ATISAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL San Pablo City ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN SCHOOL YEAR 2010-2011 PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS OBJECTIVES PROGRAMS, PROJECTS, ACTIVITIES RESOURCES REQUIREMENTS Q1 Q2 Q3 TIME FRAME Q2 Q3 Q1 Q4 J F M A M J J A SOURCES AND AMOUNT OF FUNDS Q4 S O N D MOOE/CANTEEN PTA LGU OTHERS PROVISION ON EQUITABLE ACCESS LEARNING MATERIALS MULTI MEDIA/ LEARNING EQUIPMENTS 1. Provide 1:1 Pupil-Text book ratio across all subjects in Grade I by Jan. 2011 2. Make the following learning equipments available to pupils by Jan. 2011 A. TV Sets Procurement of additional books for the following subjects by grade: GRADE I English Math EP Procurement of the following learning equipments: A. TV Sets National Fund Number of books needed by subject by grade: 8800.00 GRADE I English-10(R) Math-38 EP-40 A. TV Sets (6) 30,000.00 QUALITY AND RELEVANCE OF BASIC EDUCATION PUPILS PERFORMANCE 1. Improve pupils performance as measured by National Achievement Test for Grade VI (NAT 6) from 72.87% Average MPS to 75% MPS across all tool subjects by AFTER 3 REMEDIAL CLASS PROGRAM FOR GRADE VI PUPILS a. Planning and orientation b. Program implementation Subject Teachers of: a. English b. Math c. Science d. Filipino e. HEKASI SY 2010-2011 2. Reduce number of struggling 1. MENTOREAD a. INSET: Assessment of A. 1. School head 2. Teachers 1000.00 1 readers including nonreaders and frustration readers as measured by Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) by SY 20102011. 3. Improve nutritional status as measured by Nutritional Status Report of School Children by SY 20102011. Teachers Competencies in Teaching Reading. 1. Planning 2. INSET 3. D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read Program) 4. Minimize repeaters from 1.39% to 0.05% by SY 2010-2011 5. Improve promotion rate from 96% to 98% by SY 2010-2011 2. Raise completion rate from 64% to 70% by SY 2010-2011 Close Monitoring and Supervision of Teacher-Pupil contact time 1. Improve teachers’ competencies by SY 20102011 through Monthly In-Service Trainings on the following: INTENSIFIED SCHOOL FEEDING PROGRAM (ISFD) 3. Manual on Standards of teaching reading B. 1. Reading Materials Available 2. Advisers 5000.00 1. Food supplies (vegetables, rice, msg, etc) 2. PTCA officers and members 3. School Head 4. NGOs 5. LGUs 1. School Head 2. Teachers Close Monitoring and Supervision of Teacher-Pupil contact time 1. School Head 2. Teachers Close Monitoring and Supervision of Teacher-Pupil contact time 1. School Head 2. Teachers A.1. School Head 2. Teachers 1000.00 Donations 5000.00 MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES A. Basic Computer Literacy a. Planning 1000.00 1000.00 INSETs and LAC Sessions focusing on the following: A. Basic Computer Literacy; B. New trends in teaching strategies, methods and techniques in Mathematics, Science and Health Increase stakeholders’ participation on Brigada Eskwela from 30 participants to 100 participants by SY 20102011 Raise school head’s observation from 6 to 17 observations a month by 2010-2011 Maximize financial resources on school, teachers and pupils needs. b. INSET c. Application d. Monitoring and Evaluation B. New trends in teaching strategies, methods and techniques in Mathematics, Science and Health, a. Planning b. INSET c. Application d. Monitoring and Evaluation INFODRIVE on BRIGADA ESKWELA and BRIGADA ESKWELA PLUS Implementation of 26 OBSERVATION TOOL INSET: Simple Accounting in a Small School a. Planning a. Planning b. INSET c. Application d. Monitoring and Evaluation SUB-TOTALS TOTAL 3. Stake holders 4. Manual on Basic Computer Literacy B. 1. School Head 2. Teachers 3. Handouts on new trends in teaching strategies, methods and techniques 1000.00 1. School Head 2. Teachers 3. Stakeholders 4. Manual on BRIGADA ESKWELA and BRIGADA ESKWELA PLUS 1. School Head 2. Teachers 3. 26 Observation Tool 1. School Head 2. Teachers 3. Manual on Simple Accounting 1000.00 SUB-TOTALS TOTAL 9000.00 31000.00 1000.00 PHP54,800.00 13800.00 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION IV-A CALABARZON DIVISION OF SAN PABLO CITY SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT PREPARED BY: MELVIN A. ALMARIO PRINCIPAL I CHECKED BY: NORY O. ALCANTARA DISTRICT SUPERVISOR