Self led intro

Burwell House
Self Catering Groups - Self-led group intro
This document sets out important information that all participants of a self catered
residential course at Burwell House should be aware of. Further information will have been
made available to your nominated Group Leader.
Burwell House is part of the Learning Directorate of Cambridgeshire County Council. The principal
reason for our existence is to work with and support groups of children and young people with learning
or training focus. As a self-funded trading service we are keen to make full use of our facility in
whatever way we can, and have for 50 years provided a fantastic venue for a variety of other residential
groups, including self catering courses. We ask all groups that in whatever they do, they take account
of the main purpose of the Centre, and to not act or behave in any way which might impede this.
PLEASE follow our house rules:
 Please treat the house and fittings carefully – an old house needs looking after!
 Use furniture in the way it is designed to be used (breakages will be charged for)
 No smoking in the house
 Please do NOT USE AEROSOLS, as these will trigger the fire alarm and the fire brigade will attend
 Please avoid bringing mud into the house
 Dining Room, conservatory and outdoors only please.
 No under 16s in the kitchen area, or using the dishwasher
 Radiators are sensitive – should only need to turn 1 ‘notch’ if too cold or hot.
 On final day please strip beds, leaving items in separate receptacles on the first floor landing.
Please do not strip beds which haven’t been used.
 Before leaving the premises on the last day all guests are asked to leave all rooms in the house in a
clean and tidy condition. Vacuums and other cleaning materials will be provided for this.
Grounds (please enjoy…but…)
 We ask that all visitors to the Centre respect the fact that we are in a residential area, and thus
noise and activity in the grounds should be kept to a reasonable level. Any evening activity held in
the grounds should be finished by 10pm.
 The site coordinator has his home within the grounds of the Centre and we ask that any activity
within the grounds takes this into account.
 Children and young people should not be in the gardens unsupervised, and should be adequately
supervised in the more hazardous areas of the garden - in particular the pond.
 The gates to the site should be bolted overnight by the designated group leader.
Fire Evacuation:
 We suggest that all under 16’s are walked through the fire escape route from their bedroom
quarters by a responsible adult, but that after this no persons are permitted on the fire escape.
 Very sensitive smoke detection in house.
 Direct connection with fire service in event of an alarm.
 Exit by nearest signposted escape.
 Assemble on oval lawn at front of house (in front of bay windows) and await instructions.
And most importantly, enjoy yourself – since 1965 more than 200 000 people have.