affect society. This course includes guided hands on
experimentation coupled with extensive theoretical and practical
Global Science – Energy, Resources, Environment
Grading Procedure:
Your grade will be determined as follows:
1. Tests- There will typically be a test after each chapter. Typically, there
will be 2 to 3 tests per marking period. If you are absent, all tests must
be made up within a week. Test scores account for 30% of your grade.
2. Class Participation- Each student is expected to come to class prepared.
This includes bringing a pen, pencil, calculator, notebook and covered
textbook to class unless notified by the instructor. Each class is worth 5
points. Points will be deducted for the following reasons: tardiness, class
disruptions, coming unprepared for class, lack of participation or any
reason seen fit by the instructor. If a student is absent he/she will receive
a zero for the day. Only documented cases of illness will be excused.
Class participation accounts for 15% of your grade.
3. Lab Reports/Handouts- Students’ are expected to follow all safety
guidelines. All handouts and/or lab reports must be turned in on the date
set by the instructor. If you are absent, you will receive a zero but labs
can be made up. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule a make up
lab. Labs account for 15% of your grade.
4. Quizzes – Typically, there will be a scheduled or pop quiz at least once
every two weeks. It is the responsibility of the student to make up all
quizzes. Quizzes account for 15% of your grade.
5. Homework/Classwork-It is the responsibility of the student to complete
all homework and classwork assignments in a timely fashion. All missed
assignments will be given a zero. Day late assignments will be given half
credit. No assignments will be accepted after two days. If a student is
absent, it is their responsibility to obtain the assignment. Each student
will be given three homework passes that can be used if an assignment is
late. Homework/class work accounts for 15% of your grade.
6. Notebook/textbook check-Students are to bring their notebook and
covered textbook to class. Periodically, I will conduct a “check” to make
sure that all students are doing as such. Notebooks must be dated, neat
and complete. Each page must be numbered. All assignments must be
done in the notebook unless notified otherwise. Notebook/textbook
checks account for 10% of your grade.
Your success and overall grade does not depend entirely on tests and
quizzes. It depends on your attitude and your willingness to work hard and
participate constructively. Every aspect of your performance is considered.
Please note: The grading procedure is subject to change.
Extra Help:
I am available after-school until 4pm everyday with the exception of
Wednesday and Friday or by appointment. Each student is encouraged to
attend extra help sessions if he/she is having any difficulties with the topics.
Class Rules:
1. All students will remain in their assigned seats or lab tables at all times.
For safety reasons, movement in class should only be with the teacher’s
2. Laboratory safety procedures are to be adhered to at all times. If a
student violates the safety contract three times, they will not be allowed
to participate in ANY lab activities.
3. Congregating in the classroom doorway is not allowed. Socializing is not
allowed during class.
4. Respect each student’s space and their belongings.
5. Respect each student’s right to participate in class discussions and groups
without comment or criticism from other members of the class.
6. Students wishing to speak in class will raise their hand and be recognized
by the teacher prior to speaking.
7. All assigned student areas are to be kept neat, clean and organized at all
8. The textbook should be brought to class every day unless told otherwise.
9. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. If brought into the class
those items will be confiscated and discarded.
10.No swearing is allowed in this classroom.
11.Do not write on the desks.
12.Be on time for class.
13.Respect yourself and others.
14.Class is dismissed when the bell rings. Do not wait at the door for the
bell to ring.
15.There is no sleeping, napping or resting of one’s head during class. If
you are sick, please see the nurse.
16.Do not remove any items from my desk unless permission is granted.
These rules will be updated as needed. Please be advised that all students
will follow the rules and regulations outlined in the student handbook.
Additional Information:
I am strongly committed to the academic success of your
son/daughter. As an educator, I believe that all students have the ability to
succeed with the proper guidance. By signing this document, we pledge to
fully support and encourage your son/daughter academically, emotionally
and mentally. I am convinced that this academic school year will be
successful and your child will achieve all of their personal goals and dreams.
Please feel free to call me at 286-2630 x 636 or email me at if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.
Please sign and return this page indicating that you have read the syllabus
and understand the terms and conditions.
Student’s name____________________________________
Student’s signature_________________________________
Parent’s signature__________________________________
Teacher’s signature__________________________________