Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION IV-A CATABARZON Gate 2, Karangalan Village, Cainta Rizal ''I MEMORAI{DU![ DENTS TO: d(\ - l'i;6ll i "rf FROM: OT ADOPT.A.SCHOOL PROGRAM DIVISION COORDINATORS SUBJECT: CONSULTATTVE MEETING DATE: March 17,2013 Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 32, s. 2014 re: Implementing Brigada Eskwela 2014, a Meeting of all Division Adopt-A-School Program Coordinators shall be held on March 25, 2014, 9i00 in the morning at C.M. Recto Memorial central School, Tiaong, Quezon. The meeting aims to: a plai activities for the 2014 Brigada Esl tela; alrd b. review the Criteria ior the Selection ol Brigada Eskwela Best School Implementors. Travel expenses of the participalts shall be charged against local funds subject the usual accounting and auditing rules a:rld regulations. to Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desiLed. hrt.vtctr h )/11lr! tl11-( i 3.$tta. d 6e pDitimtu.t Depsrtflent of Gllcctioil 14 l,tAR 2014 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. 32 ,s. 2ola IUPLEUEIITI C ARIGADA ESAWEIA 2OI4 To: Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units Regional Diiectors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public ElementarJr and Secondarjr Schools AII Othe6 Coocerned 1 . The Depa.r'tment of Education (DepEd) shall conduct the Brlg:aila kt .tl4,la 2Ol4 also known as the National Schools Maintenance Week from lf,ay f9 to 2,0, 2014. This school maintenance effort engages all education stakeholders to contiibute their time, effort and resourccs in ensuring tiat the public school facilities are ready in time lor the forthcoming school opening. 2. On May 19, regional and schools division olnces will hold a caravan to launch the first day of Brigad..t Esk]/'€la 2014. A kick-off ceremony wiu be held in a public school, which is dre final stop oI the caravan. 3. All Adopt a-School Program (ASD partners and other orga4izations which aie interested to be involved in the school maintenance prograrn shall coordinate with tie Oflice of Undersecleta.rj. for Par&lerships and Extemal Linkages (OUPEL) through ASp Sec.etariat, for guidaice. Interested groups are advised to accomplish the enclosed Statement of lntercst (SOD Form and submit it *lrough email to on or befole l[ay 12, 2014. 4. For this yea.r, t}Ie Brigqda Eskltetd ellort will focus on making schools disasterready, and on developing disaster-resilient school comfiurities. To ease the schools' vulnerabitty to both natural and human-made disasters, school principals shall take the lead iole in planning activities to promote a safe school environment and ensuring the participation of teachers, pa.rents, cofilrrunity ftembers, local authorities, and other concemed stakeholders in tiis undertaking. In pursuit of this direction, school principals or other school authorities are expected to reinforce the implementation of DepEd Order No. 83, s. 2011 entitted Dsaster Prepa.ednzss Measules/or Schools. 5. During the Brigada r^skura-laweek, key education officials from the Central Oflice shall be monitoring the implementation of the program in schools within the regions where the ofncials are assigned. 6. A[ DepEd employees are encouraged to join tie Briga.da EsktDeld activities by offeting tieir skills or providing their in-kind support to public schools near their rcsidence. Interested employees are given two days to do volunteer work on omchl tlne, provided that such work is approved by theii respective heads of olflces. 7. Expenses relative to the conduct of this activity shall be charged to locai funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. DcpEd cohplq, Mdar.o Aveue, pasis city 1600 F u""-'rr*,u""-r"r",u"r-r.ur Il uau-o"rur*z-ozos I ww-o€Fd.go".ph 8. The deadline for suboission oI t]]e Brigada Dskuelo Accomplishment Report by the regional and division ollices to the ASP Secretanat is on .Iuly 15, 2014. 9. Immediate dissemination of this MemorandLrm is desq. BR. SecretaIl, Encl-: As stated References: DepEd Order: (No. 83, s. 2011) DepEd Memorandum No. 40, s. 2013 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: EMPI'YEES OFFICIAIS PROCRAMS SCHOOLS TEACHERS llml DM imlrebentiru bttdda eslcda 2014 0155-4.btuaa 24, 2014l2-2G 14/3- 12- 14 (Erctosute to D€pEd Memotaddurrr 1{o. 32' 3. Zol4l Brigada Eskwela Nalional Schools Maintenance week STATEMENT OF INTEREST Weare interested tobepartof Erigada Eskwela 2014 NAME OF COMPANY/ACFNCY/ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: CONTACT PERSON: NAME OF EMAII ADDRESS: PUBLTC SCHOOL/5 TO BE ASSISTED: ADDRESS OF SCHOOL/s: FORMS OF INTERVENTION T-l a. Ll Donatrons in-kind tor : (Check two or more item\) repldcing and parnting the roofs cementing existing foothpaths and drains repairing leakang water pipes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ repairing comfort rooms and wash facilities rewiring faulty eledrical facilities paint:ng exterior walls of classrooms repairing or replacing ceiling boards repairinB , refinishing or repainting chairs, desks and fuhiture cleaning-up the sorrunding areas of the school replanting seeds in the vegetable garden replacing school signs any other types of repairs needed to be done Specific material/donation to be given: b. Volunteer man-days/labor supportl Nature of volunteer services/Lxpertrse or 5kills to be r endereo Time and dates/s ofavailability Please email filled-out formls before May 12,2014. to on or