Ashington Parish Council Minutes of the meeting held on 10th May 2007 at 7.45 p.m. in the Methodist Church, London Road, Ashington Present: Councillors J. Berry (Chairman), B. Norton, J. Stillwell, K. Hayler, P. Webb, K. Wood, R. Brennan, T. Kearney, N. Carver & N. Clark Parish Clerk - Karen Dare County Councillor F. Wilkinson District Councillor Roger Arthur Darryn Moulding Neighbourhood Warden 1 member of the public APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE Apology received from Cllr M. Woolley (personal commitments). ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Cllr. John Berry was nominated by Cllr. Norton and Seconded by Cllr. Webb. There being no other nominations Cllr. John Berry was unanimously elected as Chairman and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN In the absence of other candidates Cllr. Brian Norton was nominated by Cllr. Carver and Seconded by Cllr. Berry. Cllr. Brian Norton was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman. The Chairman thanked Cllr Norton for all of his years service to the Parish Council and presented him with a small gift. ALLOCATION OF COMMITTEES The following Councillors were elected to serve on following Committees. a. Finance – Councillors J. Berry, B. Norton, N. Carver, K. Hayler, R. Brennan and N. Clark. b. Planning - Cllr J. Berry, Cllr B. Norton, Cllr P. Webb, Cllr N. Carver, Cllr K. Wood and Cllr. Stillwell The Chairman proposed the cessation of the Development Issues and Amenities Committee. The major issues were either getting nearer to completion, or are on the "outstanding issues" list of the main agenda. The other major issues were now part of the "Parish Plan" Steering Group and they should pursue. The Chairman would continue to provide a report on "Development and Amenities Issues" all the time that there are issues to report and would continue to pursue a few minor matters on the list. He proposed that “lead parish councillors” be appointed to liaise and develop issues under the categories Building Community Page 1 of 16 Life, Young people, Older people, Environment, Business and Information Technology. Under Building Community Life the task would be to liaise with village organizations and people and identify where improvements were needed and assist with the identification of funding sources if needed . For Young People to build on the current work of making the Youth Club vibrant and sustainable in association with the Ashington Youth Club committee and our Neighbourhood Wardens and similarly assist any other village groups dealing with the requirements for Young People. An aim would be to create a Youth Parish Council. Under Business the lead councillor may assist with identifying areas of sponsorship for village events and organizations, by contacting the Ashington Business Consortium or providing retail expertise where needed to village shops. On Older People it would be identifying the needs of our more elderly residents and their safety concerns. For Environment it would entail looking out for unemptied litter /dog bins, blocked ditches and drains, non working street lights, potholes in roads / footpaths, damaged road signs and the regular inspection of “play area equipment “ and reporting issues to the Clerk to follow up. Information Technology would be gaining improvements and accessibility to our website and expanding email communications within the village for items such as “crime alerts“ so that more people were able to be aware and more quickly. The Chairman clarified that Councillors would not be expected to report to Council on a monthly basis but could bring items to the Council’s attention if necessary. The schedule of “lead parish councilors“ as previously circulated was agreed by all present. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Ashington Community Centre - Cllr. Hayler was duly elected as an Observer. Horsham District Association of Local Councils - Cllrs. J. Berry and K. Hayler. Ashington Youth Club – Cllr. Hayler BTCV (Tree Warden scheme) – Cllr. Wood Agreed by all present. