Speech- Informative 1. Choose a topic you are interested in, and you would like to teach us about. 2. Prepare the speech on paper. An outline of the speech will need to be handed in to be marked. Be sure the outline includes: The topic (the “thesis” statement) An opening A body with at least 3 main points, each with some supporting details A closing This does not have to be word for word of what you will say- just a rough draft or general points. It has to be legible and understandable. 3. Prepare the speech on recipe or other note cards. These will be handed in after your speech to be marked. Be sure they only include a few words or phrases to remind you of what to say. Number the cards in the order you will use them. 4. Create a visual to support your speech. This could be a poster, photos, object, or something technology based. Be sure the visual is support, and not your whole speech. 5. Practice until you almost have it memorized. If you forget or lose your place, you know it so well, you will be able to continue without your cards. 6. Time yourself. It must last 4-6 minutes. Some possible topics: The best place ever to work is... Everything I ever need to know, I learned from... A great place to live is... Here are some others that may spark an idea for you: 1. Ways to help the countries of Africa. 2. The Seven Wonders of the World 3. Samurai warriors of ancient Japan. 4. Plants, animals and other organisms that live in the oceans. 5. Where are the Rainforests in our world?. 6. The planets, moons, asteroids, comets and dwarf planets in our Solar System. 7. The secrets of crop circles. 8. Does Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster exist? 9. Yoga for beginners. 10. Why the unsinkable Titanic sank. 11. Mysterious stories of the Bermuda Triangle 12. Different types of whales; marine life happens to be a very good informative speech topic. 13. How the Greeks organized their Ancient Olympics. 14. Aerodynamics in sports equipment. 15. Futuristic vehicles in transportation. 16. The most famous tricks of Houdini the magician. Here are more general topics that would have to be narrowed to one thesis statement. These are just ideas to get you started. Animals, Antarctica, Archaeology, Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Australia, Aviation, Backpacking, Beauty, Biographies, Children, Cities, Climate, Cooking, Countries, Cars, Celebrities, Dancing, Design, Entertainment, Family, Fashion, Food, Games,History, Home, International Relations, Lifestyles, Martial Arts, Mass Media, Military, Movements, Movies, Music, Nature, News, Performing Arts, Personal Life, Pets, South America, Space, Sports, Sports Events, Technology, Television, Travel