Five Year Plan - St. Jude the Apostle

St. Jude the Apostle
5-year Parish Plan
Top 10 potential topics
1. Provide spiritually moving masses.
a. Educate parishioners on traditions of church and symbols.
b. Improve parishioners respect for solemnity of church.
2. Promote religious education to all age groups.
a. Provide information on Catholic doctrinal, moral and social teachings.
b. Engage children headed to college to participate in Catholic Campus
3. Promote vocations with additional emphasis on women’s vocations.
a. Adopt a policy of periodically saying a prayer for vocations at mass.
b. Bulletin inserts highlighting the life of the religious.
4. Maintain and expand facilities.
a. Create a commission to develop maintenance plan.
b. Develop process to propose and evaluate needs for expansion.
5. Develop and communicate opportunities for parishioners to contribute
their time and talents to provide services to parish
a. Conduct a ministry fair.
b. Develop pamphlet with listing and description of all ministries.
6. Make members and visitors to parish feel more welcome and included.
a. Establish a team to determine sustainable activities for this objective.
b. TBD
7. Target programs to needs-specific groups: seniors, married couples,
families, disadvantaged ethnic minorities, single adults, divorcées,
widows/widowers, adolescents, young adults, mixed marriages, hospitalbound, home-bound, handicapped, prison-bound, etc.
a. Develop team to evaluate resources provided for various groups and their
b. Provide pamphlets and other resource directories.
8. Provide more retreats, parish missions, etc.
a. Organize missions, Habitat for Humanity participation, etc.
b. Investigate the possibility of joining sister parishes who already participate
in missions.
9. Improve communication and awareness of all ministries
a. Invite missionaries to speak to congregation.
b. Communicate activities, achievements, parish council items of interest
10. Ecumenism outreach
a. Identify resources available via other local churches that could be useful to
St. Jude the Apostle parishioners.
b. Identify opportunities to “team” with other local churches to provide
services to community at large.