Progressive Era Timeline

US History
Progressive Reforms Timeline
Hepburn Act: After a battle with congress, Roosevelt won
passage of the 1906 Hepburn Act. The Act moved the
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) . The act authorized
the ICC to set and limit railroad rates. The ICC became the first
true federal regulatory agency.
Pure Food and Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act:
1906 laws required accurate labeling of ingredients, strict
sanitary conditions, and a rating systems for meats.
Children’s Bureau
1912 a cabinet- level department of labor was added in part of
the Department of Labor, supported laws to benefit women
and children
Women’s Bureau
1920: Department of Labor, supported laws to benefit women;
Julia Lanthrop and Mary Anderson, were in charge of these
bureaus, becoming the first women in such federal posts
Federal income tax
1913 authorized Congress to collect federal income taxes.
Before this the government relied on incomes from tariffs.
Progressives had argued that tariffs pushed up the prices of
goods for the working poor. The 16th Amendment enabled the
government to get more revenues from people with higher
Directions: Create a timeline of these events with pictures that match
each topic. Create a small poster due 9/28/12
Quiz on these words Monday Oct 1, 2012