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FOR 2007-2008 The Clerk had circulated a proposed list of dates. Agreed by all. CODE OF CONDUCT The Clerk had circulated copies of the new Code and asked that the Council consider paragraph 12(2) which is not mandatory for Parish Councils but gives councillors with a prejudicial interest the same rights as members of the public to speak at a meeting on the issue and then leave before the main discussion and vote. The Council passed a resolution adopting the Model Code of Conduct including paragraph 12(2). Proposed by Cllr Hayler, seconded by Cllr Stillwell and agreed by all. ANNUAL REVIEW & APPROVAL OF STANDING ORDERS Five minor amendments were recommended: addition of an explanation for ‘text in bold font’, amendment to para. 33(a) & 58 to insert date of adoption of the new Code of Conduct (see above), para 29(f) amend to ‘shall not have the effect’, amend para 33(b) to make bold ‘or in such a manner as to bring the Council into disrepute’. In addition Cllr Norton proposed that para 41 ‘Sealing of Documents’ Page 2 of 16 be amended as the Council does not possess a document seal. He suggested ‘sealed’ be replaced with executed, ‘sealing’ be replaced with execution, ‘seal’ replaced with execute. Clerk to re-word and check with Cllr Norton. Seconded by Cllr Stillwell and agreed by all. KD D REVIEW OF REGISTER OF MEMBERS INTERESTS The Clerk had provided all Councillors with new Register of Members Interests documents and asked Councillors to complete and return before the end of the meeting. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Cllr Hayler notified the Council that she had a personal prejudicial interest in Correspondence (For Action) Item 1 as the property in question was situated directly behind her property. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on the 12th April 2007 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Councillor Webb and seconded by Councillor Norton, and agreed. ACTIONS OUTSTANDING: D = Minuted but deleted from next agenda. C/F = Minuted and carried forward to ‘Actions Outstanding’ on the next agenda. To list = moved to the list at the end of the minutes until some progress is made Item 85 Results from the Village Survey. Action plans have been established for all of the issues arising from the Parish Plan and the next meeting will be held on 25th May with a public presentation in early June. KH/JB C/F Item 29 Layby at Shopping Area HDC’s s106 panel will meet in June and be asked to approve the use of s106 Transport funds (including AS/5/98 and DC/06/1100) for the construction of the layby. The works cannot be scheduled until funds from DC/06/1100 have been paid to HDC by the Developer and the Council has yet to receive a copy of the s106 agreement for DC/06/1100. C/F Item 32 Handover of Persimmon Homes land - balancing pond area, part of western tree boundary and various pieces of verge in Covert Mead. And Item 33 Persimmons Homes re: land west of Footpath 2606. Persimmon Homes’ solicitor informed the Council’s solicitor that they were in discussions with Wimpey Homes about the division of the £38k lump sum that was due to be paid to the Council. The Chairman stressed to Roger Arthur that HDC enter into these agreements but fail to see them through and a representative from HDC’s Legal Department should follow up on this matter. Roger Arthur informed the Council that he had enquired about this matter and was expecting a response within the next few weeks. BN C/F Page 3 of 16 Item 110 A24 Noise WSCC will re-surface the northern carriageway of the A24 from Malthouse Lane to beyond the southern flyover in 2010/2011. It was not possible to bring any further forward in the works programme as other villages with non-safety related works were not prepared to have their schemes delayed to allow the A24 resurfacing to proceed at an earlier date. County Councillor Wilkinson asked the Council if it wished to go-ahead with re-surfacing of The Sands – the cost to WSCC is £38k. It was unanimously agreed that there was no point in delaying this work as it would not enable the A24 resurfacing to be brought forward and it was a scheme that had been delayed many times and was well overdue for attention. D Item 119 Affordable Rural Housing The Survey achieved a response rate of 31%. Copies of the report had been circulated to Councillors. The report concluded that 13-19 low cost affordable houses are needed in Ashington and there was little evidence for a need for sheltered housing for the elderly. The Rural Housing Enabler was meeting with HDC on May 16th to discuss the Rural Housing Survey Programme and will ask them what next steps they wish to take. Andrew Smith from English Rural Housing Association (an experienced housing association which specializes in developing affordable housing in rural areas) is very keen to do a village walk of all the sites that were suggested. KD C/F Item 123 Landscaping contract The Chairman & Clerk walked around the areas included in the contract with Mark Adsett to confirm that the exact specification had been included and priced accordingly. The cost (which included start up costs ) remained at £5125pa and £1320 from the WSCC grass cutting budget would be diverted to the landscaping budget to cover the extra cost as agreed at the April