Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University VANGUARD UNIVERSITY School for Professional Studies Degree Program PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING BUOM 471 (formally BUOM 473) Student Guide 01/2013 TF 1 Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University COURSE DESCRIPTION Principles of Marketing studies marketing strategy, concepts, terminology, and activities from a managerial perspective. Students identify and evaluate marketing data, develop programs to capitalize on market opportunities, and identify strategies to profitably manage customer relationships in a dynamic, global, and connected environment. Students complete a strategic marketing plan as part of the course. LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will: 1. Learn how marketing has evolved over time, its functions, and why organizations place emphasis on marketing to meet the demands of the increasingly competitive global environment 2 Discuss the role of data and marketing research to gain marketing insights and develop a comprehensive situational analysis including implications of identified environmental trends 3. Discuss the Marketing Mix, its interrelationship among its components, the major decision areas in marketing responsibility, and the impact of a Christian worldview in marketing 4. Become fluent in the language of marketing, understand the concepts behind the terminology, and use the terminology in oral and written communication 5. Develop marketing solutions related to marketing problems and opportunities and the factors that influence marketing decision making 6. Be exposed to and practice basic quantitative reasoning in pricing and budgeting decisions, projections of market size and sales, and evaluation of marketing strategies 7. Develop key components of a comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan OVERVIEW Principles of Marketing is designed to provide you with a foundation in marketing concepts, analysis, and terminology. Both the text and the assignments have been developed to provide you with an appreciation of the tools employed to create and implement viable marketing plans. In addition, you will have the opportunity to apply these tools to practical marketing problems faced by both for-profit and not-forprofit organizations. As you prepare for each class meeting, it is essential that you complete all the readings and written assignments prior to attending class so you can participate fully in class discussions and activities. Marketing is an exciting and dynamic discipline. The text "MKTG6," explores the importance and scope of marketing and provides you with an introduction to the field. Enjoy! 2 Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University TEXTS AND MATERIALS Required text: Lamb, Charles W., Joseph F. Hair, Jr., McDaniel, Carl. (2013). MKTG (6th Edition). Mason, OH: SouthWestern, Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1-133-19012-7 ISBN-10: 1-133-19012-X The MKTG 6 text provides a variety of resources to help students engage the material, study for quizzes and tests, remember information, and become more fluent in marketing terminology. The text is supplemented by online study tools including: Interactive eBook Auto-graded quizzes Flashcards PowerPoint slides Videos Chapter Cases Review Cards Games – Crossword puzzles, Beat the Clock, and Quiz Bowl Students are encouraged to access the publisher-provided resources to enhance learning. COURSE POLICIES Students are responsible for downloading the SPS Course Policies Guide for Onsite courses, located on the SPS website under Curriculum. All policies pertain to this course. STUDENT EVALUATION The evaluation of students in this course will be based on competencies/knowledge of the material presented in the course as evidenced by: 1. Student’s performance in written work, including written responses to the assigned questions, quizzes, Final exam, and marketing plan; all completed within assigned time frames. Assignments (4) Quizzes Weeks 2-4 Final Exam Strategic Marketing Plan Class Attendance and Participation 20% 20% 20% 30% 10% The Class Participation grade is based on knowledge of the material assigned and the insight the student brings to the discussion about the reading and its implications for the topic of the class. Quizzes will cover material from assigned text chapters and in-class lectures and activities. Quizzes provide a platform to reinforce basic marketing concepts and are used in the assessment of effective learning of requisite course learning outcomes. The opportunity to make-up a quiz is at the discretion of the Instructor. 3 Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University STUDENT EVALUATION Percentages Points Grade Significance 93-100% 90-92.9% 87-89.9% 83-86.9% 80-82.9% 77-79.9% 73-76.9% 70-72.9% 67-69.9% 63-66.9% 60-62.9% 00-59.9% 930-1000 900-929 870-899 830-869 800-829 770-799 730-769 700-729 670-699 630-669 600-629 000-599 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Exceptional 4.00 Above Average Average Below Average Failure GPA 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 EVALUATION COMPONENTS 1. Weekly Questions—the Instructor will provide the written assignments due each week. Assignments are to be comprehensive, all writing must be in students’ own words or appropriately quoted and referenced; examples are to be student-generated examples (vs. repeating examples provided in the text). Work is to be submitted to Turn-It-In. No late assignments are accepted unless specifically noted by the Instructor. 