Major Differences Between the Two Houses of Congress:

Major Differences Between the Two Houses of Congress:
435 members serving two-year terms
100 members serving rotating six-year terms
Speaker's referral of bills to committee is hard to challenge.
Referral decisions easy to challenge.
Committees almost always consider legislation first.
Committee consideration easily bypassed.
Rules Committee powerful; controls time of debate, admissibility of
Rules Committee weak; few limits on debate or amendments.
Debate usually limited to one hour.
Unlimited debate unless shortened by unanimous consent or by
invoking cloture.
Non-germane amendments may not be introduced from floor.
Non-germane amendments may be introduced (riders).
Qualifications for Entering Congress:
Must be 25 years of age (when seated, not when elected).
Must have been a citizen of the United States for 7 years.
Must be an inhabitant of the state from which elected.
(NOTE: custom, but not the Constitution, requires that a representative live in the district that he or she represents.)
Must be 30 years of age (when seated, not when elected).
Must have been a citizen of the United States for 9 years.
Must be an inhabitant of the state from which elected.