meeting. Agreed by all. KD D Item 44 Warminghurst Close Play area The equipment was currently being re-painted. Some damage to the wooden ramp was reported to the Clerk (wood rot, split steps etc) and upon inspection and subsequent discussion with the contractor it was recommended that a new wooden ramp be installed. The contractor could not give a cost as it was dependant on whether some parts of the ramp could be re-used. As this was a safety issue and the RoSPA inspection was due in June the Clerk asked the contractor to proceed. The contractor would also provide an estimate for the other wooden platforms to be replaced so that it could be included in next years budget. Agreed byall. KD D Item 133 Annual Report One of the requirements for Quality Parish Council (QPC) status is that the Council’s Annual Report is distributed to all households each year. The Chairman, Clerk & Cllr Hayler had drafted an Annual Report (circulated to Councillors) based on the Chairman’s report to the Annual Assembly and containing the Council’s Receipts & Payments accounts for 06/07 (yet to be approved by Council). The Annual Report could be printed and distributed by the Page 4 of 16 Newsletter publisher for £289. The Council had budgeted £300 for QPC training and could allocate the costs to this budget. Councillors were asked to approve the draft report and the cost of printing & distribution. Proposed by Cllr Stillwell, seconded by Cllr Webb and agreed by all. KD D Item 134 Newsletter The Chairman & Clerk are gathering articles for the first full ‘new Newsletter’ due for distribution in June. An electronic version of the Newsletter could be put on the Council’s website each quarter at a cost of £45 per edition (£180 per annum). This cost was not included in the budget for this year but this addition was necessary for QPC Status. Proposed by Cllr Norton seconded by Cllr Brennan and agreed by all. D Item 135 Parking Post, Meiros Way The existing post was damaged by a vehicle and requires replacing. It is proposed to purchase a replacement post at a cost of £59.99+VAT. Proposed by Cllr Norton, seconded by Cllr Wood and agreed by all. A local resident suggested that the post be moved back further as it was difficult for vehicles to turn around without hitting the post. Cllr Wood stated that the post was some 5 feet back from the edge of the road and that in his opinion it was far enough back. KD To list Item 79 Bridleway - Malthouse Lane to Ashington Village Mary Davis has suggested an alternative route from Malthouse Lane to the stream and in front of the vicarage if permission could not be obtained from the owner of Church Farm for a bridleway across farm land. This would involve removing a squeeze barrier. The Chairman outlined the history concerning footpaths 2611 and 2613. Originally the developer of Church Close had stated that they would upgrade the footpaths. They then reneged on the issue and the Parish Council paid several thousands of pounds to have them upgraded following the results of the Village Appraisal in 1999 when 60% of residents had complained about their state which was often shin deep in mud. The Parish Council then with the aid of a small grant from WSCC installed Squeeze Barriers at both ends .Councillors expressed concern that horses would churn up the footpath that the Council had funded and that by removing the squeeze barrier (at some cost to the Council) the route may be abused by motorcyclists. The Council wanted to avoid the footpath turning into mud following use by horseriders. It was proposed to have one last attempt to create a bridleway via Church Farm and if unsuccessful to explore this possible alternative route. Clerk to contact the owner of Church Farm. KD C/F Cllr Clark arrived at the meeting and apologized for being late (business reasons). CORRESPONDENCE For action: 1. Licencing application – Ashington Cellars (Formerly Posthorses) Retail Sale of Alcohol (off sales only) Mon-Thurs 10am-10pm, Fri & Sat 10am11pm, Sun 11am-10pm. The Council strongly objected on the grounds of: late hours of opening, unsuitable for a residential area, possible problems Page 5 of 16 with crowds of youths (crime & disorder), parking & traffic issues. Clerk to formulate a suitable response. KD D 2. Invitation for Chairman to attend the Annual Meeting & Reception of HDC 23rd May 2007 7pm. No Councillors felt able to attend. 