2. Quizzes—objective and short answer quizzes assessing marketing concepts and vocabulary. 3. Final Exam—a comprehensive final exam including objective questions, case studies, analytical questions, and short essay questions on the application of marketing concepts. 4. Written Strategic Marketing Plan—a comprehensive strategic marketing plan on a product or service; requirements regarding the choice of product/service will be outlined by the Instructor. The plan will be prepared in accordance with the outline assigned by the Instructor in Week 1. 4 Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS Note: Specific weekly assignments will be provided by instructor on Week 1 of the course. DUE WEEK ONE 1. Read the Curriculum Guide 2. Read MKTG6, Chapters 1-4 DUE WEEK TWO 1. Read MKTG6, Chapters 5, 8, 10, and 11 (LO5 on pg 189-192) 2. Complete assigned homework including Strategic Marketing Plan sections 3. Prepare for Quiz DUE WEEK THREE 1. Read MKTG6, Chapters 13, 16, 17, and 18 (LO1-3 on pg 295-301) 2. Complete assigned homework including Strategic Marketing Plan sections 3. Prepare for Quiz DUE WEEK FOUR 1. Read MKTG6, Chapters 20, 22 2. Complete assigned homework including Strategic Marketing Plan sections 3. Prepare for Final Exam 4. Prepare for Marketing Plan Discussion/Presentation DUE WEEK FIVE 1. Completed Strategic Marketing Plan 2. Marketing Plan Discussion/Presentation 3. Final Exam 5 Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University BUOM 471 Principles of Marketing Course Learning Outcome Matrix Assignments Text Reading Weekly Questions Quizzes Final Exam Marketing Plan In-class Activities Learn how marketing has evolved over time, its functions, and why organizations place emphasis on marketing to meet the demands of the increasingly competitive global environment Discuss the role of data and marketing research to gain marketing insights and develop a comprehensive situational analysis including implications of identified environmental trends Discuss the Marketing Mix, its interrelationship among its components, the major decision areas in marketing responsibility, and the impact of a Christian worldview in marketing Become fluent in the language of marketing, the concepts behind them, and use the terminology in oral and written communication X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Develop marketing solutions related to marketing problems and opportunities and the factors that influence marketing decision making Be exposed to and practice basic quantitative reasoning in pricing and budgeting decisions, projections of market size and sales, and evaluation of marketing strategies Develop key components of a comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BUOM 471 Principles of Marketing Program Learning Outcome Matrix Assignment Text Reading Weekly Questions Quizzes Final Exam Strategic Marketing Plan In-class Activities PLO 1 Communication: Students will be able to organize thoughts and compose ideas to demonstrate articulate written, oral, listening, visual, and media skills for effective presentation to varying audiences PLO 2 Management and Teamwork: Students will be able to work with others in diverse and cross-functional environments and manage and lead teams to achieve stated objectives PLO 3 - Thinking and problem solving: Students will demonstrate excellence in critical thinking, problemsolving, analysis, and strategic planning so as to be able to link data, knowledge and insight to make sound strategic decisions on a timely basis PLO 4 - Ethical Reasoning and Spiritual Formation: Students will be able to engage in ethical reflection, evaluate ethical issues, and apply ethical principles and moral values in decisionmaking PLO 5 Decision Making: Students will conduct research and apply analytical decisionmaking skills to identify structure and solve business problems PLO 6 - Business Tools and Technology: Students will exhibit technical expertise and demonstrate the use of information technology as a tactical and strategic resource for business professionals X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 Principles of Marketing: Student Guide Vanguard University LOGISTICS CHART Hour Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 1 Course Introduction and Overview Review Written Work/Quiz Review Written Work/Quiz Review Written Work/Quiz Review Written Work Week 2 Overview Week 3 Overview Week 4 Overview Ch. 8Segmenting and Targeting Markets Ch. 13Marketing Channels Ch. 20- Setting the Right Price Plan Discussion/Presentation Break Course Evaluation Ch. 1- An Overview of Marketing (Brief) Putting it All Together Course Review Ch. 3- Ethics and Social Responsibility (Brief) 2 Ch. 2- Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage Ch. 5Developing a Global Vision 3 4 Ch.16Promotional Planning Break Break Break Break Ch. 4- The Marketing Environment Group workTarget market, Competition Analysis 40 min Group workcreate survey 40 min Group workanalyze survey results, Strategic Marketing plan 40 min Group workChoose company and problem, SWOT Analysis Ch. 10- Product Concepts Ch. 17Advertising & Public Relations Ch. 22- Social Media & Marketing Ch 11 pg 189192 Ch. 18 pg. 295301 7 Plan Discussion/Presentation Final Exam