
May 09, 2012
Called to Order: 11:08 AM MDT by Carrie Wiss
Attendees: Heidi Novich, Harry Steele, Yvonne Barkley, Kevin Knauth, Kip Kemak, Carrie Wiss, Ivy
Secretary’s Report: Presented by Heidi
?? moved to accept the minutes with editorial changes
Second: ??
Motion carries
Financial Report: Financial Summary provided by Ivy
 Ivy went over some changes to the budget funds and categories
 Created a separate sheet regarding what IDFW owes to Keep Idaho Green
Director’s Report: Presented by Ivy
 Ivy sent out a written report via email with the agenda and minutes for this meeting.
 No questions asked
KIG/Idaho Firewise Communities Report: Presented by Harry
 Harry announced her retirement as of June 30, 2012.
 Ivy is going to meet with the IDL Bureau Chief to discuss the connection between KIG and IDFW.
 Providing $100 to each FW Community is on hold due to the de-ob/re-ob. Will have to develop a
standard/guideline for the use of the $100 since this would be paid to an individual instead of an
organization. Want to make sure the funds are spent on ID FW projects.
 Yvonne – Rapid Reponses Design Team at U of I.
o Working on getting more FW landscape curriculum into the course.
o Looking for communities to volunteer for this community.
 Discussion on the viability of this collaboration
Marketing Committee Report: Presented by Kip
Media Release sent out by Ivy to the media regarding Wildfire Preparedness Month
PSA complete – Good job Carrie and team
o PSA will be put on YouTube
o Yvonne will place on U of I Forestry FB page
o BHS will place on FB page
o Kip will filter out to media in his area
o Savvy Marketing is going to look into negotiating outside of Learfield Sports for
football season radio time. Linda (Savvy Marketing) can look into the
Road painting happening throughout North and North Central Idaho
Savvy Marketing proposal came in
o Billboards throughout Idaho
o Will take two separate payments due to the de-ob/re-ob. First payment to
correspond with WAM advertising, second payment to correspond with fire
season advertising.
De-ob/Re-ob – De-ob is currently being reviewed by the BLM budget office. Kevin talked to Chris and
she is losing a few folks in her shop, so has accordingly created a deadline of mid-June for lining up
agreement work that will be processed during this fiscal year. Kevin stated that because of the
agreement office’s workload constraint issues, there would be no luxury of being able to allocate yearend dollars in September; may have another $50,000 for IDFW that will be allocated along with the reob. Ivy stated this likely means that the de-ob/re-ob process will be completed by mid-June.
Video PSA - Video PSA has been completed as mentioned by Kip in the marketing report. Carrie will
send out it the entire board to view and share.
Website – CMS software upgrade is now done. Ivy has had to work through log in and lock out issues
with Drake Cooper, but will now be able to begin to focus on the website updates.
2013 Prevention and Mitigation Conference – Great Basin and Northern Rockies Coordinating groups
will be collaborating on a spring 2013 prevention conference. It is Great Basin’s turn to host; planning
for spring 2013 in Boise (2 ½ day conference).
 Will try to include the target audience that was captured by the Fire Planning Working Group
that no longer exists.
 Ivy attended a planning committee meeting in April, where having IDFW assist with the planning
of this conference was discussed.
 The planning committee may also ask IDFW or KIG to manage the finances for this conference.
o Ivy asked the board to decide if this is a fit for her position
o Harry noted that IDFW may be paid for doing this work
o Harry noted that at one time IDFW stated it would contribute funding. That is
not needed now but the manpower is.
Heidi suggested knowing what would not get done if Ivy participated in this
project. Knowing where this sits on the IDFW priority list. Many things have
been put on the back burner because of the de-ob/re-ob.
o Discussion occurred on how much or less this would tax the IDFW mission
 Harry noted that if an Idaho group doesn’t take the lead then the group
from Utah will and may not be geared as much towards Idaho as it
should be.
The project was tabled until these two groups came back to IDFW and let us know what
they will need.
None discussed
None Discussed
Meeting Adjourned 12:04 PM MDT.