3. Mary Davis re: bridleway, suggesting an alternative route from Malthouse Lane to the village via the stream and in front of the vicarage. For information: 1. Play Strategy for Horsham District 2. Zurich Municipal – Health & Safety seminars covering Corporate manslaughter, compensation Act, Work at Height 3. HALC – training sessions: powers & duties, Standards/data protection/Freedom of Information, Planning 4. SALC – New Councilor Training dates given to Cllr Kearney 5. Metrobus – improvements to bus service through Ashington 6. HDC Development Control report includes variation of s106 agreement for AS/5/98 7. RoSPA Saferplay...reminding us to book our play area inspection 8. CPRE Sussex – skills seminar 2nd October ‘The Planning System, How it Works’. Cost £40 per delegate 9. West Sussex Sustainablilty forum – work programme for 07/08 General: 1. Invitation from Friends of Lodge Hill to their AGM on the 2nd June 2007 2. RoSPA International Play safety Conference 14th June 2007 Holywell Park Loughborough University 3. Emergency CB Radio Communications next tests 4. HDC – Community Safety message 5. Alzheimers Society newsletter 6. Local Council Review 7. Clerks & Councils Direct 8. Partnership News PUBLIC ADJOURNMENT INCLUDING REPORT FROM THE NEIGHBOURHOOD WARDEN Darryn Moulding reported that: 1. There had been a couple of anti-social behaviour incidents when car windscreens were smashed during the early hours of the morning 2. Two complaints were received about a party and involved underage drinking on the street. Both the Wardens and PCSO’s attended. 3. Reports of a builder touting for work in the village – one local resident was taken in by the promise of cheap work. The registration number of his van had been circulated and the Police and Trading Standards informed. 4. The fly tipping incident in London Road had been cleared. 5. Efforts were being made to remove the old caravan from behind Aladdins Cave as it was attracting undesirable behaviour. Eddie Hughes (HDC Enforcement Officer) had been informed. 6. Street Soccer teams had been formed and were playing at the Community Centre on Thursdays and in a league at Broadbridge Heath on Fridays. Paul Conroy had led this initiative. Page 6 of 16 7. A ‘Freetime project’ had been started whereby groups aged 9-13 or 13-18 were given time in the multisports court (paid for by HDC). Starts 25th May and runs until the summer holidays. 8. On 19th May a sponsored car wash would be undertaken by the Youth Club in order to raise funds for the Ashington 1st Responders ‘paeds kit’. 9. Letters were being sent to parents of children at the school to gauge the need for a ‘walking bus’ 10. A ‘Fun Run’ was being discussed – plans are for participants to run a Mile through the village starting at the northern roundabout and ending at the school prior to the Carnival procession. This was to take advantage of the road closures that would be in force in the village. 11. Some complaints about bell ringing in the very early morning had been received. The vicar was looking at ways of preventing access to the bell tower. Cllr Hayler thanked the Wardens for attending the Youth Club every Monday evening. The member of the public had nothing to add. PLANNING. The Planning Committee met on 2nd May and Councillors have been provided with a copy of the minutes. The minutes were agreed by all and duly signed by the Chairman. Correspondence Notice of Appeal – DC/06/2650 Temporary part change of use from residential to class B1 use for a period of 2 years, Nevada, London Road Amendments None Applications DC/07/0837 The Willows, London Road (Listed Building Consent) - Existing external side porch to be made fit for internal use and external door to be moved to the porch south side level with driveway. The Council supported this application. DC/07/0838 The Willows London Road (Listed building) - Completion of courtyard wall enclosing courtyard to south side using similar materials and design as existing walls to north and west walls of courtyard. The Council supported this application. DC/07/0959 23 Hillcrest Drive – Single storey rear extension. The Council supported this application. DC/07/1004 Spinney Ruff, Ivy Lane - demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one replacement four bed dwelling. The Council supported this application. Horsham District Council Page 7 of 16 Approvals DC/07/0524 9 Foster Lane - Conversion of garage into habitable room DC/07/0426 The Orchard Hole Street - change of use of land from agricultural to storage /parking for fair ground vehicles and equipment DC/07/0277 Thornbank, Billingshurst Road - replacement building comprising 3 stables and tack room DC/07/0525 6 Posthorses - Single storey extension and dormer window DC/07/0498 Jinkes Farm Cottage Park Lane - Single storey rear extension and regularisation of conversion of 1st floor store over garage into studio used as ancillary to dwelling and other works. Refusals None Withdrawals None The next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for 