American University in Cairo Center for Adult and Continuing Education Unit Plan for Business Studies Division Strategic Theme: Service Goal: Strengthen and expand AUC’s continuing education programs Objective 1: Create a new Islamic banking accounting certificate. Objective 2: Introduce a new investment management certificate. Objective 3: Introduce a review program for the ACCA accounting designation. Objective 4: Extend business programs to address the New Cairo campus current and emerging market needs. Objective 5: Create and offer on-line business courses. Outcomes Proposed New / Performance Time Resources Changed Programs, Indicators Frame Initiatives, Activities O.1 Satisfy the growing 1.1 New Islamic First cohort enrolled 2007 -2008 One part-time program coordinator market needs for banking accounting Funds for material development qualified accountants in certificate Additional library resources the Islamic banking industry O.2 Satisfy the growing 2.1 New investment First cohort enrolled 2007 -2010 One part-time coordinator market needs for management investment professionals certificate O.3 Support the 3.1 ACCA review First cohort enrolled 2007 -2008 New part-time coordinator accounting profession in program Subscription to ACCA Egypt Funds for the materials and other resources O.4 Extension of 4.1 Offer the current Number of courses 2008 Assistant division director for the AUC’s continuing and new business 2012 conducted in New New Cairo campus education business courses in the New Cairo campus Two part-time coordinators programs to the New Cairo campus Cairo community 1 Outcomes O.5 Extending CACE's programs to the Middle East countries Proposed New / Changed Programs, Initiatives, Activities 5.1 On-line management course offerings Performance Indicators Number of courses offered on line Number of students enrolled Time Frame 20072012 Resources Unit Plan for Business Studies Division (cont.) 2 Web-CT capacity Additional library electronic resources One full time courseware specialist Funds for course design and materials Funds for advertising the programs in the Middle East.