dialectical journal rubric

Name ___________________________________________
Length of DJ should be at least 3 typed pages.
Final will be turned in on Monday, March 10
(Two columns: quotation on left with commentary on the right)
A Detailed, meaningful passages and quote selections.
Thoughtful interpretation and intelligent commentary about the text; avoids
clichés. Includes such topics as tone, diction, imagery, or any rhetorical
elements, purpose character analysis, question-answer/clarification, predictionoutcome, comment-reaction; connects text to life and world. Does not contain
summary or Sparks’ Notes ideas. Does not plagiarize.
Journal is neat, organized, and professional looking; student has followed
directions in organizing the journal. (Two columns: quotation on left with
commentary on the right) Almost no errors in mechanics.
Mentioned at least 10 different rhetorical strategies or literary techniques and
responses were labeled with the codes such as Q, C, P, CL, R, and E.
B Less detailed, but good quote selections.
Some intelligent commentary; addresses some thematic connections. Some
listing of applicable literary elements, but meaning is incomplete. Adequately
addresses all parts of reading assignment and does not just focus on a specific
section. Original thinking. Definite consideration of meaning is given.
Journal is neat and readable; student has followed directions in the organization
of the journal. Not many errors. Not quite as in-depth as an A journal.
Mentioned at least 10 different rhetorical strategies and entries were mostly
correctly labeled.
C Some good quotes from the text but not thorough in coverage.
Most of the commentary is vague, quickly done, unsupported, or
summary/paraphrase only. Some listing of applicable rhetorical elements;
virtually no discussion on meaning. Addresses most of the reading assignment,
but is not very long or thorough. Journal is relatively neat, but may be difficult to
read. Student has not followed all directions in journal organization; loose-leaf, no
columns, not on separate paper, etc. Grammar and mechanics are not as good
as A and B papers.
Mentioned at least 10 rhetorical strategies but not labeled.
D/F Requirements not met.
All notes are plot summary or paraphrase. Few rhetorical elements, virtually no
discussion on meaning. Limited coverage of the text; way too short.
Did not follow directions in organizing journal.