23rd May 2007. FINANCE Correspondence SALC/NALC subscription increase – our proposal has been accepted and a new invoice has been issued. KD D The Clerk reported that the quarterly bank reconciliation had been approved by Cllr Norton. The Clerk had prepared a short budget report for the financial year 06/07 and circulated to Councillors. In summary: a small number of budgets were slightly overspent, particularly unforeseen Play area maintenance, however, large savings were made in other areas eg Wardens, flower containers. The information will be useful for preparing annual budgets in the future. Income Donations to 1st Responders ‘Paeds Kit’ fund: Elizabeth Jones Mary Davis Mrs K Hill Mrs D Clarke Mr B. Norton Mrs D. Norton £20 £10 £50 £10 £50 £25 Precept £31,350 HDC Environmental Cleansing grant Q4 £333.99 Page 8 of 16 Expenditure Donation to Ashington Methodist Church (meeting 10th May £12, Planning meeting 2nd May £5) £17 Cheque no. 638 Andrew Obee Landscape Gardeners contract payment Last payment £359.25 639 Mrs. F. Wood Litter Contract £273 640 Mrs. K. Dare Clerk Clerks expenses (home & telephone) Postage Stationery Print cartridges Total £537.65 £17 £1.42 £97.29 £40.98 £694.34 641 K. Hayler PCC Hospitality (from Chairman’s allowance) £33.68 642 J. Stillwell PCC Hospitality (from Chairman’s allowance) £104.19 643 LJ Chenery £235 644 ACCT Grant – mower (as agreed at last meeting) £1250 645 Youth Club Grant - insurance costs (as agreed at last meeting) £500 646 Bus shelter cleaning Country Crafts Fence repairs to Posthorses pond £1395 647 (emailed to Councillors for approval 19/4/07 as the fence around the pond was unsafe and needed emergency repairs. 7 Councillors emailed approval to the Clerk) G. Collier Dead Elm tree removal (inc VAT) £282 648 HALC Subscription £15 649 AiRS Subscription £40 650 Clive Richards Western Tree boundary (inc VAT) £869.50 651 SALC Subscription (reduced) 482.64 652 It was resolved that the schedule of payments shown above be approved for payment. Agreed by all present. REPORT FROM CHAIRMAN ON DEVELOPMENT ISSUES AND AMENITIES. See attached. Page 9 of 16 MEETINGS Chairman’s meetings listed under “Development Issues and Amenities Report”. Cllrs Berry, Stillwell and Kearney had met with Care Management Group on 10 th May. MINOR MATTERS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS Cllr Stillwell had received an enquiry from a local resident about ownership of a small piece of land adjacent to his property. The land was regularly covered in dog faeces and the resident wished to either dig it up or tarmac it to prevent this nuisance. Cllr Stillwell will inform the resident that the land in question belongs to WSCC Highways and that he should write to their area office at Clapham Common to discuss a course of action. Cllr Stillwell reported that the pavement outside her property was very uneven. Clerk to report to WSCC. KD To list Cllr Kearney reported that a number of tiles from the roof of Hoots House had been blown down in the recent high winds and were littering the pavement outside the property. Clerk to inform the owner. KD D Cllr Norton reminded the Council, for the benefit of the new Councillors, that Councillors were entitled to take an allowance (maximum £250) and claim any expenses incurred on Council business. However, re-elected Councillors had waived this right in favour of keeping Council costs down. In respect of the “Issues Outstanding “ list the Chairman brought to attention that work tickets had now been issued against a number of the Highways issues. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held at 7.45pm on Thursday 14th June 2007 at the Methodist Church London Road. Page 10 of 16 Items where no progress has been made: Item No Description 44 Warminghurst Close Play Area 48 S106 Community contributions applications Defibrillator Youth Club 48 white lining of car park & blocking off alleyway at both ends to the side of the “Golden Plaice” & removal of tree branches where vehicles have collided. 