Persuasive Speech Assessment

Persuasive Speech Assessment
Title of Speech:
Time: ________
Scoring key for public speaking portion:
0-2 = missing or minimal
3-4 = sometimes
4-5 = throughout the speech
Appearance and conduct are appropriate to the academic environment
Energy lends persuasive power and interest to the speech
Voice is loud enough to fill the space of a classroom
Enunciation makes each word distinct and clear
Modulation gives speech auditory variety and interest
Eye contact maintained consistently with whole audience
Posture tall and confident
Movement is natural and adds to speech rather than distracting from it
Hand gestures are natural and add to speech rather than distracting from it
Pace, pause and repetition used for rhetorical impact
Content ( /10 points each)
2-3 Rhetorical devices used
Organization clear and logical; grammar, syntax and usage correct; three drafts show
improvement and editing
Rhetorical opportunities maximized through the skillful use of logos, pathos, & ethos
Researched information used and attributed within the speech
Annotation of three articles demonstrates thorough understanding (extra credit points for
extra articles included in this assessment)