Famous Person Speech Your next speech will be an Informative Speech based on a famous person of your choice. The informative speech is almost just like the demonstration speech except you are not demonstrating anything you are just informing the audience on any topic of your choosing (all about your famous person). Use the information you found in the library to build your speech 1. 2. 3. 4. You must have an outline (use the sample in the notes to follow). You must have one sources of information from the internet. You must have an Attention Getter. You must have a specific purpose statement in your introduction with the exact number of steps, reasons, aspects, etc. 5. You must have a thesis statement in your introduction, which states what your steps are (you must name each step in your thesis statement before you start talking about them in the body of your speech). 6. Remember you want to keep your steps in a range from 3 to 10. If more than 10 items categorize them. 7. You must have a conclusion that re-states ALL of your main points (Summary Conclusion) (steps, aspects, etc). See notes for examples 8. You must have a visual aid a picture of your person. Get this on your own if you can’t see Mr. Doggett for help. 9. YOU WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED NOTE CARDS AT THE PODIUM. 10. REVIEW NOTES ON ANYTHING YOU CAN’T REMEMBER. It is all there! If you can’t find it come to me and ask, I am always happy to help you. Speech should 2-3 minutes. I will be given 5 extra credit points for typed outlines! You will lose 10 points per day if you are late. It adds up fast – don’t procrastinate!