Iowa Disaster Human Resource Council Meeting minutes November 8, 2012 The November 8, 2012 meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Rick Wulfekuhle. Conference line and EOC roll call was done. Present: Trish Burket, Blake DeRouchey, Janna Diehl, Tara Dowd, Diane Heidorn, Marla Potts, Lori Williams, Rick Wulfekuhle Present via conference call: Dan Cataldi, Don Hampton, Chris Juett, Barb Shultz, Linda Von Bank Trish Burket moved to approve the October minutes as sent out. Janna Diehl seconded the motion The motion carried unanimously Committee Reports Emotional and Spiritual Care/Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) Community Relations – Action Items Completed: Information shared by Karen Hyatt including possible need for emotional assistance teams following Hurricane Sandy. Sharing in case you have friends, family or business associates affected by Hurricane Sandy. Also, there is some discussion of asking states with teams such as ours to assist in the near future. I will keep you posted with future developments. Disability Rights Office/CGB Offers Communication Guidance to Persons with Disabilities in Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau offers the following information to individuals with disabilities seeking information and assistance during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy: Phone Calls According to an October 30, 2012 FEMA news release, the President declared major disasters for New York and New Jersey, making disaster assistance available to those in the heaviest hit areas affected by the storm. Individuals and business owners who sustained losses in the designated counties in New York and New Jersey can begin the disaster application process by registering online at, by web enabled mobile device at or by calling1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Disaster assistance applicants who have a hearing or speech disability and use TTYs should call 1-800-462-7585 directly. If you do not use a TTY and are calling through any relay service or by voice, you can also access the following voice telephone number: 1800-621-3362. These toll-free telephone numbers (provided by FEMA) will operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (local time) seven days a week until further notice. If you have a hearing or speech disability, you also can use telecommunications relay services to make calls for assistance. In your local area, dial 711 to access these services by TTY or by voice. Alternatively, you can access IP Relay, IP Captioned Telephone or video relay services on line. If you are trying to send someone a text message and it is not going through, wait 10 seconds before redialing a call. On many wireless handsets, to re-dial a number, you simply push "send" after you've ended a call to redial the previous number. If you do this too quickly, the data from the handset to the cell sites do not have enough time to clear before you've resent the same data. This contributes to a clogged network. If you do not have electric power in your home, consider using your vehicle to charge cell phones or listen to news alerts on the car radio. But don’t try to reach your car if it is not safe to do so, and remain vigilant about carbon monoxide emissions from your car if it is a closed space, such as a garage. Television, Radio and the Internet Tune-in to television, radio and the Internet (via your desktop or laptop computer, tablet or mobile phone) for important news alerts. FCC rules require audio information about emergencies provided on television to be accompanied by visual information for persons with hearing disabilities. This is typically provided through closed captions, so please make sure you have your captions turned on. If you have a visual disability, emergency information provided during televised news programming must be provided in an audio format along with its visual format. If you are watching regularly scheduled (non-news) programming and hear tones or beeps, this signifies that emergency information is being provided. Turn on your radio or call someone to get up-to-date information about the emergency that is occurring. The Commission will continue to monitor closely complaints alleging violations of our laws requiring access to emergency information on television, and will review for possible enforcement action. If you have a complaint regarding the lack of emergency information being presented in an accessible format, you may contact your video programming distributor directly for quick resolution of the problem (you can locate VPD contact information by searching the VPD Registry located on the FCC’s webpage at: or you may file a complaint with the FCC. If you decide to complain directly to the FCC, your complaint should include: The name of the VPD (e.g., broadcast station, cable company, satellite TV provider, local telephone company) against whom the complaint is alleged; The date and time of the transmission of emergency information that was in a format not accessible to persons with disabilities; and The type of emergency. You can file your complaint with the FCC using the on-line complaint Form 2000C found at You also may contact the FCC by letter, facsimile transmission, telephone (voice/TRS/TTY), Internet e-mail, audio-cassette recording, Braille, or any other method that would best accommodate your disability. Send your complaint to: Federal Communications Commission Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Phone: 1-888-225-5322 (voice); 1-888-835-5322 (TTY) E-mail: Internet: Fax: 866-418-0232 Fact sheets summarizing the closed captioning and access to emergency information rules are available at the FCC’s Web site at, and Find more information at,, or Communications and Marketing – Nothing to report Volunteer and Donations Management – Nothing to report Casework Management – Action Items Completed o Our Training opportunity was held on October 17th at the Plymouth Congregational Church with 28 in attendance. Rev Dr. Bryan Crousore, Emergency Response Specialist with Church World Service was the presenter. He illustrated how long term recovery groups were organized and operated and the functions of long term recovery and the importance of Case Management in the overall operations of a recovery. o At noon we expressed our thanks to Bryan for his years of service and served cake with lunch. Functional Needs and Mass Care – Nothing to report Finance Committee – Nothing to report President’s Report – Action Items Completed: o Rick reported that efforts will continue with the emergency management association in moving forward with both strategic plans. Also noted discussions about aligning with the mission of CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) and the Citizen Corps effort with Steve O’Neil and the North Central Iowa group. o Blake and Rick completed and submitted an application for the FEMA 2012 Community Resilience Innovation Challenge in support of the fiscal effort for the potential AmeriCorps position along with the all hazard radio program. Notification of this was to be announced 11-23-12. o Gina sent Rick a report that the all hazard radios are being distributed with 89 to date and hopes of the rest this month yet with their Community Action group’s heat assistance program being implemented. Action Items In-progress/Pending: o Rick, Gina to report on any pilot County updates and a final plan. o Rick, to get with Steve O’Neil for strategic plan efforts. o Rick, Karin to get information needed for an outcome survey. o Rick/others to continue work with securing funding for future implementation and stakeholder interest. o Other ideas on project implementation to e-mail to Rick. New Business Nominations for Vacant Committee Chairs Communication and Marketing o Still no nominations Open Discussion Hurricane Sandy Updates Members with people deployed or were being looked at for deployment gave an update as to what their organizations were doing. o Many organizations reported current or future deployments from local offices to impacted areas. Unmet Needs Training Opportunities WebEOC Training January 17, following the IDHRC Meeting Upcoming Conferences NVOAD Conference, Portland, OR May 13-16 Prepare Fair, Crossroads Mall, Waterloo Iowa March 23 Janna Diehl moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 Marla Potts Seconded the motion The motion carried unanimously Next Meeting The next conference call will be on December 20, 2012 beginning at 10:00 a.m. If you need a conference line for your committee meeting please contact Blake. The conference line will be assigned to the committees on a first come first serve basis. Conference call number: 1-800-6458878 Pin number: 003251 –Webinar information will be sent along with the agenda. The next face to face meeting will take place on January 17, 2012 at the State Emergency Operations Center at Joint Forces Headquarters. Committee meetings will begin at 9:00 a.m. with the large group meeting at 10:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Tara Dowd