Description of Culturegrams It is an online, interactive site which provides students, teachers, admin and parents with information about world countries and territories, the US and the District. The information found on this website has application across all content areas. It allows viewers to choose between interactive information on the screen or printing the same information. It is also a toolkit for writing research reports, learning more about students' native countries, studying famous people, or comparing data from several countries or states to conduct research about geographic and demographic information on cultures from all over the world. It includes a World Edition (with information on over 182 countries), Kids Edition (covers over 66 countries), States Edition (includes information on historical timelines for all 50 states), Photo Gallery, Famous People and a Recipe Collection. You can find maps, cultural info, statistics, glossaries, geographical information, historical highlights/time lines, flags, national anthems and fun facts. For more information, contact Carol Bass – phone (703) 791-8706.