Informations pour les parents dont les enfants rentrent en première

Information for parents of children
entering 1st year Primary
325, route de l’Etat
1380 LASNE
Tél.: 02/633.13.05
Fax :02/633.56.90
The curriculum followed in our school is in line with directives of the board of education of
municipalities and provinces.
The values promoted by our network are responsible citizenship, respect of children’s rights,
the mastery of basic skills, and equal opportunities.
Learning french
Talk - listen
The method of reading taught in school :
A) Functional reading
This is a reading technique which focuses on the search of the meaning of a word from an
image or a context, while applying the principle of anticipation-identification (making
assumptions and verifying them in writing).
Initially, the reading activities will be functional, ie they focus on the search for meaning and
thus eliminate the poor content (eg, Lola leaves in Liverpool).
At the beginning of the school year, the child will get familiarized with the writing, and will
have increased his awareness for recognising and remembering it.
The teacher will read a lot and invite the children to read with her, watching the words.
By browsing, rereading the text, the child will recognize certain words.
They will build up their word capital.
B) Analytical Reading
From the words recognised by Functional reading, we review the Code, ie, letters and sounds
of the word. We learn to recognize these letters from hearing, reading and writing them also.
We then produce written words.
The child percieves the characteristics of various written words encountered, with the help of
the adult through the following questions:
What is the contexts of the words?
What is the status of communication?
What kind of text?
Focus is aslo made on :
Organization and coherence.
Linguistics of the phrase .
Spelling, punctuation, vocabulary.
Immersed in the e-mail era, the future adult will communicate often, to question (orally or in
writing), convince (orally or in writing), express opinions and feelings (orally or in writing).
These skills acquired through schoolwork will enable children to integrate society, to flourish,
and will lead to independance of action and thought.
Learnings in mathematics
The teaching of mathematics should enable students to:
- Develop skills in managing tools (eg study of numbers, of the 4 operations ... ) and
mathematical approaches (eg encrypted stories)
- Develop skills involving aspects related to communication (eg spatial organisation)
- To develop skills in problem solving (challenges), to acquire deep knowledge and to forge a
confident personality.
Concrete and / or cognitive manipulations are means of developing the research process of the
child (Study of numbers up to 20). They can be used to verify a hypothesis in advance. In
such a case, they validate the result. But they can also be used to anticipate the reasoning and
guide the search for solutions.
Acting on objects, and thinking about the action as much as the result of this action, allows
the child to mathematise situations and solve problems.
Importance of using concrete applications.
Develop a strategy and apply it
Verify and validate
Communicate results
Coupled with the learning of other disciplines, that of awakening helps students develop
communication skills, design and use mathematical concepts, use spatial milestones ...
The more specific objective is to enable all students to develop a scientific culture that is
crucial in the development of autonomous and responsible individuals.
Sciences are a reflection on ethics, on the morality of our actions and our discoveries, and
help develop appropriate attitudes to face potential risks. Sciences are a set of knowledge,
skills and attitudes to describe, understand and explain the natural and physical world, and to
position oneself in the universe.
The topics covered vary in relation to the school’s educational projects and interests of
Sciences: food, waste separation, the 5 senses, weather ...
History: chronology (the beginning of a time line related to the genealogical tree ... the impact
of the past on the present and the future ...)
Geography : spatial organisation: building benchmarks and representations to situate onself,
to move into an area or to locate items.
Learning Dutch (2 hours per week)
The Dutch lessons focus on practice through a communicative approach.
Basic learning revolves around four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
In the first year, we develop 2 skills: listening and speaking
Sports: 1 hour gymnastics, pool 1h
Philosophical classes: 2 hours per week
Library: Once every 15 days
Workshops 5 / 8: Once every 15 days
To facilitate the transition to primary school, contacts with children of 3rd yr nursery school
are arranged at the Primary school with children of different ages (5-8 years). These contacts
take the form of workshops (reading, artistic techniques, ...) during which the elders take on
the role of tutor for the young children from the nursery school.