21 Leith Hill Road North York, Ontario M2J 1Y9 Phone 416-494-6526 Fax 416-494-6527 www.sttim.ca Administrator Fr. Francis Ching, CC Associate Pastors Fr. John Likozar, CC Fr. Daren Bryk, CC Deacon Rev. Mr. Thomas Welsh, P.D. Secretary: Jeswyn Devas Bookkeeper: Beatrice Tang Capital Campaign: Marjorie Gonzalez Custodian: Greg Ordanes Office Assistant: Carlo Rebano Operations Co-ordinator: Vibert Perreira Webmaster: Garri Del Rosario Co-ordinator of Youth Ministry: Sarah Rodrigues Office Hours Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Closed for lunch 12 noon to 1:00 PM) Tuesday to Friday 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON SACRAMENTS Sunday Eucharist Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 & 5:00 PM (Youth Mass) AM, 12 Noon Weekday Eucharist Monday thru Friday 7:00 PM Tues., Wed., Thurs. Sat. 9:00 AM Rosary is prayed half an hour before weekday Masses and after the 7 pm Masses Monday to Thursday. Adoration Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:30 AM–4:00 PM & 7:30 PM-9:00 PM in the Chapel Friday evenings 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM in the Church First Friday All Day and All Night Adoration from Friday 9:00 AM to Saturday 8:20 AM in the Church Parishioners are welcome to visit the Chapel (NO ADORATION) on Monday and Friday during daytime office hours (9:00AM-12noon & 1:00PM-4:00PM) Reconciliation Saturday 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM Wednesday & Friday 7:40PM-8:30PM Baptism Please call the Parish Office. Baptisms are celebrated only after the preparation requirements have been met. Marriage Couples planning to be married must contact our Parish office at least one year in advance. Sacrament of the Sick Please contact the Parish office if you know someone who would like to be anointed or receive Holy Communion. Keep us informed as to their progress. ‘ ‘Gathered from many nations we are a spirit-filled, welcoming Roman Catholic Community. Centered on the Eucharist we encounter the Living God in Word, Worship and Love of one another. In the image of Christ, we are empowered to serve and evangelize all people.” Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 17, 2013 PARISH MINISTRIES ADORATION Betty Ann Regan .................................... 416-443-8024 MASS INTENTIONS Mon Nov. 18, 7 pm for Manuel D'Silva (RIP) requested by family and friends of Pauline 13 Tue. Nov. 19, 9 am for Ernesto del Rosario (RIP) requested by Cynthia Marquez 13 7 pm for Maria Leung & Ching Yee (RIP) requested by Nelly Ching Wed. Nov. 20 , 9 am for Leona Tajer (RIP) requested by Cecil & Miriam 13 7 pm for Shereen McDonald (RIP) requested by Clarice Daniels Thu for Ernesto del Rosario (RIP) requested by Concepcion Esmino Nov. 21, 97 am pm for Angela & Alex Chan (wedding anniversary) requested by Angela & 13 Alex BIBLE STUDY GROUP Joyce Alexander.......................................... 416-495-1179 Fri Nov. 22, 7 pm for Anto Simundic (RIP) requested by the Celan family 13 CARDS & CRAFTS Phyllis Wong ........................................... 416-497-1647 Sat Nov. 23, 9 am for Genoveva Malabanan (RIP) requested by Josie Llamado 13 5 pm for Benjamin Villa (RIP) requested by the Villa family Sun 8 am for the souls of the D'Souza and Abranches families requested by the D'Lima family Nov. 24, 10 am for Mary & John Rodrigues (RIP) requested by Virginia McKenzie & family 13 12 noon for Adrian & Margaret Lee (wedding anniversary) requested by Justin Lee 5 pm for the Parishioners of St. Timothy ADULT FORMATION Peggy Dillon .............................................. 416-496-1162 ALTAR SERVERS Joseph & Shirley Yan ................................. 416-499-8118 ALTAR SOCIETY Parish Office ............................................. 416-494-6526 BAPTISM FOR INFANTS Parish Office ............................................ 416-494-6526 BAPTISM FOR CHILDREN (RCIC) Fr. Daren Bryk ............................................. 416-494-6526 CHOIRS Ruth Fernandes (8 am choir)................ ..... 416-756-9690 Lalit Lobo (10 am choir) ........................... 416-494-4227 Noel Gavin (Adult) ................................... 416-848-3951 Ruth D’Souza (Youth) ................................ 647-400-6993 CHILDREN’S LITURGY Diane Goveia ............................................. 416-491-4897 CONFIRMATION Fr. John Likozar ......................................... 416-494-6526 COUNTERS GROUP Beatrice Tang .......................................... 416-494-6526-0-8 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Helen Carvalho (helencarvalh@yahoo.com).....647-628-4950 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS David de Souza .......................... sttimsemhc@gmail.com EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS TO THE SICK & ELDERLY Raymond & Rebecca Ma ............................ 416-391-3697 EXTRAORDINARY SENIORS/NYG Juliet & Aimo Fernandes MINISTERS TO THE ......................... 416-497-7936 FIRST COMMUNION Fr. John Likozar ......................................... 416-494-6526 Fraser Soares ............................. sttims_FF@hotmail.com HOSPITALITY Violeta Rasic ................................................416-496-8250 JESUS CLUB Ben & Fiona Xavier ................................. 416-499-2626 Julie Thomas ................................................647-350-8246 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Stephen Lewis ........................................... 416-499-8705 LECTORS Christine Ngui Chun Taite ...................... 416-512-6705 LITURGY Vince Kirton ............................................... 