140 Si source : X-ray Cu-Ka1 1,540598 2Theta : 20,000 - 140,000 geometry : Bragg-Brentano, fixed slit, no anom. disp. 130 135 335 125 026 120 H K L 2Theta/deg d/Å I/rel. |F(hkl)| ____________________________________ 115 244 135 110 100,00 59,60 67,10 69,74 39,94 46,21 0,00 0,00 10,70 60,10 16,19 40,66 23,14 53,66 10,17 36,46 3,39 36,46 9,18 48,34 18,41 32,91 0,00 0,00 20,62 43,78 12,01 29,87 100 105 044 90 95 115 80 85 224 70 75 133 222 60 65 004 50 55 113 25 30 35 40 45 022 20 3,13501 1,91979 1,63721 1,56751 1,35750 1,24573 1,10839 1,04500 1,04500 0,95990 0,91784 0,90500 0,85856 0,82807 0 28,447 47,311 56,133 58,868 69,144 76,392 88,049 94,974 94,974 106,735 114,123 116,676 127,585 136,944 5562 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 3 0 1 2 0 3 Si 1 2 1 2 0 3 2 1 3 4 3 4 2 3 11124 1 2 3 2 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 6 5 FCC unit cell with four atoms: 000, ½ ½ 0, ½ 0 ½ , 0 ½ ½ positions Fg is non-zero only if all hkl are all even or all odd More atoms in the unit cell can result in additional restrictions. Si:+ ¼¼¼, ¾¾¼, ¼¾¾, ¾¼¾ FCC [001] zone axis Structure factor: N Fg= fnexp(2π i(hxn+kyn+lzn)) 1 rn=[xn, yn, zn] position vector for atom n in the unit cell c ba PowderCell 2.0 R2 R1 R3 R4 R1 = 0.50 mm and corresponds to the 111 reflection R3 = R1, R4 = 0.58 mm and R2 = 0.815 mm 1. What is the camera constant? 2. Calculate the d-values corresponding to R2 and R4 3. Index the diffraction pattern? 4. Find the zone axis. 5. Why do we see the reflection corresponding to R4 by ED and not XRD? 6.What would the [100] projection look like (compare with FCC ED diffraction pattern).