El Tiempo WebQuest - the Fleetwood Area School District!

¡El Tiempo!
Designed by Mrs. Hannum
A Weather Webquest
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? ¿Hace sol? ¿Hace frío? ¿Hace calor?
¿Hay huracán?
You are in charge of the weather report for your school’s news broadcast. Your
school has planned an outdoor event in the next two days. It will be up to you to
provide accurate information so that your teachers and classmates will know
what to wear and how to set up the event.
So, grab your thinking cap! We’ve got some weather
reporting to do!
¡Buena suerte!
The Task
You will use the resources given to explore weather related
After you have web-explored, you will create your script for the
news broadcast. You’re going to be a great meteorologist!
The Process
1. First you will explore some vocabulary sites that will reinforce your
weather vocabulary and also teach you some new words.
Spanish Weather Vocabulary
Spanish Flashcards with sound
Spanish Weather Game-Includes word list.
Weather Vocabulary Presentation Go to "El tiempo" link near the
bottom . PowerPoint required.
Write down 5 new weather-related words that you learned from the above sites.
2. Now you will visit some weather sites that report the weather in
Spanish. You will use these to report on the current weather and also give a
forecast. Using the links provided, consult these weather services to determine
the current weather conditions in our local area.
WFMZ en español
3. Using the links from #2, you must gather information on the current
conditions in your area and a forecast of the weather for the next 2 days.
Write down the answers to the following questions based on the information
from the links in #2.
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?_________________________________
¿Cómo es el cielo? ¿Hay nubes?__________________________
¿Precipitación? ______________________________________
¿Cuál es la temperatura hoy? _________ F
__________ C
¿Qué tiempo va a hacer mañana? ___________________________
¿Vamos a ver nubes?______________________________________
¿Precipitación? ______________________________________
¿Y la temperatura? ________________ F
¿Pasado mañana?
¿Qué tiempo va a hacer pasado mañana? ___________________________
¿Vamos a ver nubes?______________________________________
¿Precipitación? ______________________________________
¿Y la temperatura? ________________ F
Temperature Conversion –Use this conversion site to convert temperatures if necessary. Make sure that
you are using the correct conversion button. Recheck your answer to make sure that it is realistic!
¡Felicitaciones! You have provided your teachers and classmates with
an accurate weather report. We will now use to plan our school event.
Because of your help, it will be a great success.
¡Muchas gracias!
In case you were thinking of a career in meteorology, here are some links that will extend what you already
know about the weather.
Las nubes
Spanish Weather Underground
Credits & References
Spanish Weather Vocabulary
Spanish Flashcards with sound
Spanish Weather Game-Includes word list.
Weather Vocabulary Presentation
WFMZ en español http://www.wfmzenespanol.com/weather/
Temperature Conversion http://www-atmo.at.fcen.uba.ar/banco/t.html
Las nubes http://usuarios.lycos.es/nubesweb/
HuracanNet http://www.huracan.net/current/
Spanish Weather Underground
Images from Microsoft Office Clipart