416-492-9593 MEN’S GROUP Dan Kitty .................................................... 416-497-0953 PRO-LIFE GROUP Kevin & Christine Brown .......................... 416-496-1097 RCIA Charles Albert ............................................. 416-756-7611 RELIGION CLASS Deanna Coelho.......................................... 416-494-5450 ROSARY APOSTOLATE Mrs. Marlene Li .............................................. 416-493-8181 georgeltp@yahoo.com SACRISTANS Emile Khattar ............................................ 416-495-0393 SCREENING COMMITTEE Vibert Perreira ......................................... 416-494-4839 SOCIAL COMMITTEE Enid D’Costa .............................................. 416-502-9700 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.................... 416-496-3331 THE LOVED FLOCK Mike Vasquez................................................905-239-4303 TRAVELLING CHALICE Jean Kirton ..............................................416-492-9593 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Sarah Rodrigues ..........................................416-494-6526 sttimsyouth@hotmail.ca IN THE DIOCESE THEOLOGY ON TAP - MAKING LIFE DECISIONS: INVITING GOD ON YOUR JOURNEY November 20 — 7 to 9 p.m. Jack Astor’s Bar & Grill, 580 Progress Ave, Scarborough The Office of Catholic Youth, Faith Connections and your local parishes invite young adults (19-39) to join us for an evening of thought-provoking theological discussion in a relaxed setting, with special guest: Bishop Vincent Nguyen. His Excellency will reflect on being attentive to God when we make decisions both big (i.e. what is my vocation?) and small (i.e., should I change jobs?). Bishop Nguyen will also share some of his own vocation story. Munchies provided, cash bar, come and bring a friend! RSVP appreciated. For more information, contact us at 416-599-7676, youth@ocytoronto.org ARCHDIOCESAN CLOSING MASS FOR THE YEAR OF FAITH The Year of Faith will come to its conclusion on the Solemnity of Christ the King. His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins will celebrate a Mass to officially conclude the Year of Faith in the Archdiocese of Toronto on Sunday, November 24 at 5 p.m. at St. Paul’s Basilica. Priests are invited to concelebrate with Cardinal Collins. All parishioners of the Archdiocese are encouraged to attend. SOLEMN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION WITH HIS EMINENCE, THOMAS CARDINAL COLLINS December 13 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. St. Basil’s Parish, 50 St. Joseph St, Toronto His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins and the Office of Catholic Youth invite all to join the young adults of the Archdiocese of Toronto for solemn Eucharistic Adoration. A professional choir will offer chant for a portion of adoration and His Eminence will provide a brief reflection. The sacrament of reconciliation will also be made available for the duration. A social for the young adults of the archdiocese will follow at St. Michael’s College Brennan Lounge from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Catholic Youth at 416-599-7676 or youth@ocytoronto. org. PHILIPPINES TYPHOON HAIYAN – HUMANITARIAN RELIEF The Archdiocese of Toronto is accepting financial contributions for humanitarian relief following the catastrophic effects of Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) on November 8 in the Philippines. With a tidal surge of more than six metres and winds approaching 275km/h, Typhoon Haiyan destroyed buildings, crops and infrastructure across several islands, leaving thousands dead. Estimates suggest more than 9.5 million people are in need of aid across nine provinces and more than 600,000 have been forced from their homes. Relief workers from the official Catholic relief agency on the ground, NASSA-Caritas Philippines, say the victims most need emergency shelter, water and sanitation, household relief items, potable water and toilets as relief operations gear up. Those wishing to help can make cheques payable to St. Timothy Parish – Philippines Typhoon Haiyan – Humanitarian Relief. Please use the Humanitarian envelopes in the foyer of the church and print your name and address if you wish a tax receipt. The Canadian government has announced it will match donations to the Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund made by Canadians between Nov. 9 and Dec. 9. Contributions made to the Archdiocese of Toronto for this relief effort will be eligible for the matching program. PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for all who are ill, especially for Barb Marx, Calisse Madigan, Scott Maitland, Olive Lane, Graham Garrett PARISH EVENTS ST. TIMOTHY CARDS & CRAFT GROUP The XMAS CRAFT AND BAKE SALE will be held on Saturday November 23rd after 5p.m. Mass and Sunday November 24th after 8a.m, 10a.m and 12 noon Masses. Come browse around and enjoy a cup of complimentary Hot or Cold beverages. MISSALS AND RAFFLE TICKETS The CWL will be selling St. Joseph's 2014 missals and raffle tickets after all masses this weekend. PROLIFE GROUP Campaign Life Christmas cakes and Right to Life Christmas cards and ornaments will be sold at after all weekend Masses (except 5pm Sunday) on November 16/17. The cost for cakes is $15 and $25. The cards are $8 for 10 cards and $8 each for the ornaments. We urge you to support these two Charities and their work in protecting the unborn. Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 17, 2013 FULLY HUMAN FULLY ALIVE Monday November 18th following the 7 pm Mass, John McRae will talk on the theme "Jesus, why do You love me?" All are welcome to attend this evening as part of the Fully Human Fully Alive series. Refreshments to follow VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We invite parishioners to volunteer in the Hospitality Ministry - to usher at the Sunday 8 am and 10 am masses on the weekend. Training will be provided. Please call Violeta Rasic at 416-496-8250. DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER The Book of Necrology (book for those who have died) is on a stand in the sanctuary. All are welcome to write the names of your deceased family and friends and they will be prayed for at each mass. We also have All Souls Envelopes in the foyer of the church you can write the names of those who have died and if you wish to give a donation, please print your name and address and you will get a tax receipt. HOLY LAND CHRISTIAN FAMILIES On the behalf of the Christians in the Holy Land, they very much appreciate your help by purchasing their Olive woodcrafts. Your help have made a difference to many families in Bethlehem and surrounding areas. Words cannot express how thankful they are for the opportunity you gave them to display the religious woodcrafts at St. Timothy's Parish. Please keep the Christians in the Holy Land in your prayers as you are always in theirs THE SHEPHERDS’ TRUST SPECIAL COLLECTION There will be a second collection this weekend for The Shepherds’ Trust. The mission of The Shepherds’ Trust is to help ensure that elderly and disabled priests are provided with sufficient financial resources to lead a dignified life after many years of ministry. Your generous gift will help our priests to maintain a modest but active and independent lifestyle in their retirement years. For priests who are ill or otherwise infirm, the Trust ensures they have access to nursing home facilities and medical care. Thank you for your support of this important work CHRIST THE KING RALLY November 23, 2013 from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm at St. Andrew Kim Catholic Church, North York. Speakers are Bishop McGrattan and Dr. Mary Healy. Admission is free but seating is limited - admission by ticket only. Contact Ferdinand D'Souza 647-618-0165 or Pauline Susanto 647-669-7524 VENITE ADOREMUS 2013 On Tuesday, December 3 at 8 pm, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation is proud to present : Venite Adoremus 2013, a Christmas concert at Koerner Hall in downtown Toronto. This one-night event will feature a special performance of both Johann S. Bach's and John Rutter's Magnificats, performed by the Masterworks of Oakville, a chorus of more than 85 voices accompanied by a 58-piece orchestra. For more information, please see the posters and information at the back of the Church. ST. AUGUSTINE’S LAY SPIRITUAL FORMATION PROGRAM PRESENTS ADVENT RETREAT BY REV. ROBERT BARRINGER, CSB December 7 – 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. St. Augustine’s Seminary, 661 Kingston Rd, Scarborough EASTERN REGION Session one: Mary in Winter: Advent and the Flesh Session two: Is Advent a Penitential Season? Should it Be? To register please email ioftsas@rogers.com or call 416-261-7207 ext. 235. Cost is $40 and includes lunch. REST IN PEACE We ask you to please pray for our friends and family members who have recently passed away, especially for Father Joseph Kelly, Father Leonard Fischer, S.J. and Maxima Reyes. CollectionS NOVEMBER 10, 2013 OFFERTORY $6,982.00 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN $ 960.33 OFFERTORY BOXES FOR 2014 For those who have registered and presently have an offertory box, please note that the boxes for 2014 are available at the back of the church. Please help us by taking your box home with you. Those who would like to receive a box of envelopes are requested to fill out a Parish Registration Form and submit it to the office. We have the option of Pre-Authorized Giving (direct debit from your bank) . PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING (PAG) Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG) is made available by the Archdiocese for the convenience of parishioners and to assist parishes in processing donations. Parishioners determine the amount they wish to have withdrawn from their bank accounts (on the 20th of each month) to represent their total donations for the month. St. Timothy's would need to receive the authorization forms by the 10th of the month. All parishioners are welcome to register for PAG instead of using Offertory Envelopes. Some reasons parishioners choose PAG are: • they find they forget to bring their donation envelopes to Mass; • they travel during the summer/winter months or are housebound and wish to ensure their support continues during their absence from the parish; • they like the convenience of PAG. If you would like to join the Pre-Authorized Giving, forms are available in the foyer of the Church or in the office. If you need more information, please call Jeswyn at 416-494-6526 ext. 101 PLANNING TO BE A CATHOLIC TEACHER? It is important for you to know that to be hired to teach in any Catholic School Board in Ontario, as part of your application for employment, there must be a letter of reference from your pastor. If you (or if your adult child) are planning to apply to teach in a Catholic School a contact with the pastor is highly recommended. Please plan to have a conversation with your pastor at least 8 months before seeking a reference letter from the pastor. Thank you! St. Timothy’s Parish offers the transmission of all services in the Church on FM 93.3, for those with hearing difficulties. Bring your portable wireless transistor radio with headsets and tune in to FM 93.3.