Microsoft Word Conversion Template

Carpark Attendant
Operates and maintains a car parking facility by guarding cars in parking areas
and collecting fees at car park entry or exit points. May drive and park cars, and
operate boom gates.
Typical Work Tasks (may include any combination of the following):
Answer customers' enquiries; accepts money and give change; issues the correct
tickets; direct drivers to a parking space; checks to make sure all vehicles have a
parking ticket; keeps an eye on the cars and the parking area; makes security
checks on vehicles; collects rubbish and keep the area clean; does the banking
and keep reports of tickets issued; carries out parking warden duties.
Typical Work Environment:
Typically indoors but occasionally outdoors work.
Works in booths, unless at a “field event” in which case may stand outside by a
checkpoint. Deals directly with the public.
Will usually work in adequately heated and ventilated spaces.
Work spaces will usually be clean and well-maintained but are often cramped
Typical Physical and Mental Demands :
Sedentary to light physical work demand level.
Constantly sits or stands at sales counters or occasionally walks about the park
assisting customers.
Either manually or electronically enters customer charges into the till, receives
payments and processes these and issues receipts. May issue customers sales
Light stretching and/or twisting movements are likely to be required
frequently when receiving payment and giving change.
Bending, squatting or crouching movements are not a significant feature of
the job.
Lifting, pulling or carrying is not a significant feature of the job
Repetitive hand and finger movements are necessary when operating
electronic tills and computers and perhaps when directing traffic.
Driving is not a typical requirement.
Use of minor office hand tools such as pens or calculators will be occasional.
Mental skills necessary include calculating and communication skills.
Further Comments:
There are opportunities for flexibility of movement.
Key Entry Requirements (Skill Level/Qualifications/Licenses):
Nil (ANZSCO Skill Level 5).
This document is based on ANZSCO, 2013 (code 899912). Other sources of information that may have been
consulted are industry contacts, employers, newspapers and internet-based sources. For physical demand level
definitions see Matheson, L.N. (2003). Functional Capacity Evaluation.