93 Fencing Oakwood Copse 94 Village ponds 108 Glenview / Santrew Hillcrest Drive 111 Council Website 118 Public footpath issues Page 11 of 16 Last Action & Date Repainting of equipment – Keith Booty instructed to undertake the work Will be done when the weather improves (May 07) HDC has approved the request from Ashington 1st Responders for £406. Waiting for 1st Responders to purchase defibrillator. Cheque written December 06 Heating and other projects to be agreed when funds from DC/06/1100 become available Reported 17th November 2006 Matthew Carpenter Clokes Management All now programmed for works to be carried out, white lines may wait until summer Reported to Taylor Woodrow August 2006 To contact Ben Rainbow in April 2007 to arrange for a summer pond survey and involve Ashington C of E school and their new conservation area. Clerk to arrange for a meeting with CMG every 2 months. Improve layout by adding photos etc. Clerk to keep up to date Footpath signs (2) on footpath 2607 Persimmon Pond to Chanctonbury Nurseries have been removed. Reported to WSCC 122 Meeting with Nick Herbert MP 127 Acorn Lane Tree guards Deep Water sign for erection at Posthorses Pond. western tree boundary 129 Sands path hedgerow 131 Water bowser blocking bridleway 2502/1. Page 12 of 16 Rights of Way and Countryside Ranger (26/10/06) who will replace on his next routine visit Blue sign at southern end of village directing to "Ashington Village" now bent over reported Nov 06. Sign removed Dec 06 The Chairman will meet with Nick Herbert. No response. A letter had been received from HDC about the proposal from the Developers of Applegarth/Oak Tree Cottage to name the new road Acorn Lane. The Parish Council would wish to name the new development at Applegarth/Oak Tree Cottage LINFIELD LANE and have informed HDC of this, twice. Cllr Wood will remove the guards and take them to the local tip. Given to Cllr Wood to install Clive Richards has quoted £740+VAT for the maintenance of the northern end. Started 1st May 2007 D The Clerk has contacted WSCC for advice/options/grants regarding restoring the ancient hedgerow. WSCC will inspect in the autumn and advise the Council. The Clerk met with the owner who had agreed 132 Dead Elm Trees Highway Rangers Street Scene Wardens Page 13 of 16 to move the bowser to allow better access along the bridleway. Moved April 2007 D Mr. Collier has provided a quote of £240+VAT to fell all of the dead elms and remove debris from the site. D Can undertake small scale highways works eg simple repairs, some vegetation trimming. Cllr Wood suggested that overgrown vegetation from Mill Lane to the southern slip road be reported. April 2007 Will deal with wen necessary D To visit Ashington to tackle dog fouling. Clerk wrote to Ian Jopling April 2007. WSCC Highways Issues Fault Date reported Two lifting July 06 kerbstones at the shopping area 27 March 2007 Reference no Comments not deemed to be dangerous and therefore repairs by WSCC are a low priority WSEK-6ZPGNM Will be attended to by WSCC. April 2007 WSCC in discussion with the owner about moving the fence back to the correct boundary. Clerk wrote to Vince Tipper April2007 is on the forward programme for surface dressing WSEK-6ZPGPV Not deemed to be dangerous April 2007 Inspected November 2006, not significant enough to bring forward in works programme Not deemed to be dangerous April 2007 WSCC Highways state that the NRSWA Inspector is aware of the problem and the works must be brought up to spec. within 6 months otherwise the Developers are fined. Clerk reminded Roselands, London Road Timberlea Close road surface June 06 27 March 2007 Surface of footpath adjacent to southern slip road Sept 2006 Footpath outside 21 Turnpike Way Sept 06 Trench works (Applegarth/Oak Tree Cottage) 27 March 2007 Sept 06 WSEK-6ZPGR4 Page 14 of 16 Footpath from Meiros Way to Penn Gardens & Chanctonbury Nurseries Highways April 2007 WSCC Highways state that the footpath problems will be dealt with in the next couple of months. Sept 06 reminded 6/12/06 27th April 2007 WSEK-72NKT9 No serious cracks/defects but top dressing may be necessary County Councillor Wilkinson informed the Council that the phone number is 01243 642105 and that new notices will be installed on the pumps. WSCC to inspect the footpath WSEK-72NKNQ Job ticket raised 2nd May 2007 WSEK-72NKHK Manhole cover not dangerous but pothole in path and soil erosion at southern end will be done. 2nd May 2007 The large brown sign at the southern entrance to the village and the green three stripe 150 yard “countdown “ sign about 100 yards before Mill House turn off A24 Emergency contact number for the water pumps Footpath on the northern side of the road near the underpass. Jan 07 Raised manhole cover footpath 2606 (southern end near garages) 17/10/06 Damaged signs Feb 07 27th April 2007 27th April 2007 27th April 2007 WSEK-72NKRB Page 15 of 16 northbound carriageway large pothole outside 17 Hillcrest Drive March 2007 27th April 2007 WSEK-72NKG5 Damaged pedestrian barrier bottom of The Sands Drains in The Sands blocked Pothole outside Telephone exchange, London Road 23 March 2007 WSEK-6ZKKXN 27 March 2007 WSEK-6ZPGL8 27 March 2007 WSEK-6ZPGMC Page 16 of 16 Job ticket raised 2nd May 2007. Potholes outside 51, 30 & 36 will also be done Will be dealt with. April 2007 Will be dealt with. April 2007 Not deemed to be dangerous