OAHU COUNCIL OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CLUBS CO-CATHEDRAL OF ST. THERESA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (please print clearly) PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Home phone: E-mail address: Birth date (yr optional): Occupation or retired from: Member of parish since? Hobbies: Marital status: Spouse name: Work: Cell: Date of marriage (optional): SERVICE INVOLVEMENT Please list all organizations, ministries, etc. that you are involved in within and outside of parish. If possible, please include dates. (If necessary, please use additional sheets.) Organization/Position 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ From: ___________ to ___________ From: ___________ to ___________ From: ___________ to ___________ From: ___________ to ___________ From: ___________ to ___________ COMMITTEES OF INTEREST Please feel free to note the committees or positions that you may be interested in this organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________ For new members: I have received a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws for __________________ Filipino Catholic Club. [FCC Unit] Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Recruited by: 2/12/2016 ****************************** Dues paid: Membership effective: