Sacajawea Elementary School Departure From School Teach-To’s

Sacajawea Elementary School
Departure From School
1. To leave school in safe and calm fashion.
2. To end the day on a positive note.
1. To increase prosocial interactions and learning time.
2. To decrease frustration and fear.
Expected Departure From School Behavior:
1. All students will exit the building at their classroom door at 3:15.
2. Students will walk directly to either the crossing guard, bicycle rack, bus waiting area or prearranged pick-up
3. Students will obey all crossing guards and use only the designated crosswalks.
4. Walk bicycle off of school grounds.
5. Students will leave the school grounds immediately following dismissal by their teacher.
6. Students waiting to be picked up will wait quietly at the front of the school or at the prearranged pick-up
7. Students will be respectful to all staff members and students.
Walk on the paved areas.
Walk bicycles on school grounds.
Walk directly to your designated
crossing or waiting area.
Be courteous to staff members and
other students.
Keeping hands and feet to self.
Use a quiet voice.
Carries backpack over back.
Running on paved and grass areas.
Riding wheeled equipment (bicycle, skates,
etc.) on school grounds.
Playing on playground equipment as you
leave the school grounds.
Ignoring requests by staff members.
Yelling to a friend.
Swing backpack.
Touching others.
Almost-But Not Quite
Walking very fast on paved areas.
Walking “super” slow on the way to
your designated area.
Slowly responding to requests by
the staff members.
Dragging backpack.
Talking loudly.