Study Questions: Chapter 27


Biology 204 - Study Questions (M. G. Simpson)

Lectures 8-9: Fungi

1. What group is the closest relative to the fungi?

2. Name four important things about fungi.

3. What is a mycorrhiza?

4. What is the importance of mycorrhizal fungi?

5. Name 4 human and 2 plant diseases caused by species of fungi.

6. What is meant by absorptive nutrition?

7. What compound is found in the cell wall of all fungi?

8. Are fungi unicellular or multicellular?

9. What is the term for individual multicellular filaments of most fungi? the entire mass?

10. Name all five major groups of fungi and draw the cladogram for these groups.

11. What are names for the group of fungi that lack sexual structures?

12. What is a haplontic life cycle? Draw it, noting all stages, structures, and processes. (see lab manual)

15. What distinguishes the Chytridiomycota from the other fungi?

16. Are these distinguishing features apomorphic or ancestral?

17. What derived features (apomorphies) unite the fungi other than the Chytridiomycota?

18. What is the difference between coenocytic (aseptate) and septate?

19. Do Zygomycota have coenocytic or septate hyphae?

20. What asexual reproductive features are diagnostic of many Zygomycota?

21. What is the name of the diploid, resistant, resting structure that results from fertilization (syngamy) in the Zygomycota

(e.g., Rhizopus ).

22. To what group do vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae belong?

23. Name and define the feature (apomorphy) that unites the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.

24. Name and define the feature (apomorphy) that unites the Ascomycota alone.

25. What is the difference between a Hemiascomycete and a Euascomycete?

26. What is an ascocarp?

27. Name the most important member of the Hemiascomycetes.

28. What is the genus name for common yeast?

29. What name is given to asexual divisions in yeasts?

30. What is anaerobic fermentation, and name the chemical reaction involved in anaerobic fermentation.

31. What are the two major economically important products that yeast contribute to.

32. What structures do Euascomycetes produce?

33. Name some economically important parasites of Euascomycetes.

34. Name two edible Euascomycetes.

35. What genus of Euascomycetes is the source of an important antibiotic and is grown to flavor cheeses?

36. What genus of Euascomycetes is used in the production of soy sauce and sake?

37. What carcinogenic toxin is produced from some members of the above genus that grow on nuts?

38. What is ergot, what does it infect, and what is its economic significance?

39. What is the function of ergonovine? ergotamine?

40.What are conidia and what is their function?

41. Describe the stages of sexual reproduction in the Ascomycota.

42. What process occurs within an ascus?

43. What features are diagnostic (apomorphic) for the Basidiomycota?

44. Name some common types of Basidiomycota.

45. What is a basidium and how does it differ from an ascus?

46. What is a basidiocarp?

47. What type of hyphae make up a mushroom?

48. What process occurs within a basidium and what is the result?

49. What are some economically important Basidiomycota?

50. What is a lichen?

51. To what group of fungi do most lichens belong?

52. What is the typical photosynthetic symbiont of a lichen?

53. Name the 3 body forms of lichens.

54. What is a soredium (plural = soredia)?

55. What is the importance of lichens?
